As you can read in the manual - there is a cache for SQL modules and this cache can be configured (and disabled in particular). Look for CacheTimeout or PasswordTimeout parameters. You can also try the latest cvs versions, which contain many changes in the SQL code. ----- Original Message ----- From: "Marian Rychtecký" <marian@xxxxxxx> Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 2004 3:35 PM Hi Friends, we have some trouble with MySQL support in GNUGK. All works fine, but when i doing some change in database (delete, add or something like that) this changes not corespond with gatekeeper respond.All changes works after gatekeeper restart. After restart make GNUGK connection to MySQL and first RRQ from user generate SQL query, thats fine, but after reconneting of this user will GK allow access WITHOUT a new SQL query (some cache?)... Thanks in advance, Marian -- *Marian Rychtecký* CLNET s.r.o. marian@xxxxxxx <mailto:marian@xxxxxxx> Tel. +420 724 397 441 ------------------------------------------------------- This SF.Net email is sponsored by: IBM Linux Tutorials Free Linux tutorial presented by Daniel Robbins, President and CEO of GenToo technologies. Learn everything from fundamentals to system administration. _______________________________________________________ List: Openh323gk-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Archive: Homepage: