GK 2.0.8 Cant Route The Call to Parent

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Hi Folks


I am running GNUGK 2.0.8 behind the NAT (I am running my GK on Private IP).


I am registering my GK with another GNUGK acting as parent and am running on Public IP.


As I run Child GK it gets registered with Parent with out any problem


When I try to make call from endpoint through Child Gk call is disconnetecd automatically (Its send the DRQ ) and dissengaeReason =Normal Drop


But if Itry the call directly throgh Parent GK its ok.i am using the local Billing with Child Gk


Please let me Know Why ?



2004/06/13 02:14:22.168         1                    gk.cxx(72)          GK      Trace logging restarted.

2004/06/13 02:14:22.168         2             singleton.cxx(27)       Create instance: Toolkit(1)

2004/06/13 02:14:22.168         5               Toolkit.cxx(594)      Try name E:\GNUGK BACKUP\Backup GateKeeper\openh323gk\Release\gatekeeper.ini-7843

2004/06/13 02:14:22.248         4               Toolkit.cxx(115)      InterfaceTable: (MS TCP Loopback interface) <00-50-BA-DB-4B-E6> (Realtek RTL8029(AS) Ethernet Adapt)


2004/06/13 02:14:22.268         2               Toolkit.cxx(85)        Network=, IP=

2004/06/13 02:14:22.268         2               Toolkit.cxx(85)        Network=, IP=

2004/06/13 02:14:22.268         2               Toolkit.cxx(85)        Network=, IP=

2004/06/13 02:14:22.268         2               Toolkit.cxx(85)        Network=, IP=

2004/06/13 02:14:22.268         2               Toolkit.cxx(85)        Network=, IP=

2004/06/13 02:14:22.268         2               Toolkit.cxx(85)        Network=, IP=

2004/06/13 02:14:22.268         2               Toolkit.cxx(86)        Default IP=

2004/06/13 02:14:22.278         2               Toolkit.cxx(153)      GK      H.323 Proxy disabled

2004/06/13 02:14:22.288         2               Toolkit.cxx(401)      GK      Loaded per GW rewrite data:

2004/06/13 02:14:22.288         2               Toolkit.cxx(404)      GK      No per GW data loaded

2004/06/13 02:14:22.308         1                    gk.cxx(469)        OpenH323 Gatekeeper - The GNU Gatekeeper with ID 'gnugk' started

Gatekeeper(GNU) Version(2.2beta4) Ext(pthreads=0,radius=1,mysql=0,pgsql=0,large_fdset=0) Build(Apr 12 2004, 13:15:07) Sys(2000 i586 v5.0.2195)


2004/06/13 02:14:22.338         2             singleton.cxx(27)       Create instance: CallTable(2)

2004/06/13 02:14:22.348         2                    gk.cxx(507)        GK      TimeToLive for Registrations: 600

2004/06/13 02:14:22.348         2             singleton.cxx(27)       Create instance: RasServer(3)

2004/06/13 02:14:22.348         2          ProxyChannel.cxx(81)  RTPPortRange: 10000-59999

2004/06/13 02:14:22.358         2             singleton.cxx(27)       Create instance: Agent(4)

2004/06/13 02:14:22.358         5                   job.cxx(358)       JOB     Worker threads: 1 total - 1 busy, 0 idle

2004/06/13 02:14:22.358         2                RasSrv.cxx(672)    GK      Using Routed Signalling

2004/06/13 02:14:22.358         2                RasSrv.cxx(673)    GK      H.245 Routed Enabled

2004/06/13 02:14:22.358         2             singleton.cxx(27)       Create instance: GkStatus(5)

2004/06/13 02:14:22.358         5                   job.cxx(358)       JOB     Worker threads: 2 total - 2 busy, 0 idle

2004/06/13 02:14:22.358         2             singleton.cxx(27)       Create instance: RegistrationTable(6)

2004/06/13 02:14:22.358         5                  job.cxx(168)       JOB     Worker 2492 started

2004/06/13 02:14:22.358         5                   job.cxx(186)       JOB     Starting Job ProxyH(0) at Worker thread 2492

2004/06/13 02:14:22.358         3              yasocket.cxx(676)    ProxyH(0) waiting...

2004/06/13 02:14:22.358         5                   job.cxx(168)       JOB     Worker 2444 started

2004/06/13 02:14:22.358         5                   job.cxx(186)       JOB     Starting Job GkStatus at Worker thread 2444

2004/06/13 02:14:22.358         3              yasocket.cxx(676)    GkStatus waiting...

2004/06/13 02:14:22.368         5                   job.cxx(358)       JOB     Worker threads: 3 total - 3 busy, 0 idle

2004/06/13 02:14:22.368         2                RasSrv.cxx(709)    GK      Home =

2004/06/13 02:14:22.368         5                   job.cxx(168)       JOB     Worker 2524 started

2004/06/13 02:14:22.368         5                   job.cxx(186)       JOB     Starting Job TCPServer at Worker thread 2524

2004/06/13 02:14:22.368         3              yasocket.cxx(676)    TCPServer waiting...

2004/06/13 02:14:22.388         1                RasSrv.cxx(461)    Listening to

2004/06/13 02:14:22.388         5              yasocket.cxx(588)    RasServer total sockets 1

2004/06/13 02:14:22.388         1                RasSrv.cxx(461)    Listening to

2004/06/13 02:14:22.388         5              yasocket.cxx(588)    RasServer total sockets 2

2004/06/13 02:14:22.398         1                RasSrv.cxx(461)    Listening to

2004/06/13 02:14:22.398         5              yasocket.cxx(588)    TCPServer total sockets 1

2004/06/13 02:14:22.408         1                RasSrv.cxx(461)    Listening to

2004/06/13 02:14:22.408         5              yasocket.cxx(588)    TCPServer total sockets 2

2004/06/13 02:14:22.418         1                gkauth.cxx(287)     GkAuth            Add RadAuth rule with flags RAS:208 OTHER:0

2004/06/13 02:14:22.448         4              radproto.cxx(1580)  RADIUS          Created instance of RADIUS client (local if:, default ports: 1812,1813) for RADIUS servers group:

2004/06/13 02:14:22.458         5                gkauth.cxx(1815)   GkAuth            H.235 capabilities selected for GCF:

            Authentication mechanisms:

                        authenticationBES radius <<null>>

            Authentication algorithm OIDs:



2004/06/13 02:14:22.458         1                gkacct.cxx(172)     GKACCT        Created module RadAcct with event mask 3

2004/06/13 02:14:22.489         4              radproto.cxx(1580)  RADIUS          Created instance of RADIUS client (local if:, default ports: 1812,1813) for RADIUS servers group:

2004/06/13 02:14:22.499         2               Routing.cxx(426)     VQueue           (CTI) Virtual queues disabled - no virtual queues configured

2004/06/13 02:14:22.499         2             singleton.cxx(27)       Create instance: Routing::Analyzer(7)

2004/06/13 02:14:22.509         2                gkacct.cxx(275)     GKACCT        Successfully logged event 8

2004/06/13 02:14:22.509         5                   job.cxx(358)       JOB     Worker threads: 4 total - 4 busy, 0 idle

2004/06/13 02:14:22.509         5                   job.cxx(168)       JOB     Worker 1868 started

2004/06/13 02:14:22.509         5                   job.cxx(186)       JOB     Starting Job HouseKeeping at Worker thread 1868

2004/06/13 02:14:23.510         3                RasSrv.cxx(197)    RAS     Send to

gatekeeperRequest {

    requestSeqNum = 1

    protocolIdentifier =

    rasAddress = ipAddress {

      ip =  4 octets {

        c0 a8 00 8f                                        ....


      port = 1719


    endpointType = {

      gatekeeper = {


      mc = FALSE

      undefinedNode = FALSE


    authenticationCapability = 2 entries {

      [0]=pwdHash <<null>>

      [1]=authenticationBES radius <<null>>


    algorithmOIDs = 2 entries {




    supportsAltGK = <<null>>


2004/06/13 02:14:23.510         5                RasSrv.cxx(211)    RAS     Sent Successful

2004/06/13 02:14:23.931         5              yasocket.cxx(617)    RasServer 1 sockets selected from 2, total 2/0

2004/06/13 02:14:23.931         4                RasSrv.cxx(177)    RAS     Receiving on

2004/06/13 02:14:23.931         2                RasSrv.cxx(146)    RAS     Read from

2004/06/13 02:14:23.931         3                RasSrv.cxx(185)    RAS

gatekeeperConfirm {

    requestSeqNum = 1

    protocolIdentifier =

    gatekeeperIdentifier =  20 characters {

      0067 006b 0031 002e 0041 0064 0076 0061   gk1.Adva

      006e 0063 0065 0064 0056 004f 0049 0050   ncedVOIP

      002e 0063 006f 006d                       .com


    rasAddress = ipAddress {

      ip =  4 octets {

        80 f2 73 ae                                        ..s.


      port = 1719


    authenticationMode = authenticationBES radius <<null>>

    algorithmOID = 1.2.840.113548.


