usually this is an orig endpoint problem. you are sending directly to
yhe gnugk from the dialogic? this happens when the orig GW tries to
re-use an existing TCP session (already an active call working) to send
additional calls. You need to see if the dialogic is doing this by
contacting dialogic (or research yourself). i know cisco GW are setup
by default to attmpt to put 15 calls over 1 tcp session, but the cvs
gnugk (and maybe 2.0.8) will send a release complete with reason
"newconnectionneeded" which should trigger your dialogic to re-attempt
on an infiviual channel.David Winter Senior Network Engineer Planet-Telecom, Inc. Tampa FL (813)901-5182 Office (813)864-3162 Direct (813)817-4204 Mobile (813)881-9762 Fax ------------------------------------------ AIM: mobofool ICQ: 3563403 MSN: dwinter@xxxxxx Y!: vt_fool xirak@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote: