running gnugk problem newbie

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Sorry for the long post.

Need help setting up this setup, wanna run a little VoIP setup with some friends, some of them usind DSL (no fixed IP) running as NATed endpoints with by now softphones (SJPhone), have instaled gnuGk (routed mode), can see them registering on gnuGK, but when trying to call between them calls are all time droped.

please help me.

Adrià Vidal



RCF||pere:h323_ID=3733005: dialedDigits|terminal|2150_endp
Wed, 07 Apr 2004 15:05:03 +0200 (permanent) C(0/0/2) <2>
RCF||001:dialedDigits=002:dialedDigits=003: dialedDigits=004:dialedDigits=933376848:dialedDigits=3733001: dialedDigits=CISCO1:h323_ID|gateway|2152_endp
Wed, 07 Apr 2004 23:53:28 +0200 C(0/2/10) <3>
Prefixes: 0
RCF||3733100:h323_ID=3733100: dialedDigits|terminal|2153_endp
Wed, 07 Apr 2004 23:53:40 +0200 C(0/2/11) <1>
RCF||sergio:h323_ID=3733400: dialedDigits|terminal|2156_endp
Wed, 07 Apr 2004 23:53:09 +0200 C(0/0/5) <2>
Number of Endpoints: 4

gnugk log (./gnugk -rttt)-----------------------

Calling from Cisco 827 registered on gnugk to 3733400 external Nated endpoint

2004/04/07 23:58:31.117 2 RasSrv.cxx(2224) GK Read from
2004/04/07 23:58:31.204 3 RasSrv.cxx(2237) GK
admissionRequest {
requestSeqNum = 2592
callType = pointToPoint <<null>>
callModel = direct <<null>>
endpointIdentifier = 9 characters {
0035 0030 0033 0038 005f 0065 006e 0064 5038_end
0070 p
destinationInfo = 1 entries {
[0]=dialedDigits "3733400"
srcInfo = 2 entries {
[0]=dialedDigits "001"
[1]=h323_ID 6 characters {
0043 0049 0053 0043 004f 0031 CISCO1
bandWidth = 1280
callReferenceValue = 30
nonStandardData = {
nonStandardIdentifier = h221NonStandard {
t35CountryCode = 181
t35Extension = 0
manufacturerCode = 18
data = 40 octets {
80 00 00 0e 70 0e 18 56 6f 49 50 5f 41 64 72 69 ....p..VoIP_Adri
61 5f 30 31 06 08 46 58 53 20 31 0c 14 61 64 72 a_01..FXS 1..adr
69 61 56 6f 49 50 30 31 iaVoIP01
conferenceID = 16 octets {
88 21 82 bd 88 15 11 d8 80 78 f7 19 f9 dd f0 eb .!.......x......
activeMC = FALSE
answerCall = FALSE
canMapAlias = TRUE
callIdentifier = {
guid = 16 octets {
88 22 bb a5 88 15 11 d8 80 7a f7 19 f9 dd f0 eb .".......z......
willSupplyUUIEs = FALSE
2004/04/07 23:58:31.615 1 RasSrv.cxx(1321) GK ARQ Received
2004/04/07 23:58:31.616 3 RasSrv.cxx(1585) GK ARQ will request bandwith of 1280
2004/04/07 23:58:31.619 2 RasTbl.cxx(1885) CallTable::Insert(CALL) Call No. 2, total sessions : 1
2004/04/07 23:58:31.621 2 RasSrv.cxx(1696) ACF||5038_endp|30|3733400:dialedDigits|001: dialedDigits=CISCO1:h323_ID|false;