2004/06/13 02:14:23.931         2                RasSrv.cxx(1210)  RAS     Trapped GCF

2004/06/13 02:14:23.931         2              GkClient.cxx(604)    GKC    Discover GK at

2004/06/13 02:14:23.941         3                RasSrv.cxx(197)    RAS     Send to

registrationRequest {

    requestSeqNum = 2

    protocolIdentifier =

    nonStandardData = {

      nonStandardIdentifier = object (NULL)

      data ="" style='mso-spacerun:yes'>  16 octets {

        49 50 3d 31 39 32 2e 31  36 38 2e 30 2e 31 34 33   IP=



    discoveryComplete = TRUE

    callSignalAddress = 1 entries {

      [0]=ipAddress {

        ip =  4 octets {

          c0 a8 00 8f                                        ....


        port = 1222



    rasAddress = 1 entries {

      [0]=ipAddress {

        ip =  4 octets {

          c0 a8 00 8f                                        ....


        port = 1719



    terminalType = {

      gatekeeper = {


      gateway = {

        protocol = 1 entries {

          [0]=voice {

            supportedPrefixes = 1 entries {


                prefix = dialedDigits "*"






      mc = FALSE

      undefinedNode = FALSE


    terminalAlias = 1 entries {

      [0]=h323_ID  6 characters {

        006d 0061 007a 0068 0061 0072             mazhar



    gatekeeperIdentifier =  20 characters {

      0067 006b 0031 002e 0041 0064 0076 0061   gk1.Adva

      006e 0063 0065 0064 0056 004f 0049 0050   ncedVOIP

      002e 0063 006f 006d                       .com


    endpointVendor = {

      vendor = {

        t35CountryCode = 0

        t35Extension = 0

        manufacturerCode = 0


      productId =  59 octets {

        47 4e 55 20 47 61 74 65  6b 65 65 70 65 72 20 6f   GNU Gatekeeper o

        6e 20 32 30 30 30 20 69  35 38 36 20 76 35 2e 30   n 2000 i586 v5.0

        2e 32 31 39 35 2c 20 41  70 72 20 31 32 20 32 30   .2195, Apr 12 20

        30 34 20 31 33 3a 31 34  3a 30 38                  04 13:14:08


      versionId =  16 octets {

        56 65 72 73 69 6f 6e 20  32 2e 32 62 65 74 61 34   Version 2.2beta4



    timeToLive = 300

    tokens = 1 entries {


        tokenOID = 1.2.840.113548.

        timeStamp = 1087118063

        challenge =  16 octets {

          6c 0c 2f c3 bd 65 17 df  e3 d2 8c 7b 56 fa bb 97   l./..e.....{V...


        random = 121

        generalID =  7 characters {

          006d 0061 007a 0068 0061 0072 0000        mazhar




    keepAlive = FALSE

    willSupplyUUIEs = FALSE

    maintainConnection = FALSE

    supportsAltGK = <<null>>

    multipleCalls = TRUE


2004/06/13 02:14:23.941         5                RasSrv.cxx(211)    RAS     Sent Successful

2004/06/13 02:14:24.441         5              yasocket.cxx(617)    RasServer 1 sockets selected from 2, total 2/0

2004/06/13 02:14:24.441         4                RasSrv.cxx(177)    RAS     Receiving on

2004/06/13 02:14:24.441         2                RasSrv.cxx(146)    RAS     Read from

2004/06/13 02:14:24.441         3                RasSrv.cxx(185)    RAS

registrationConfirm {

    requestSeqNum = 2

    protocolIdentifier =

    nonStandardData = {

      nonStandardIdentifier = object

      data ="" style='mso-spacerun:yes'>  15 octets {

        4e 41 54 3d 32 30 33 2e  38 32 2e 35 31 2e 39      NAT=



    callSignalAddress = 1 entries {

      [0]=ipAddress {

        ip =  4 octets {

          80 f2 73 ae                                        ..s.


        port = 4186



    terminalAlias = 1 entries {

      [0]=h323_ID  6 characters {

        006d 0061 007a 0068 0061 0072             mazhar



    gatekeeperIdentifier =  20 characters {

      0067 006b 0031 002e 0041 0064 0076 0061   gk1.Adva

      006e 0063 0065 0064 0056 004f 0049 0050   ncedVOIP

      002e 0063 006f 006d                       .com


    endpointIdentifier =  17 characters {

      0035 0031 0039 0032 005f 0041 0064 0076   5192_Adv

      0061 006e 0063 0065 0064 0056 006f 0049   ancedVoI

      0050                                      P


    timeToLive = 60

    willRespondToIRR = FALSE

    maintainConnection = FALSE


2004/06/13 02:14:24.441         2                RasSrv.cxx(1210)  RAS     Trapped RCF

2004/06/13 02:14:24.441         2              GkClient.cxx(821)    GKC    Register with successfully

2004/06/13 02:14:24.441         5                   job.cxx(358)       JOB     Worker threads: 5 total - 5 busy, 0 idle

2004/06/13 02:14:24.451         5                   job.cxx(168)       JOB     Worker 1912 started

2004/06/13 02:14:24.451         5                   job.cxx(186)       JOB     Starting Job NATClient at Worker thread 1912

2004/06/13 02:14:25.012         2              GkClient.cxx(126)    GKC connected, wainting for incoming call

2004/06/13 02:14:28.998         5              yasocket.cxx(617)    RasServer 1 sockets selected from 2, total 2/0

2004/06/13 02:14:28.998         4                RasSrv.cxx(177)    RAS     Receiving on

2004/06/13 02:14:28.998         2                RasSrv.cxx(146)    RAS     Read from

2004/06/13 02:14:28.998         3                RasSrv.cxx(185)    RAS

gatekeeperRequest {

    requestSeqNum = 48477

    protocolIdentifier =

    rasAddress = ipAddress {

      ip =  4 octets {

        c0 a8 00 8f                                        ....


      port = 1226


    endpointType = {

      vendor = {

        vendor = {

          t35CountryCode = 9

          t35Extension = 0

          manufacturerCode = 61


        productId =  3 octets {

          00 00 00                                           ...


        versionId =  26 octets {

          31 2e 30 2e 31 20 28 4f  70 65 6e 48 33 32 33 20   1.0.1 (OpenH323

          76 31 2e 31 32 2e 32 29  00 00                     v1.12.2)..



      terminal = {


      mc = FALSE

      undefinedNode = FALSE


    endpointAlias = 1 entries {

      [0]=h323_ID  4 characters {

        0064 0065 006d 006f                       demo



    authenticationCapability = 2 entries {

      [0]=pwdHash <<null>>

      [1]=authenticationBES radius <<null>>


    algorithmOIDs = 2 entries {




    supportsAltGK = <<null>>


2004/06/13 02:14:28.998         5                   job.cxx(358)       JOB     Worker threads: 6 total - 6 busy, 0 idle

2004/06/13 02:14:28.998         5                   job.cxx(168)       JOB     Worker 2576 started

2004/06/13 02:14:28.998         5                   job.cxx(186)       JOB     Starting Job GRQ at Worker thread 2576

2004/06/13 02:14:28.998         1                RasSrv.cxx(306)    RAS     GRQ Received

2004/06/13 02:14:28.998         4                gkauth.cxx(1874)   GK      GCF will select authentication mechanism: authenticationBES radius <<null>> and algorithm OID: 1.2.840.113548.

2004/06/13 02:14:28.998         2                RasSrv.cxx(351)    GCF||demo:h323_ID|terminal;

2004/06/13 02:14:28.998         3                RasSrv.cxx(197)    RAS     Send to

gatekeeperConfirm {

    requestSeqNum = 48477

    protocolIdentifier =

    gatekeeperIdentifier =  5 characters {

      0067 006e 0075 0067 006b                  gnugk


    rasAddress = ipAddress {

      ip =  4 octets {

        c0 a8 00 8f                                        ....


      port = 1719


    authenticationMode = authenticationBES radius <<null>>

    algorithmOID = 1.2.840.113548.


2004/06/13 02:14:29.008         5              yasocket.cxx(617)    RasServer 1 sockets selected from 2, total 2/0

2004/06/13 02:14:29.008         4                RasSrv.cxx(177)    RAS     Receiving on

2004/06/13 02:14:29.008         2                RasSrv.cxx(146)    RAS     Read from

2004/06/13 02:14:29.008         3                RasSrv.cxx(185)    RAS

registrationRequest {

    requestSeqNum = 48478

    protocolIdentifier =

    discoveryComplete = TRUE

    callSignalAddress = 1 entries {

      [0]=ipAddress {

        ip =  4 octets {

          c0 a8 00 8f                                        ....


        port = 1720



    rasAddress = 1 entries {

      [0]=ipAddress {

        ip =  4 octets {

          c0 a8 00 8f                                        ....


        port = 1226



    terminalType = {

      vendor = {

        vendor = {

          t35CountryCode = 9

          t35Extension = 0

          manufacturerCode = 61


        productId =  3 octets {

          00 00 00                                           ...


        versionId =  26 octets {

          31 2e 30 2e 31 20 28 4f  70 65 6e 48 33 32 33 20   1.0.1 (OpenH323

          76 31 2e 31 32 2e 32 29  00 00                     v1.12.2)..



      terminal = {


      mc = FALSE

      undefinedNode = FALSE


    terminalAlias = 1 entries {

      [0]=h323_ID  4 characters {

        0064 0065 006d 006f                       demo



    gatekeeperIdentifier =  5 characters {

      0067 006e 0075 0067 006b                  gnugk


    endpointVendor = {

      vendor = {

        t35CountryCode = 9

        t35Extension = 0

        manufacturerCode = 61


      productId =  3 octets {

        00 00 00                                           ...


      versionId =  26 octets {

        31 2e 30 2e 31 20 28 4f  70 65 6e 48 33 32 33 20   1.0.1 (OpenH323

        76 31 2e 31 32 2e 32 29  00 00                     v1.12.2)..



    tokens = 1 entries {


        tokenOID = 1.2.840.113548.

        timeStamp = 1087118069

        challenge =  16 octets {

          95 87 ca 75 df 71 65 fe  7c 47 ae 6c 17 f0 09 4a   ...u.qe.|G.l...J


        random = 75

        generalID =  5 characters {

          0064 0065 006d 006f 0000                  demo




    keepAlive = FALSE

    willSupplyUUIEs = TRUE

    maintainConnection = FALSE

    supportsAltGK = <<null>>

    usageReportingCapability = {

      nonStandardUsageTypes = 0 entries {


      startTime = <<null>>

      endTime = <<null>>

      terminationCause = <<null>>


    callCreditCapability = {

      canDisplayAmountString = TRUE

      canEnforceDurationLimit = TRUE



2004/06/13 02:14:29.018         5                   job.cxx(358)       JOB     Worker threads: 7 total - 7 busy, 0 idle

