Endpoint not registering prefixes or single dids... How do I force them?

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Here's the scenario...

I can call a route on my CCM that works as such... 
Cisco CallManager -> GnuGK -> Asterisk -> Softphone/Voicemail/Whatever..
That works fine.
My Asterisk box is registering the DID I setup in it.

However my CCM isn't registering any DID's or prefixes.

My question is this.. How do I force a prefix to go to the CCM?

Also, we use redundant CCM's so at times, a different one might be
registered then another.. but it should be accepting the same routes.

How do I setup that?  What sections do I need to lookup in the config?
I've tried lots of times, but to no avail, can I statically assign a
prefix to a CCM gateway, let alone, set them up in a failover manor.


RCF|XXX.XXX.XXX.6:1720|XXXXXXXXXX:dialedDigits|terminal|4761_endp  <---
My asterisk box is registering..
RCF|XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:1720|XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:h323_ID|gateway|4762_endp  <--
My CCM isn't.
Number of Endpoints: 2

Thank you in advance for any advice.

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