2004/04/07 23:58:31.624 3 RasSrv.cxx(2164) GK Send to
admissionConfirm {
requestSeqNum = 2592
bandWidth = 1280
callModel = gatekeeperRouted <<null>>
destCallSignalAddress = ipAddress {
ip = 4 octets {
c0 a8 00 02 ....
port = 1721
irrFrequency = 120
willRespondToIRR = FALSE
uuiesRequested = {
setup = FALSE
callProceeding = FALSE
connect = FALSE
alerting = FALSE
information = FALSE
releaseComplete = FALSE
facility = FALSE
progress = FALSE
empty = FALSE
status = FALSE
statusInquiry = FALSE
setupAcknowledge = FALSE
notify = FALSE
2004/04/07 23:58:31.651 3 ProxyThread.cxx(503) ProxyL Connected from
2004/04/07 23:58:31.698 3 ProxyChannel.cxx(417) Q931s Received: Setup CRV=30 from
2004/04/07 23:58:31.798 2 gkacct.cxx(486) GKACCT Successfully logged event 1 for call no. 2
2004/04/07 23:58:31.923 3 ProxyChannel.cxx(1122) GK Call 2 is NAT type 2
2004/04/07 23:58:31.977 3 ProxyChannel.cxx(339) GK Call 2 proxy enabled
2004/04/07 23:58:32.128 2 thread.cxx(28) ProxyConnectThread 976 started
2004/04/07 23:58:32.211 2 ProxyThread.cxx(701) Proxy Create a new ConnectThread, total 1
2004/04/07 23:58:32.307 3 ProxyThread.cxx(647) ProxyH(1) waiting...
2004/04/07 23:58:38.307 3 ProxyChannel.cxx(721) Q931 DIDN'T ACCEPT THE CALL
2004/04/07 23:58:38.483 2 RasTbl.cxx(2065) CDR ignore not connected call
2004/04/07 23:58:38.568 2 RasSrv.cxx(2224) GK Read from
2004/04/07 23:58:38.597 3 RasSrv.cxx(2237) GK
disengageRequest {
requestSeqNum = 2593
endpointIdentifier = 9 characters {
0035 0030 0033 0038 005f 0065 006e 0064 5038_end
0070 p
conferenceID = 16 octets {
88 21 82 bd 88 15 11 d8 80 78 f7 19 f9 dd f0 eb .!.......x......
callReferenceValue = 30
disengageReason = normalDrop <<null>>
callIdentifier = {
guid = 16 octets {
88 22 bb a5 88 15 11 d8 80 7a f7 19 f9 dd f0 eb .".......z......
answeredCall = FALSE
usageInformation = {
nonStandardUsageFields = 1 entries {
nonStandardIdentifier = h221NonStandard {
t35CountryCode = 181
t35Extension = 0
manufacturerCode = 18
data = 2 octets {
48 c0 H.
terminationCause = releaseCompleteReason unreachableDestination <<null>>
2004/04/07 23:58:38.682 2 gkacct.cxx(486) GKACCT Successfully logged event 2 for call no. 2
2004/04/07 23:58:38.684 3 ProxyThread.cxx(79) Q931d Delete socket
2004/04/07 23:58:38.685 1 RasSrv.cxx(1745) GK DRQ Received
2004/04/07 23:58:38.687 2 RasSrv.cxx(1792) DCF||5038_endp|30|normalDrop;