2004/06/13 02:14:29.018         5                RasSrv.cxx(211)    RAS     Sent Successful

2004/06/13 02:14:29.018         5                   job.cxx(421)       JOB     Job GRQ deleted

2004/06/13 02:14:29.018         5                   job.cxx(410)       JOB     Worker threads: 7 total - 6 busy, 1 idle

2004/06/13 02:14:29.018         5                   job.cxx(168)       JOB     Worker 1340 started

2004/06/13 02:14:29.018         5                   job.cxx(186)       JOB     Starting Job RRQ at Worker thread 1340

2004/06/13 02:14:29.018         1                RasSrv.cxx(306)    RAS     RRQ Received

2004/06/13 02:14:29.018         5              radproto.cxx(2329)  RADIUS          Created new RADIUS client socket: port:28435[0,60-60]

2004/06/13 02:14:29.018         3              radproto.cxx(1798)  RADIUS          Sending PDU to RADIUS server ( from port:28435[0,60-61], PDU: {

        code = 1 (Access-Request)

        id = 60

        length = 123 octets

        authenticator = 16 octets {

          13 4f 74 14 86 89 45 fa  97 ac d8 57 5c 28 4b a9   .Ot...E....W\(K.


        attributes = 9 elements {

          [0]= {

            type = 1 (User-Name)

            length = 6 octets

            value = 4 octets {

              64 65 6d 6f                                        demo



          [1]= {

            type = 3 (CHAP-Password)

            length = 19 octets

            value = 17 octets {

              4b 95 87 ca 75 df 71 65  fe 7c 47 ae 6c 17 f0 09   K...u.qe.|G.l...

              4a                                                 J



          [2]= {

            type = 60 (CHAP-Challenge)

            length = 6 octets

            value = 4 octets {

              40 cc 1a f5                                        @...



          [3]= {

            type = 4 (NAS-IP-Address)

            length = 6 octets

            value = 4 octets {

              c0 a8 00 8f                                        ....



          [4]= {

            type = 32 (NAS-Identifier)

            length = 7 octets

            value = 5 octets {

              67 6e 75 67 6b                                     gnugk



          [5]= {

            type = 61 (NAS-Port-Type)

            length = 6 octets

            value = 4 octets {

              00 00 00 05                                        ....



          [6]= {

            type = 6 (Service-Type)

            length = 6 octets

            value = 4 octets {

              00 00 00 01                                        ....



          [7]= {

            type = 8 (Framed-IP-Address)

            length = 6 octets

            value = 4 octets {

              c0 a8 00 8f                                        ....



          [8]= {

            type = 26 (Vendor-Specific)

            length = 41 octets

            vendorId = 9

            vendorValue = 35 octets {

              01 23 68 33 32 33 2d 69  76 72 2d 6f 75 74 3d 74   .#h323-ivr-out=t

              65 72 6d 69 6e 61 6c 2d  61 6c 69 61 73 3a 64 65   erminal-alias:de

              6d 6f 3b                                           mo;






2004/06/13 02:14:29.088         3              radproto.cxx(1824)  RADIUS          Received PDU from RADIUS server ( by socket port:28435[0,60-61], PDU: {

        code = 2 (Access-Accept)

        id = 60

        length = 77 octets

        authenticator = 16 octets {

          ad 44 4b ef 5c cc 52 5e  4c 5c 2b 96 1c 62 d3 20   .DK.\.R^L\+..b.


        attributes = 2 elements {

          [0]= {

            type = 26 (Vendor-Specific)

            length = 31 octets

            vendorId = 9

            vendorValue = 25 octets {

              65 19 68 33 32 33 2d 63  72 65 64 69 74 2d 61 6d   e.h323-credit-am

              6f 75 6e 74 3d 35 2e 30  30                        ount=5.00



          [1]= {

            type = 26 (Vendor-Specific)

            length = 26 octets

            vendorId = 9

            vendorValue = 20 octets {

              67 14 68 33 32 33 2d 72  65 74 75 72 6e 2d 63 6f   g.h323-return-co

              64 65 3d 30                                        de=0






2004/06/13 02:14:29.088         4                  gkauth.h(113)       GkAuth            RadAuth check ok

2004/06/13 02:14:29.098         1                RasTbl.cxx(61)       New EP||demo:h323_ID|terminal|2814_endp


2004/06/13 02:14:29.098         2                RasSrv.cxx(351)            RCF||demo:h323_ID|terminal|2814_endp;

2004/06/13 02:14:29.098         3                RasSrv.cxx(197)    RAS     Send to

registrationConfirm {

    requestSeqNum = 48478

    protocolIdentifier =

    callSignalAddress = 1 entries {

      [0]=ipAddress {

        ip =  4 octets {

          c0 a8 00 8f                                        ....


        port = 1222



    terminalAlias = 1 entries {

      [0]=h323_ID  4 characters {

        0064 0065 006d 006f                       demo



    gatekeeperIdentifier =  5 characters {

      0067 006e 0075 0067 006b                  gnugk


    endpointIdentifier =  9 characters {

      0032 0038 0031 0034 005f 0065 006e 0064   2814_end

      0070                                      p


    timeToLive = 600

    willRespondToIRR = FALSE

    maintainConnection = FALSE


2004/06/13 02:14:29.148         5                RasSrv.cxx(211)    RAS     Sent Successful

2004/06/13 02:14:29.148         5                   job.cxx(421)       JOB     Job RRQ deleted

2004/06/13 02:14:29.148         5                   job.cxx(410)       JOB     Worker threads: 7 total - 5 busy, 2 idle

2004/06/13 02:14:36.368         5              yasocket.cxx(617)    RasServer 1 sockets selected from 2, total 2/0

2004/06/13 02:14:36.368         4                RasSrv.cxx(177)    RAS     Receiving on

2004/06/13 02:14:36.368         2                RasSrv.cxx(146)    RAS     Read from

2004/06/13 02:14:36.378         3                RasSrv.cxx(185)    RAS

admissionRequest {

    requestSeqNum = 48479

    callType = pointToPoint <<null>>

    endpointIdentifier =  9 characters {

      0032 0038 0031 0034 005f 0065 006e 0064   2814_end

      0070                                      p


    destinationInfo = 1 entries {

      [0]=dialedDigits "923335251992"


    srcInfo = 1 entries {

      [0]=h323_ID  4 characters {

        0064 0065 006d 006f                       demo



    bandWidth = 100000

    callReferenceValue = 25562

    conferenceID =  16 octets {

      6f 35 5d 61 4f f0 18 10  98 51 00 50 ba db 4b e6   o5]aO....Q.P..K.


    activeMC = FALSE

    answerCall = FALSE

    canMapAlias = TRUE

    callIdentifier = {

      guid =  16 octets {

        86 31 5d 61 4f f0 18 10  98 51 00 50 ba db 4b e6   .1]aO....Q.P..K.



    gatekeeperIdentifier =  5 characters {

      0067 006e 0075 0067 006b                  gnugk


    tokens = 1 entries {


        tokenOID = 1.2.840.113548.

        timeStamp = 1087118076

        challenge =  16 octets {

          7c 5f 95 7d e6 4e bf 38  ba 5f 41 9d a6 83 3a c3   |_.}.N.8._A...:.


        random = 76

        generalID =  5 characters {

          0064 0065 006d 006f 0000                  demo




    willSupplyUUIEs = TRUE


2004/06/13 02:14:36.378         5                   job.cxx(358)       JOB     Worker threads: 7 total - 6 busy, 1 idle

2004/06/13 02:14:36.378         5                   job.cxx(186)       JOB     Starting Job ARQ at Worker thread 1340

2004/06/13 02:14:36.378         1                RasSrv.cxx(306)    RAS     ARQ Received

2004/06/13 02:14:36.378         3              radproto.cxx(1798)  RADIUS          Sending PDU to RADIUS server ( from port:28435[0,60-62], PDU: {

      code = 1 (Access-Request)

      id = 61

      length = 243 octets

      authenticator = 16 octets {

        f4 79 68 24 c6 20 8f d3  90 ed d3 2a ba c2 a3 ed   .yh$. .....*....


      attributes = 14 elements {

        [0]= {

          type = 1 (User-Name)

          length = 6 octets

          value = 4 octets {

            64 65 6d 6f                                        demo



        [1]= {

          type = 3 (CHAP-Password)

          length = 19 octets

          value = 17 octets {

            4c 7c 5f 95 7d e6 4e bf  38 ba 5f 41 9d a6 83 3a   L|_.}.N.8._A...:

            c3                                                 .



        [2]= {

          type = 60 (CHAP-Challenge)

          length = 6 octets

          value = 4 octets {

            40 cc 1a fc                                        @...



        [3]= {

          type = 4 (NAS-IP-Address)

          length = 6 octets

          value = 4 octets {

            c0 a8 00 8f                                        ....



        [4]= {

          type = 32 (NAS-Identifier)

          length = 7 octets

          value = 5 octets {

            67 6e 75 67 6b                                     gnugk



        [5]= {

          type = 61 (NAS-Port-Type)

          length = 6 octets

          value = 4 octets {

            00 00 00 05                                        ....



        [6]= {

          type = 6 (Service-Type)

          length = 6 octets

          value = 4 octets {

            00 00 00 01                                        ....



        [7]= {

          type = 8 (Framed-IP-Address)

          length = 6 octets

          value = 4 octets {

            c0 a8 00 8f                                        ....



