I am trying to use PGSQL to read configuration values, and as radius (start/update/stop requests)
But, My installatin do dot understand [SQLAuth] Driver=PostgreSQL ...
Using Debian 3r1, Testing Openh323gk, gnugk. via apt-get
Not that, when I start the server, It displays:
Gatekeeper(GNU) Version(2.0.7) Ext(pthreads=1,acct=1,radius=1,mysql=0,ldap=1) Build(Apr 25 2004, 16:30:16)
Sys(Linux i686 2.4.18-bf2.4)
There is no information about PostgreSQL.
Also, I did "export MYSQL=1" and reconfigured GK, still does not support mySQL!
Any idea?
-- Sait KARALAR Intersan voIP Telephony
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