2004/04/07 23:58:38.689 3 RasSrv.cxx(2164) GK Send to
disengageConfirm {
requestSeqNum = 2593
2004/04/07 23:58:54.085 2 RasSrv.cxx(2224) GK Read from
2004/04/07 23:58:54.172 3 RasSrv.cxx(2237) GK
registrationRequest {
requestSeqNum = 2594
protocolIdentifier =
discoveryComplete = FALSE
callSignalAddress = 0 entries {
rasAddress = 1 entries {
[0]=ipAddress {
ip = 4 octets {
50 22 92 d3 P"..
port = 50201
terminalType = {
mc = FALSE
undefinedNode = FALSE
gatekeeperIdentifier = 6 characters {
0067 006b 0068 006f 006d 0065 gkhome
endpointVendor = {
vendor = {
t35CountryCode = 181
t35Extension = 0
manufacturerCode = 18
timeToLive = 60
keepAlive = TRUE
endpointIdentifier = 9 characters {
0035 0030 0033 0038 005f 0065 006e 0064 5038_end
0070 p
willSupplyUUIEs = FALSE
maintainConnection = TRUE
2004/04/07 23:58:54.394 1 RasSrv.cxx(947) GK RRQ Received
2004/04/07 23:58:54.397 3 RasSrv.cxx(2164) GK Send to
registrationConfirm {
requestSeqNum = 2594
protocolIdentifier =
callSignalAddress = 1 entries {
[0]=ipAddress {
ip = 4 octets {
c0 a8 00 02 ....
port = 1721
gatekeeperIdentifier = 6 characters {
0067 006b 0068 006f 006d 0065 gkhome
endpointIdentifier = 9 characters {
0035 0030 0033 0038 005f 0065 006e 0064 5038_end
0070 p
timeToLive = 60
willRespondToIRR = FALSE
maintainConnection = FALSE
2004/04/07 23:59:02.278 2 RasSrv.cxx(2224) GK Read from
2004/04/07 23:59:02.364 3 RasSrv.cxx(2237) GK
registrationRequest {
requestSeqNum = 644
protocolIdentifier =
discoveryComplete = FALSE
callSignalAddress = 0 entries {
rasAddress = 0 entries {
terminalType = {
vendor = {
vendor = {
t35CountryCode = 0
t35Extension = 0
manufacturerCode = 0
productId = 15 octets {
53 4a 4c 61 62 73 ae 20 53 4a 70 68 6f 6e 65 SJLabs. SJphone
versionId = 9 octets {
31 2e 31 30 2e 32 32 30 62 1.10.220b
terminal = {
mc = FALSE
undefinedNode = FALSE
endpointVendor = {
vendor = {
t35CountryCode = 0
t35Extension = 0
manufacturerCode = 0
productId = 15 octets {
53 4a 4c 61 62 73 ae 20 53 4a 70 68 6f 6e 65 SJLabs. SJphone
versionId = 9 octets {
31 2e 31 30 2e 32 32 30 62 1.10.220b
timeToLive = 110
keepAlive = TRUE
endpointIdentifier = 9 characters {
0035 0030 0033 0036 005f 0065 006e 0064 5036_end
0070 p
willSupplyUUIEs = FALSE
maintainConnection = FALSE
2004/04/07 23:59:02.703 1 RasSrv.cxx(947) GK RRQ Received
2004/04/07 23:59:02.705 3 RasSrv.cxx(2164) GK Send to
registrationConfirm {
requestSeqNum = 644
protocolIdentifier =
callSignalAddress = 1 entries {
[0]=ipAddress {
ip = 4 octets {
c0 a8 00 02 ....
port = 1721
gatekeeperIdentifier = 6 characters {
0067 006b 0068 006f 006d 0065 gkhome
endpointIdentifier = 9 characters {
0035 0030 0033 0036 005f 0065 006e 0064 5036_end
0070 p
timeToLive = 110
willRespondToIRR = FALSE
maintainConnection = FALSE
2004/04/07 23:59:16.631 2 RasSrv.cxx(2224) GK Read from
2004/04/07 23:59:16.717 3 RasSrv.cxx(2237) GK
registrationRequest {
requestSeqNum = 416
protocolIdentifier =
discoveryComplete = FALSE
callSignalAddress = 0 entries {
rasAddress = 0 entries {
terminalType = {
vendor = {
vendor = {
t35CountryCode = 0
t35Extension = 0
manufacturerCode = 0
productId = 15 octets {
53 4a 4c 61 62 73 ae 20 53 4a 70 68 6f 6e 65 SJLabs. SJphone
versionId = 9 octets {
31 2e 31 30 2e 32 32 30 64 1.10.220d
terminal = {
mc = FALSE
undefinedNode = FALSE
endpointVendor = {
vendor = {
t35CountryCode = 0
t35Extension = 0
manufacturerCode = 0
productId = 15 octets {
53 4a 4c 61 62 73 ae 20 53 4a 70 68 6f 6e 65 SJLabs. SJphone
versionId = 9 octets {
31 2e 31 30 2e 32 32 30 64 1.10.220d
timeToLive = 100
keepAlive = TRUE
endpointIdentifier = 9 characters {
0035 0030 0033 0037 005f 0065 006e 0064 5037_end
0070 p
willSupplyUUIEs = FALSE
maintainConnection = FALSE
2004/04/07 23:59:16.916 1 RasSrv.cxx(947) GK RRQ Received
2004/04/07 23:59:16.918 3 RasSrv.cxx(2164) GK Send to
registrationConfirm {
requestSeqNum = 416
protocolIdentifier =
callSignalAddress = 1 entries {
[0]=ipAddress {
ip = 4 octets {
c0 a8 00 02 ....
port = 1721
gatekeeperIdentifier = 6 characters {
0067 006b 0068 006f 006d 0065 gkhome
endpointIdentifier = 9 characters {
0035 0030 0033 0037 005f 0065 006e 0064 5037_end
0070 p
timeToLive = 110
willRespondToIRR = FALSE
maintainConnection = FALSE

gatekeeper.ini -------------------------

[Gatekeeper::Main] Fourtytwo=42 Name=gkhome TimeToLive=600

; call signalling (Q.931) routed
; control channel (H.245) routed
; use 1721 as the port of call signalling
; for dual CPUs
; accept calls from neighbor gatekeepers
; don't accept calls from unregistered endpoints
; force to stay in tunneling mode if Tunneling flag is TRUE
; send Release Complete to drop calls
; send Release Complete on receiving DRQ
; accept registration of an endpoint behind an NAT box
; port range for Q.931 channel
; port range for H.245 channel

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