        [8]= {

          type = 31 (Calling-Station-Id)

          length = 6 octets

          value = 4 octets {

            64 65 6d 6f                                        demo



        [9]= {

          type = 30 (Called-Station-Id)

          length = 14 octets

          value = 12 octets {

            39 32 33 33 33 35 32 35  31 39 39 32               923335251992



        [10]= {

          type = 26 (Vendor-Specific)

          length = 56 octets

          vendorId = 9

          vendorValue = 50 octets {

            18 32 68 33 32 33 2d 63  6f 6e 66 2d 69 64 3d 36   .2h323-conf-id=6

            46 36 46 36 46 36 46 20  34 46 34 46 34 46 34 46   F6F6F6F 4F4F4F4F

            20 39 38 39 38 39 38 39  38 20 42 41 42 41 42 41    98989898 BABABA

            42 41                                              BA



        [11]= {

          type = 26 (Vendor-Specific)

          length = 34 octets

          vendorId = 9

          vendorValue = 28 octets {

            1a 1c 68 33 32 33 2d 63  61 6c 6c 2d 6f 72 69 67   ..h323-call-orig

            69 6e 3d 6f 72 69 67 69  6e 61 74 65               in=originate



        [12]= {

          type = 26 (Vendor-Specific)

          length = 27 octets

          vendorId = 9

          vendorValue = 21 octets {

            1b 15 68 33 32 33 2d 63  61 6c 6c 2d 74 79 70 65   ..h323-call-type

            3d 56 6f 49 50                                     =VoIP



        [13]= {

          type = 26 (Vendor-Specific)

          length = 24 octets

          vendorId = 9

          vendorValue = 18 octets {

            21 12 68 33 32 33 2d 67  77 2d 69 64 3d 67 6e 75   !.h323-gw-id=gnu

            67 6b                                              gk






2004/06/13 02:14:36.459         3              radproto.cxx(1824)  RADIUS          Received PDU from RADIUS server ( by socket port:28435[0,60-62], PDU: {

      code = 2 (Access-Accept)

      id = 61

      length = 105 octets

      authenticator = 16 octets {

        5a 91 f1 84 86 3d 76 fa  d9 41 50 da 41 5a a7 6e   Z....=v..AP.AZ.n


      attributes = 3 elements {

        [0]= {

          type = 26 (Vendor-Specific)

          length = 31 octets

          vendorId = 9

          vendorValue = 25 octets {

            65 19 68 33 32 33 2d 63  72 65 64 69 74 2d 61 6d   e.h323-credit-am

            6f 75 6e 74 3d 35 2e 30  30                        ount=5.00



        [1]= {

          type = 26 (Vendor-Specific)

          length = 28 octets

          vendorId = 9

          vendorValue = 22 octets {

            66 16 68 33 32 33 2d 63  72 65 64 69 74 2d 74 69   f.h323-credit-ti

            6d 65 3d 39 38 38                                  me=988



        [2]= {

          type = 26 (Vendor-Specific)

          length = 26 octets

          vendorId = 9

          vendorValue = 20 octets {

            67 14 68 33 32 33 2d 72  65 74 75 72 6e 2d 63 6f   g.h323-return-co

            64 65 3d 30                                        de=0






2004/06/13 02:14:36.459         5               radauth.cxx(687)     RADAUTH      RadAuth ARQ check set duration limit set: 988

2004/06/13 02:14:36.469         4                gkauth.cxx(310)     GkAuth            RadAuth check ok

2004/06/13 02:14:36.469         3                RasSrv.cxx(1693)  GK      ARQ will request bandwith of 100000

2004/06/13 02:14:36.469         5                 Routing.h(117)      ROUTING       Checking policy Explicit for the request ARQ 48479

2004/06/13 02:14:36.469         5                 Routing.h(117)      ROUTING       Checking policy Internal for the request ARQ 48479

2004/06/13 02:14:36.469         5                 Routing.h(117)      ROUTING       Checking policy Parent for the request ARQ 48479

2004/06/13 02:14:36.469         3                RasSrv.cxx(197)    RAS     Send to

admissionRequest {

    requestSeqNum = 3

    callType = pointToPoint <<null>>

    endpointIdentifier =  17 characters {

      0035 0031 0039 0032 005f 0041 0064 0076   5192_Adv

      0061 006e 0063 0065 0064 0056 006f 0049   ancedVoI

      0050                                      P


    destinationInfo = 1 entries {

      [0]=dialedDigits "923335251992"


    srcInfo = 1 entries {

      [0]=h323_ID  4 characters {

        0064 0065 006d 006f                       demo



    srcCallSignalAddress = ipAddress {

      ip =  4 octets {

        c0 a8 00 8f                                        ....


      port = 1222


    bandWidth = 100000

    callReferenceValue = 25562

    conferenceID =  16 octets {

      6f 35 5d 61 4f f0 18 10  98 51 00 50 ba db 4b e6   o5]aO....Q.P..K.


    activeMC = FALSE

    answerCall = FALSE

    canMapAlias = TRUE

    callIdentifier = {

      guid =  16 octets {

        86 31 5d 61 4f f0 18 10  98 51 00 50 ba db 4b e6   .1]aO....Q.P..K.



    gatekeeperIdentifier =  20 characters {

      0067 006b 0031 002e 0041 0064 0076 0061   gk1.Adva

      006e 0063 0065 0064 0056 004f 0049 0050   ncedVOIP

      002e 0063 006f 006d                       .com


    tokens = 1 entries {


        tokenOID = 1.2.840.113548.

        timeStamp = 1087118076

        challenge =  16 octets {

          ac 4b aa fb fd ac 06 de  4b e2 47 32 1b a3 eb b0   .K......K.G2....


        random = 47

        generalID =  7 characters {

          006d 0061 007a 0068 0061 0072 0000        mazhar




    willSupplyUUIEs = FALSE


2004/06/13 02:14:36.479         5                RasSrv.cxx(211)    RAS     Sent Successful

2004/06/13 02:14:36.939         5              yasocket.cxx(617)    RasServer 1 sockets selected from 2, total 2/0

2004/06/13 02:14:36.939         4                RasSrv.cxx(177)    RAS     Receiving on

2004/06/13 02:14:36.949         2                RasSrv.cxx(146)    RAS     Read from

2004/06/13 02:14:36.949         3                RasSrv.cxx(185)    RAS

admissionConfirm {

    requestSeqNum = 3

    bandWidth = 100000

    callModel = gatekeeperRouted <<null>>

    destCallSignalAddress = ipAddress {

      ip =  4 octets {

        80 f2 73 ae                                        ..s.


      port = 4186


    irrFrequency = 120

    willRespondToIRR = FALSE

    uuiesRequested = {

      setup = FALSE

      callProceeding = FALSE

      connect = FALSE

      alerting = FALSE

      information = FALSE

      releaseComplete = FALSE

      facility = FALSE

      progress = FALSE

      empty = FALSE

      status = FALSE

      statusInquiry = FALSE

      setupAcknowledge = FALSE

      notify = FALSE



2004/06/13 02:14:36.949         2                RasSrv.cxx(1210)  RAS     Trapped ACF

2004/06/13 02:14:36.949         5                 Routing.h(123)      ROUTING       Policy Parent applied to the request ARQ 48479

2004/06/13 02:14:36.949         2                RasTbl.cxx(1604)   CallTable::Insert(CALL) Call No. 1, total sessions : 1

2004/06/13 02:14:36.949         2                RasSrv.cxx(351)            ACF||2814_endp|25562|923335251992:dialedDigits|demo:h323_ID|false;

2004/06/13 02:14:36.949         3                RasSrv.cxx(197)    RAS     Send to

admissionConfirm {

    requestSeqNum = 48479

    bandWidth = 100000

    callModel = gatekeeperRouted <<null>>

    destCallSignalAddress = ipAddress {

      ip =  4 octets {

        c0 a8 00 8f                                        ....


      port = 1222


    irrFrequency = 120

    willRespondToIRR = FALSE

    uuiesRequested = {

      setup = FALSE

      callProceeding = FALSE

      connect = FALSE

      alerting = FALSE

      information = FALSE

      releaseComplete = FALSE

      facility = FALSE

      progress = FALSE

      empty = FALSE

      status = FALSE

      statusInquiry = FALSE

      setupAcknowledge = FALSE

      notify = FALSE



2004/06/13 02:14:36.949         5                RasSrv.cxx(211)    RAS     Sent Successful

2004/06/13 02:14:36.949         5                   job.cxx(421)       JOB     Job ARQ deleted

2004/06/13 02:14:36.949         5                   job.cxx(410)       JOB     Worker threads: 7 total - 5 busy, 2 idle

2004/06/13 02:14:36.959         5             yasocket.cxx(617)    TCPServer 1 sockets selected from 2, total 2/0

2004/06/13 02:14:36.959         4              yasocket.cxx(716)    TCP     Accept request on

2004/06/13 02:14:36.959         5                   job.cxx(358)       JOB     Worker threads: 7 total - 6 busy, 1 idle

2004/06/13 02:14:36.959         5                   job.cxx(186)       JOB     Starting Job Acceptor at Worker thread 1340

2004/06/13 02:14:36.979         5          ProxyChannel.cxx(471)            Q931s  Reading from

2004/06/13 02:14:36.979         3          ProxyChannel.cxx(680)            Q931s  Received: Setup CRV=25562 from

2004/06/13 02:14:36.979         4          ProxyChannel.cxx(633)            Q931   Received: {

  q931pdu = {

    protocolDiscriminator = 8

    callReference = 25562

    from = originator

    messageType = Setup

    IE: Bearer-Capability = {

      80 90 a5                                           ...


    IE: Display = {

      64 65 6d 6f 00                                     demo.


    IE: Called-Party-Number = {

      81 39 32 33 33 33 35 32  35 31 39 39 32            .923335251992


    IE: User-User = {

      20 b8 06 00 08 91 4a 00  04 01 40 03 00 64 00 65    .....J...@..d.e

      00 6d 00 6f 22 c0 09 00  00 3d 02 00 00 00 19 31   .m.o"....=.....1

      2e 30 2e 31 20 28 4f 70  65 6e 48 33 32 33 20 76   .0.1 (OpenH323 v

      31 2e 31 32 2e 32 29 00  00 00 01 05 80 c5 66 68   1.12.2).......fh

      58 4c c5 00 c0 a8 00 8f  04 c6 00 6f 35 5d 61 4f   XL.........o5]aO

      f0 18 10 98 51 00 50 ba  db 4b e6 00 c5 1f 80 04   ....Q.P..K......

      07 00 c0 a8 00 8f 04 cb  11 00 86 31 5d 61 4f f0   ...........1]aO.

      18 10 98 51 00 50 ba db  4b e6 34 02 1d 40 00 00   ...Q.P..K.4..@..

      06 04 00 4d 00 00 c0 00  11 1c 00 01 00 c0 a8 00   ...M............

      8f 13 88 00 c0 a8 00 8f  13 89 14 00 00 64 0d 00   .............d..

      00 c0 00 0b 0d 00 01 00  c0 a8 00 8f 13 89 80 01   ................

      00 01 00 13 10 00 32 00  38 00 31 00 34 00 5f 00   ......

      65 00 6e 00 64 00 70 01  00 01 00 38 02 2e 02 70   e.n.d.p....8...p

      01 06 00 08 81 75 00 07  80 13 80 00 fa 00 01 00   .....u..........

      00 01 00 00 01 00 00 0c  c0 01 00 01 80 00 80 00   ................

      00 22 00 07 80 00 80 01  00 00 00 00 07 01 00 32   .".............2

      80 8f 90 60 02 80 01 80                            ...`....



  h225pdu = {

    h323_uu_pdu = {

      h323_message_body = setup {

        protocolIdentifier =

        sourceAddress = 1 entries {

          [0]=h323_ID  4 characters {

            0064 0065 006d 006f                       demo



        sourceInfo = {

          vendor = {

            vendor = {

              t35CountryCode = 9

              t35Extension = 0

              manufacturerCode = 61


            productId =  3 octets {

              00 00 00                                           ...


            versionId =  26 octets {

              31 2e 30 2e 31 20 28 4f  70 65 6e 48 33 32 33 20   1.0.1 (OpenH323

              76 31 2e 31 32 2e 32 29  00 00                     v1.12.2)..



          terminal = {


          mc = FALSE

          undefinedNode = FALSE


        destinationAddress = 1 entries {

          [0]=dialedDigits "923335251992"


        destCallSignalAddress = ipAddress {

          ip =  4 octets {

            c0 a8 00 8f                                        ....


          port = 1222


        activeMC = FALSE

        conferenceID =  16 octets {

          6f 35 5d 61 4f f0 18 10  98 51 00 50 ba db 4b e6   o5]aO....Q.P..K.


        conferenceGoal = create <<null>>

        callType = pointToPoint <<null>>

        sourceCallSignalAddress = ipAddress {

          ip =  4 octets {

            c0 a8 00 8f                                        ....


          port = 1227


        callIdentifier = {

          guid =  16 octets {

            86 31 5d 61 4f f0 18 10  98 51 00 50 ba db 4b e6   .1]aO....Q.P..K.



        fastStart = 2 entries {

          [0]= 29 octets {

            40 00 00 06 04 00 4d 00  00 c0 00 11 1c 00 01 00   @.....M.........

            c0 a8 00 8f 13 88 00 c0  a8 00 8f 13 89            .............


          [1]= 20 octets {

            00 00 64 0d 00 00 c0 00  0b 0d 00 01 00 c0 a8 00   ..d.............

            8f 13 89 80                                        ....



        mediaWaitForConnect = FALSE

        canOverlapSend = FALSE

        endpointIdentifier =  9 characters {

          0032 0038 0031 0034 005f 0065 006e 0064   2814_end

          0070                                      p


        multipleCalls = FALSE

        maintainConnection = FALSE

        parallelH245Control = 2 entries {

          [0]= 46 octets {

            02 70 01 06 00 08 81 75  00 07 80 13 80 00 fa 00   .p.....u........

            01 00 00 01 00 00 01 00  00 0c c0 01 00 01 80 00   ................

            80 00 00 22 00 07 80 00  80 01 00 00 00 00         ..."..........


          [1]= 7 octets {

            01 00 32 80 8f 90 60                               ..2...`




      h245Tunneling = TRUE




2004/06/13 02:14:36.989         5             radproto.cxx(2329)  RADIUS          Created new RADIUS client socket: port:60439[0,58-58]

2004/06/13 02:14:36.989         3              radproto.cxx(1798)  RADIUS          Sending PDU to RADIUS server ( from port:60439[0,58-59], PDU: {

        code = 4 (Accounting-Request)

        id = 58

        length = 361 octets

        authenticator = 16 octets {

          57 d8 86 b4 e3 33 cf 55  5b bc c6 a3 3a 90 51 f7   W....3.U[...:.Q.


        attributes = 17 elements {

          [0]= {

            type = 40 (Acct-Status-Type)

            length = 6 octets

            value = 4 octets {

              00 00 00 01                                        ....



          [1]= {

            type = 4 (NAS-IP-Address)

            length = 6 octets

            value = 4 octets {

              c0 a8 00 8f                                        ....



          [2]= {

            type = 32 (NAS-Identifier)

            length = 7 octets

            value = 5 octets {

              67 6e 75 67 6b                                     gnugk



          [3]= {

            type = 61 (NAS-Port-Type)

            length = 6 octets

            value = 4 octets {

              00 00 00 05                                        ....



          [4]= {

            type = 6 (Service-Type)

            length = 6 octets

            value = 4 octets {

              00 00 00 01                                        ....



          [5]= {

            type = 44 (Acct-Session-Id)

            length = 18 octets

            value = 16 octets {

              34 30 63 63 31 61 65 65  30 30 30 30 30 30 30 31   40cc1aee00000001



          [6]= {

            type = 1 (User-Name)

            length = 6 octets

            value = 4 octets {

              64 65 6d 6f                                        demo



          [7]= {

            type = 8 (Framed-IP-Address)

            length = 6 octets

            value = 4 octets {

              c0 a8 00 8f                                        ....



          [8]= {

            type = 31 (Calling-Station-Id)

            length = 6 octets

            value = 4 octets {

              64 65 6d 6f                                        demo



          [9]= {

            type = 30 (Called-Station-Id)

            length = 14 octets

            value = 12 octets {

              39 32 33 33 33 35 32 35  31 39 39 32               923335251992



          [10]= {

            type = 26 (Vendor-Specific)

            length = 24 octets

            vendorId = 9

            vendorValue = 18 octets {

              21 12 68 33 32 33 2d 67  77 2d 69 64 3d 67 6e 75   !.h323-gw-id=gnu

              67 6b                                              gk



          [11]= {

            type = 26 (Vendor-Specific)

            length = 56 octets

            vendorId = 9

            vendorValue = 50 octets {

              18 32 68 33 32 33 2d 63  6f 6e 66 2d 69 64 3d 36   .2h323-conf-id=6

              46 36 46 36 46 36 46 20  34 46 34 46 34 46 34 46   F6F6F6F 4F4F4F4F

              20 39 38 39 38 39 38 39  38 20 42 41 42 41 42 41    98989898 BABABA

              42 41                                              BA



          [12]= {

            type = 26 (Vendor-Specific)

            length = 30 octets

            vendorId = 9

            vendorValue = 24 octets {

              1a 18 68 33 32 33 2d 63  61 6c 6c 2d 6f 72 69 67   ..h323-call-orig

              69 6e 3d 70 72 6f 78 79                            in=proxy



          [13]= {

            type = 26 (Vendor-Specific)

            length = 27 octets

            vendorId = 9

            vendorValue = 21 octets {

              1b 15 68 33 32 33 2d 63  61 6c 6c 2d 74 79 70 65   ..h323-call-type

              3d 56 6f 49 50                                     =VoIP



          [14]= {

            type = 26 (Vendor-Specific)

            length = 74 octets

            vendorId = 9

            vendorValue = 68 octets {

              19 44 68 33 32 33 2d 73  65 74 75 70 2d 74 69 6d   .Dh323-setup-tim

              65 3d 30 32 3a 31 34 3a  33 36 2e 30 30 30 20 50   e=02:14:36.000 P

              61 63 69 66 69 63 20 44  61 79 6c 69 67 68 74 20   acific Daylight

              54 69 6d 65 20 53 75 6e  20 4a 75 6e 20 31 33 20   Time Sun Jun 13

              32 30 30 34                                        2004



          [15]= {

            type = 26 (Vendor-Specific)

            length = 43 octets

            vendorId = 9

            vendorValue = 37 octets {

              17 25 68 33 32 33 2d 72  65 6d 6f 74 65 2d 61 64   .%h323-remote-ad

              64 72 65 73 73 3d 31 32  38 2e 32 34 32 2e 31 31   dress=128.242.11

              35 2e 31 37 34                                     5.174



          [16]= {

            type = 41 (Acct-Delay-Time)

            length = 6 octets

            value = 4 octets {

              00 00 00 00                                        ....






2004/06/13 02:14:36.989         5              radproto.cxx(1313)  RADIUS          Error reading socket port:60439[0,58-59] (12:1073751878:Connection reset)

2004/06/13 02:14:36.989         3              radproto.cxx(1818)  RADIUS          Receive response from RADIUS server failed (id:58)

2004/06/13 02:14:36.989         3              radproto.cxx(1798)  RADIUS          Sending PDU to RADIUS server ( from port:60439[0,58-59], PDU: {

        code = 4 (Accounting-Request)

        id = 58

        length = 361 octets

        authenticator = 16 octets {

          57 d8 86 b4 e3 33 cf 55  5b bc c6 a3 3a 90 51 f7   W....3.U[...:.Q.


        attributes = 17 elements {

          [0]= {

            type = 40 (Acct-Status-Type)

            length = 6 octets

            value = 4 octets {

              00 00 00 01                                        ....



          [1]= {

            type = 4 (NAS-IP-Address)

            length = 6 octets

            value = 4 octets {

              c0 a8 00 8f                                        ....



          [2]= {

            type = 32 (NAS-Identifier)

            length = 7 octets

            value = 5 octets {

              67 6e 75 67 6b                                     gnugk



          [3]= {

            type = 61 (NAS-Port-Type)

            length = 6 octets

            value = 4 octets {

              00 00 00 05                                        ....



          [4]= {

            type = 6 (Service-Type)

            length = 6 octets

            value = 4 octets {

              00 00 00 01                                        ....



          [5]= {

            type = 44 (Acct-Session-Id)

            length = 18 octets

            value = 16 octets {

              34 30 63 63 31 61 65 65  30 30 30 30 30 30 30 31   40cc1aee00000001



          [6]= {

            type = 1 (User-Name)

            length = 6 octets

            value = 4 octets {

              64 65 6d 6f                                        demo



          [7]= {

            type = 8 (Framed-IP-Address)

            length = 6 octets

            value = 4 octets {

              c0 a8 00 8f                                        ....



          [8]= {

            type = 31 (Calling-Station-Id)

            length = 6 octets

            value = 4 octets {

              64 65 6d 6f                                        demo



          [9]= {

            type = 30 (Called-Station-Id)

            length = 14 octets

            value = 12 octets {

              39 32 33 33 33 35 32 35  31 39 39 32               923335251992



          [10]= {

            type = 26 (Vendor-Specific)

            length = 24 octets

            vendorId = 9

            vendorValue = 18 octets {

              21 12 68 33 32 33 2d 67  77 2d 69 64 3d 67 6e 75   !.h323-gw-id=gnu

              67 6b                                              gk



          [11]= {

            type = 26 (Vendor-Specific)

            length = 56 octets

            vendorId = 9

            vendorValue = 50 octets {

              18 32 68 33 32 33 2d 63  6f 6e 66 2d 69 64 3d 36   .2h323-conf-id=6

              46 36 46 36 46 36 46 20  34 46 34 46 34 46 34 46   F6F6F6F 4F4F4F4F

              20 39 38 39 38 39 38 39  38 20 42 41 42 41 42 41    98989898 BABABA

              42 41                                              BA



          [12]= {

            type = 26 (Vendor-Specific)

            length = 30 octets

            vendorId = 9

            vendorValue = 24 octets {

              1a 18 68 33 32 33 2d 63  61 6c 6c 2d 6f 72 69 67   ..h323-call-orig

              69 6e 3d 70 72 6f 78 79                            in=proxy



          [13]= {

            type = 26 (Vendor-Specific)

            length = 27 octets

            vendorId = 9

            vendorValue = 21 octets {

              1b 15 68 33 32 33 2d 63  61 6c 6c 2d 74 79 70 65   ..h323-call-type

              3d 56 6f 49 50                                     =VoIP



          [14]= {

            type = 26 (Vendor-Specific)

            length = 74 octets

            vendorId = 9

            vendorValue = 68 octets {

              19 44 68 33 32 33 2d 73  65 74 75 70 2d 74 69 6d   .Dh323-setup-tim

              65 3d 30 32 3a 31 34 3a  33 36 2e 30 30 30 20 50   e=02:14:36.000 P

              61 63 69 66 69 63 20 44  61 79 6c 69 67 68 74 20   acific Daylight

              54 69 6d 65 20 53 75 6e  20 4a 75 6e 20 31 33 20   Time Sun Jun 13

              32 30 30 34                                        2004



          [15]= {

            type = 26 (Vendor-Specific)

            length = 43 octets

            vendorId = 9

            vendorValue = 37 octets {

              17 25 68 33 32 33 2d 72  65 6d 6f 74 65 2d 61 64   .%h323-remote-ad

              64 72 65 73 73 3d 31 32  38 2e 32 34 32 2e 31 31   dress=128.242.11

              35 2e 31 37 34                                     5.174



          [16]= {

            type = 41 (Acct-Delay-Time)

            length = 6 octets

            value = 4 octets {

              00 00 00 00                                        ....






2004/06/13 02:14:36.999         5              radproto.cxx(1313)  RADIUS          Error reading socket port:60439[0,58-59] (12:1073751878:Connection reset)

2004/06/13 02:14:36.999         3              radproto.cxx(1818)  RADIUS          Receive response from RADIUS server failed (id:58)

2004/06/13 02:14:36.999         3                gkacct.cxx(247)     GKACCT        RadAcct failed to log event 1 for call no. 1

2004/06/13 02:14:36.999         2                gkacct.cxx(275)     GKACCT        Failed to log event 1 for call no. 1

2004/06/13 02:14:36.999         4          ProxyChannel.cxx(1208)          Q931   Dropping call #1 due to accounting failure

2004/06/13 02:14:36.999         2                RasTbl.cxx(1775)   CDR    ignore not connected call

2004/06/13 02:14:36.999         3              radproto.cxx(1798)  RADIUS          Sending PDU to RADIUS server ( from port:60439[0,58-60], PDU: {

        code = 4 (Accounting-Request)

        id = 59

        length = 478 octets

        authenticator = 16 octets {

          f5 d9 dc 54 a9 1f e1 37  2c 82 f9 16 5e 3c cc 87   ...T...7,...^<..


        attributes = 20 elements {

          [0]= {

            type = 40 (Acct-Status-Type)

            length = 6 octets

            value = 4 octets {

              00 00 00 02                                        ....



          [1]= {

            type = 4 (NAS-IP-Address)

            length = 6 octets

            value = 4 octets {

              c0 a8 00 8f                                        ....



          [2]= {

            type = 32 (NAS-Identifier)

            length = 7 octets

            value = 5 octets {

              67 6e 75 67 6b                                     gnugk



          [3]= {

            type = 61 (NAS-Port-Type)

            length = 6 octets

            value = 4 octets {

              00 00 00 05                                        ....



          [4]= {

            type = 6 (Service-Type)

            length = 6 octets

            value = 4 octets {

              00 00 00 01                                        ....



          [5]= {

            type = 44 (Acct-Session-Id)

            length = 18 octets

            value = 16 octets {

              34 30 63 63 31 61 65 65  30 30 30 30 30 30 30 31   40cc1aee00000001



          [6]= {

            type = 1 (User-Name)

            length = 6 octets

            value = 4 octets {

              64 65 6d 6f                                        demo



          [7]= {

            type = 8 (Framed-IP-Address)

            length = 6 octets

            value = 4 octets {

              c0 a8 00 8f                                        ....



          [8]= {

            type = 46 (Acct-Session-Time)

            length = 6 octets

            value = 4 octets {

              00 00 00 00                                        ....



          [9]= {

            type = 31 (Calling-Station-Id)

            length = 6 octets

            value = 4 octets {

              64 65 6d 6f                                        demo



          [10]= {

            type = 30 (Called-Station-Id)

            length = 14 octets

            value = 12 octets {

              39 32 33 33 33 35 32 35  31 39 39 32               923335251992



          [11]= {

            type = 26 (Vendor-Specific)

            length = 24 octets

            vendorId = 9

            vendorValue = 18 octets {

              21 12 68 33 32 33 2d 67  77 2d 69 64 3d 67 6e 75   !.h323-gw-id=gnu

              67 6b                                              gk



          [12]= {

            type = 26 (Vendor-Specific)

            length = 56 octets

            vendorId = 9

            vendorValue = 50 octets {

              18 32 68 33 32 33 2d 63  6f 6e 66 2d 69 64 3d 36   .2h323-conf-id=6

              46 36 46 36 46 36 46 20  34 46 34 46 34 46 34 46   F6F6F6F 4F4F4F4F

              20 39 38 39 38 39 38 39  38 20 42 41 42 41 42 41    98989898 BABABA

              42 41                                              BA



          [13]= {

            type = 26 (Vendor-Specific)

            length = 30 octets

            vendorId = 9

            vendorValue = 24 octets {

              1a 18 68 33 32 33 2d 63  61 6c 6c 2d 6f 72 69 67   ..h323-call-orig

              69 6e 3d 70 72 6f 78 79                            in=proxy



          [14]= {

            type = 26 (Vendor-Specific)

            length = 27 octets

            vendorId = 9

            vendorValue = 21 octets {

              1b 15 68 33 32 33 2d 63  61 6c 6c 2d 74 79 70 65   ..h323-call-type

              3d 56 6f 49 50                                     =VoIP



          [15]= {

            type = 26 (Vendor-Specific)

            length = 74 octets

            vendorId = 9

            vendorValue = 68 octets {

              19 44 68 33 32 33 2d 73  65 74 75 70 2d 74 69 6d   .Dh323-setup-tim

              65 3d 30 32 3a 31 34 3a  33 36 2e 30 30 30 20 50   e=02:14:36.000 P

              61 63 69 66 69 63 20 44  61 79 6c 69 67 68 74 20   acific Daylight

              54 69 6d 65 20 53 75 6e  20 4a 75 6e 20 31 33 20   Time Sun Jun 13

              32 30 30 34                                        2004



          [16]= {

            type = 26 (Vendor-Specific)

            length = 79 octets

            vendorId = 9

            vendorValue = 73 octets {

              1d 49 68 33 32 33 2d 64  69 73 63 6f 6e 6e 65 63   .Ih323-disconnec

              74 2d 74 69 6d 65 3d 30  32 3a 31 34 3a 33 36 2e   t-time=02:14:36.

              30 30 30 20 50 61 63 69  66 69 63 20 44 61 79 6c   000 Pacific Dayl

              69 67 68 74 20 54 69 6d  65 20 53 75 6e 20 4a 75   ight Time Sun Ju

              6e 20 31 33 20 32 30 30  34                        n 13 2004



          [17]= {

            type = 26 (Vendor-Specific)

            length = 32 octets

            vendorId = 9

            vendorValue = 26 octets {

              1e 1a 68 33 32 33 2d 64  69 73 63 6f 6e 6e 65 63   ..h323-disconnec

              74 2d 63 61 75 73 65 3d  32 39                     t-cause=29



          [18]= {

            type = 26 (Vendor-Specific)

            length = 43 octets

            vendorId = 9

            vendorValue = 37 octets {

              17 25 68 33 32 33 2d 72  65 6d 6f 74 65 2d 61 64   .%h323-remote-ad

              64 72 65 73 73 3d 31 32  38 2e 32 34 32 2e 31 31   dress=128.242.11

              35 2e 31 37 34                                     5.174



          [19]= {

            type = 41 (Acct-Delay-Time)

            length = 6 octets

            value = 4 octets {

              00 00 00 00                                        ....






2004/06/13 02:14:37.009         5              yasocket.cxx(617)    RasServer 1 sockets selected from 2, total 2/0

2004/06/13 02:14:37.009         4                RasSrv.cxx(177)    RAS     Receiving on

2004/06/13 02:14:37.009         2                RasSrv.cxx(146)    RAS     Read from

2004/06/13 02:14:37.009         3                RasSrv.cxx(185)    RAS

infoRequestResponse {

    requestSeqNum = 48480

    endpointType = {

      vendor = {

        vendor = {

          t35CountryCode = 9

          t35Extension = 0

          manufacturerCode = 61


        productId =  3 octets {

          00 00 00                                           ...


        versionId =  26 octets {

          31 2e 30 2e 31 20 28 4f  70 65 6e 48 33 32 33 20   1.0.1 (OpenH323

          76 31 2e 31 32 2e 32 29  00 00                     v1.12.2)..



      terminal = {


      mc = FALSE

      undefinedNode = FALSE


    endpointIdentifier =  9 characters {

      0032 0038 0031 0034 005f 0065 006e 0064   2814_end

      0070                                      p


    rasAddress = ipAddress {

      ip =  4 octets {

        c0 a8 00 8f                                        ....


      port = 1226


    callSignalAddress = 1 entries {

      [0]=ipAddress {

        ip =  4 octets {

          c0 a8 00 8f                                        ....


        port = 1720



    endpointAlias = 1 entries {

      [0]=h323_ID  4 characters {

        0064 0065 006d 006f                       demo



    perCallInfo = 1 entries {


        callReferenceValue = 25562

        conferenceID =  16 octets {

          6f 35 5d 61 4f f0 18 10  98 51 00 50 ba db 4b e6   o5]aO....Q.P..K.


        originator = TRUE

        audio = 1 entries {


            rtpAddress = {


            rtcpAddress = {


            cname = "Administratorinam1"

            ssrc = 3804901135

            sessionId = 1

            associatedSessionIds = 0 entries {




        h245 = {


        callSignaling = {


        callType = pointToPoint <<null>>

        bandWidth = 0

        callModel = gatekeeperRouted <<null>>

        callIdentifier = {

          guid =  16 octets {

            86 31 5d 61 4f f0 18 10  98 51 00 50 ba db 4b e6   .1]aO....Q.P..K.



        substituteConfIDs = 0 entries {


        usageInformation = {

          nonStandardUsageFields = 0 entries {





    needResponse = FALSE

    unsolicited = TRUE


2004/06/13 02:14:37.009         5                   job.cxx(358)       JOB     Worker threads: 7 total - 7 busy, 0 idle

2004/06/13 02:14:37.009         5                   job.cxx(186)       JOB     Starting Job IRR at Worker thread 2576

2004/06/13 02:14:37.009         1                RasSrv.cxx(306)    RAS     IRR Received

2004/06/13 02:14:37.009         5                  job.cxx(421)       JOB     Job IRR deleted

2004/06/13 02:14:37.019         5                   job.cxx(410)       JOB     Worker threads: 7 total - 6 busy, 1 idle

2004/06/13 02:14:37.019         5              radproto.cxx(1313)  RADIUS          Error reading socket port:60439[0,58-60] (12:1073751878:Connection reset)

2004/06/13 02:14:37.019         3              radproto.cxx(1818)  RADIUS          Receive response from RADIUS server failed (id:59)

2004/06/13 02:14:37.019         3              radproto.cxx(1798)  RADIUS          Sending PDU to RADIUS server ( from port:60439[0,58-60], PDU: {

      code = 4 (Accounting-Request)

      id = 59

      length = 478 octets

      authenticator = 16 octets {

        f5 d9 dc 54 a9 1f e1 37  2c 82 f9 16 5e 3c cc 87   ...T...7,...^<..


      attributes = 20 elements {

        [0]= {

          type = 40 (Acct-Status-Type)

          length = 6 octets

          value = 4 octets {

            00 00 00 02                                        ....



        [1]= {

          type = 4 (NAS-IP-Address)

          length = 6 octets

          value = 4 octets {

            c0 a8 00 8f                                        ....



        [2]= {

          type = 32 (NAS-Identifier)

          length = 7 octets

          value = 5 octets {

            67 6e 75 67 6b                                     gnugk



        [3]= {

          type = 61 (NAS-Port-Type)

          length = 6 octets

          value = 4 octets {

            00 00 00 05                                        ....



        [4]= {

          type = 6 (Service-Type)

          length = 6 octets

          value = 4 octets {

            00 00 00 01                                        ....



        [5]= {

          type = 44 (Acct-Session-Id)

          length = 18 octets

          value = 16 octets {

            34 30 63 63 31 61 65 65  30 30 30 30 30 30 30 31   40cc1aee00000001



        [6]= {

          type = 1 (User-Name)

          length = 6 octets

          value = 4 octets {

            64 65 6d 6f                                        demo



        [7]= {

          type = 8 (Framed-IP-Address)

          length = 6 octets

          value = 4 octets {

            c0 a8 00 8f                                        ....



        [8]= {

          type = 46 (Acct-Session-Time)

          length = 6 octets

          value = 4 octets {

            00 00 00 00                                        ....



        [9]= {

          type = 31 (Calling-Station-Id)

          length = 6 octets

          value = 4 octets {

            64 65 6d 6f                                        demo



        [10]= {

          type = 30 (Called-Station-Id)

          length = 14 octets

          value = 12 octets {

            39 32 33 33 33 35 32 35  31 39 39 32               923335251992



        [11]= {

          type = 26 (Vendor-Specific)

          length = 24 octets

          vendorId = 9

          vendorValue = 18 octets {

            21 12 68 33 32 33 2d 67  77 2d 69 64 3d 67 6e 75   !.h323-gw-id=gnu

            67 6b                                              gk



        [12]= {

          type = 26 (Vendor-Specific)

          length = 56 octets

          vendorId = 9

          vendorValue = 50 octets {

            18 32 68 33 32 33 2d 63  6f 6e 66 2d 69 64 3d 36   .2h323-conf-id=6

            46 36 46 36 46 36 46 20  34 46 34 46 34 46 34 46   F6F6F6F 4F4F4F4F

            20 39 38 39 38 39 38 39  38 20 42 41 42 41 42 41    98989898 BABABA

            42 41                                              BA



        [13]= {

          type = 26 (Vendor-Specific)

          length = 30 octets

          vendorId = 9

          vendorValue = 24 octets {

            1a 18 68 33 32 33 2d 63  61 6c 6c 2d 6f 72 69 67   ..h323-call-orig

            69 6e 3d 70 72 6f 78 79                            in=proxy



        [14]= {

          type = 26 (Vendor-Specific)

          length = 27 octets

          vendorId = 9

          vendorValue = 21 octets {

            1b 15 68 33 32 33 2d 63  61 6c 6c 2d 74 79 70 65   ..h323-call-type

            3d 56 6f 49 50                                     =VoIP



        [15]= {

          type = 26 (Vendor-Specific)

          length = 74 octets

          vendorId = 9

          vendorValue = 68 octets {

            19 44 68 33 32 33 2d 73  65 74 75 70 2d 74 69 6d   .Dh323-setup-tim

            65 3d 30 32 3a 31 34 3a  33 36 2e 30 30 30 20 50   e=02:14:36.000 P

            61 63 69 66 69 63 20 44  61 79 6c 69 67 68 74 20   acific Daylight

            54 69 6d 65 20 53 75 6e  20 4a 75 6e 20 31 33 20   Time Sun Jun 13

            32 30 30 34                                        2004



        [16]= {

          type = 26 (Vendor-Specific)

          length = 79 octets

          vendorId = 9

          vendorValue = 73 octets {

            1d 49 68 33 32 33 2d 64  69 73 63 6f 6e 6e 65 63   .Ih323-disconnec

            74 2d 74 69 6d 65 3d 30  32 3a 31 34 3a 33 36 2e   t-time=02:14:36.

            30 30 30 20 50 61 63 69  66 69 63 20 44 61 79 6c   000 Pacific Dayl

            69 67 68 74 20 54 69 6d  65 20 53 75 6e 20 4a 75   ight Time Sun Ju

            6e 20 31 33 20 32 30 30  34                        n 13 2004



        [17]= {

          type = 26 (Vendor-Specific)

          length = 32 octets

          vendorId = 9

          vendorValue = 26 octets {

            1e 1a 68 33 32 33 2d 64  69 73 63 6f 6e 6e 65 63   ..h323-disconnec

            74 2d 63 61 75 73 65 3d  32 39                     t-cause=29



        [18]= {

          type = 26 (Vendor-Specific)

          length = 43 octets

          vendorId = 9

          vendorValue = 37 octets {

            17 25 68 33 32 33 2d 72  65 6d 6f 74 65 2d 61 64   .%h323-remote-ad

            64 72 65 73 73 3d 31 32  38 2e 32 34 32 2e 31 31   dress=128.242.11

            35 2e 31 37 34                                     5.174



        [19]= {

          type = 41 (Acct-Delay-Time)

          length = 6 octets

          value = 4 octets {

            00 00 00 00                                        ....






2004/06/13 02:14:37.019         5              radproto.cxx(1313)  RADIUS          Error reading socket port:60439[0,58-60] (12:1073751878:Connection reset)

2004/06/13 02:14:37.019         3              radproto.cxx(1818)  RADIUS          Receive response from RADIUS server failed (id:59)

2004/06/13 02:14:37.019         3                gkacct.cxx(247)     GKACCT        RadAcct failed to log event 2 for call no. 1

2004/06/13 02:14:37.019         2                gkacct.cxx(275)     GKACCT        Failed to log event 2 for call no. 1

2004/06/13 02:14:37.019         3                RasSrv.cxx(197)    RAS     Send to

disengageRequest {

    requestSeqNum = 4

    endpointIdentifier =  17 characters {

      0035 0031 0039 0032 005f 0041 0064 0076   5192_Adv

      0061 006e 0063 0065 0064 0056 006f 0049   ancedVoI

      0050                                      P


    conferenceID =  16 octets {

      6f 35 5d 61 4f f0 18 10  98 51 00 50 ba db 4b e6   o5]aO....Q.P..K.


    callReferenceValue = 25562

    disengageReason = normalDrop <<null>>

    callIdentifier = {

      guid =  16 octets {

        86 31 5d 61 4f f0 18 10  98 51 00 50 ba db 4b e6   .1]aO....Q.P..K.



    gatekeeperIdentifier =  20 characters {

      0067 006b 0031 002e 0041 0064 0076 0061   gk1.Adva

      006e 0063 0065 0064 0056 004f 0049 0050   ncedVOIP

      002e 0063 006f 006d                       .com


    tokens = 1 entries {


        tokenOID = 1.2.840.113548.

        timeStamp = 1087118077

        challenge =  16 octets {

          26 c1 88 85 c0 f4 21 cb  58 aa f0 e8 f1 fc 05 43   &.....!.X......C


        random = 173

        generalID =  7 characters {

          006d 0061 007a 0068 0061 0072 0000        mazhar




    answeredCall = FALSE


2004/06/13 02:14:37.029         5                RasSrv.cxx(211)    RAS     Sent Successful

2004/06/13 02:14:37.490         5              yasocket.cxx(617)    RasServer 1 sockets selected from 2, total 2/0

2004/06/13 02:14:37.490         4                RasSrv.cxx(177)    RAS     Receiving on

2004/06/13 02:14:37.490         2                RasSrv.cxx(146)    RAS     Read from

2004/06/13 02:14:37.490         3                RasSrv.cxx(185)    RAS

disengageConfirm {

    requestSeqNum = 4


2004/06/13 02:14:37.490         2                RasSrv.cxx(1210)  RAS     Trapped DCF

2004/06/13 02:14:37.500         5          ProxyChannel.cxx(633)            Q931   Send to {

  q931pdu = {

    protocolDiscriminator = 8

    callReference = 58330

    from = destination

    messageType = ReleaseComplete

    IE: Cause - Temporary failure = {

      80 a9                                              ..


    IE: User-User = {

      25 80 06 00 08 91 4a 00  02 01 11 00 86 31 5d 61   %.....J......1]a

      4f f0 18 10 98 51 00 50  ba db 4b e6 02 80 01 00   O....Q.P..K.....



  h225pdu = {

    h323_uu_pdu = {

      h323_message_body = releaseComplete {

        protocolIdentifier =

        callIdentifier = {

          guid =  16 octets {

            86 31 5d 61 4f f0 18 10  98 51 00 50 ba db 4b e6   .1]aO....Q.P..K.




      h245Tunneling = FALSE




2004/06/13 02:14:37.500         3              yasocket.cxx(448)    Q931s  Delete socket

2004/06/13 02:14:37.500         5                   job.cxx(421)       JOB     Job Acceptor deleted

2004/06/13 02:14:37.500         5                   job.cxx(410)       JOB     Worker threads: 7 total - 5 busy, 2 idle

2004/06/13 02:14:37.500         3                RasTbl.cxx(1154)   Gk       Delete Call No. 1

2004/06/13 02:14:37.510         5              yasocket.cxx(617)    RasServer 1 sockets selected from 2, total 2/0

2004/06/13 02:14:37.510         4                RasSrv.cxx(177)    RAS     Receiving on

2004/06/13 02:14:37.510         2                RasSrv.cxx(146)    RAS     Read from

2004/06/13 02:14:37.510         3                RasSrv.cxx(185)    RAS

disengageRequest {

    requestSeqNum = 48481

    endpointIdentifier =  9 characters {

      0032 0038 0031 0034 005f 0065 006e 0064   2814_end

      0070                                      p


    conferenceID =  16 octets {

      6f 35 5d 61 4f f0 18 10  98 51 00 50 ba db 4b e6   o5]aO....Q.P..K.


    callReferenceValue = 25562

    disengageReason = normalDrop <<null>>

    callIdentifier = {

      guid =  16 octets {

        86 31 5d 61 4f f0 18 10  98 51 00 50 ba db 4b e6   .1]aO....Q.P..K.



    gatekeeperIdentifier =  5 characters {

      0067 006e 0075 0067 006b                  gnugk


    answeredCall = FALSE

    usageInformation = {

      nonStandardUsageFields = 0 entries {


      endTime = 1087118077


    terminationCause = releaseCompleteCauseIE  2 octets {

      80 a9                                              ..



2004/06/13 02:14:37.510         5                   job.cxx(358)       JOB     Worker threads: 7 total - 6 busy, 1 idle

2004/06/13 02:14:37.510         5                   job.cxx(186)       JOB     Starting Job DRQ at Worker thread 1340

2004/06/13 02:14:37.510         1                RasSrv.cxx(306)    RAS     DRQ Received

2004/06/13 02:14:37.510         4                RasSrv.cxx(1927)  GK      DRQ: closed conference

2004/06/13 02:14:37.510         2                RasSrv.cxx(351)    DCF||2814_endp|25562|normalDrop;

2004/06/13 02:14:37.510         3                RasSrv.cxx(197)    RAS     Send to

disengageConfirm {

    requestSeqNum = 48481


2004/06/13 02:14:37.520         5                RasSrv.cxx(211)    RAS     Sent Successful

2004/06/13 02:14:37.520         5                   job.cxx(421)       JOB     Job DRQ deleted

2004/06/13 02:14:37.520         5                   job.cxx(410)       JOB     Worker threads: 7 total - 5 busy, 2 idle

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    2004/06/13 02:19:27.477         3                RasSrv.cxx(197)    RAS     Send to

registrationRequest {

    requestSeqNum = 12

    protocolIdentifier =

    discoveryComplete = TRUE

    callSignalAddress = 1 entries {

      [0]=ipAddress {

        ip =  4 octets {

          c0 a8 00 8f                                        ....


        port = 1222



    rasAddress = 1 entries {

      [0]=ipAddress {

        ip =  4 octets {

          c0 a8 00 8f                                        ....


        port = 1719



    terminalType = {

      mc = FALSE

      undefinedNode = FALSE


    gatekeeperIdentifier =  20 characters {

      0067 006b 0031 002e 0041 0064 0076 0061   gk1.Adva

      006e 0063 0065 0064 0056 004f 0049 0050   ncedVOIP

      002e 0063 006f 006d                       .com


    endpointVendor = {

      vendor = {

        t35CountryCode = 0

        t35Extension = 0

        manufacturerCode = 0



    tokens = 1 entries {


        tokenOID = 1.2.840.113548.

        timeStamp = 1087118367

        challenge =  16 octets {

          19 11 30 7d e4 7e 04 1a  3f f0 e2 c4 d7 c5 1b ab   ..0}.~..?.......


        random = 45

        generalID =  7 characters {

          006d 0061 007a 0068 0061 0072 0000        mazhar




    keepAlive = TRUE

    endpointIdentifier =  17 characters {

      0035 0031 0039 0032 005f 0041 0064 0076   5192_Adv

      0061 006e 0063 0065 0064 0056 006f 0049   ancedVoI

      0050                                      P


    willSupplyUUIEs = FALSE

    maintainConnection = FALSE

    supportsAltGK = <<null>>


2004/06/13 02:19:27.487         5                RasSrv.cxx(211)    RAS     Sent Successful

2004/06/13 02:19:27.908         5              yasocket.cxx(617)    RasServer 1 sockets selected from 2, total 2/0

2004/06/13 02:19:27.908         4                RasSrv.cxx(177)    RAS     Receiving on

2004/06/13 02:19:27.908         2                RasSrv.cxx(146)    RAS     Read from

2004/06/13 02:19:27.908         3                RasSrv.cxx(185)    RAS

registrationConfirm {

    requestSeqNum = 12

    protocolIdentifier =

    callSignalAddress = 1 entries {

      [0]=ipAddress {

        ip =  4 octets {

          80 f2 73 ae                                        ..s.


        port = 4186



    terminalAlias = 1 entries {

      [0]=h323_ID  6 characters {

        006d 0061 007a 0068 0061 0072             mazhar



    gatekeeperIdentifier =  20 characters {

      0067 006b 0031 002e 0041 0064 0076 0061   gk1.Adva

      006e 0063 0065 0064 0056 004f 0049 0050   ncedVOIP

      002e 0063 006f 006d                       .com


    endpointIdentifier =  17 characters {

      0035 0031 0039 0032 005f 0041 0064 0076   5192_Adv

      0061 006e 0063 0065 0064 0056 006f 0049   ancedVoI

      0050                                      P


    timeToLive = 60

    willRespondToIRR = FALSE

    maintainConnection = FALSE


2004/06/13 02:19:27.908         2                RasSrv.cxx(1210)  RAS     Trapped RCF





Software Engineer

Advanced Communications


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