Re: Gateway and Gatekeeper

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>3. IP to IP call is possible in 2.2 beta 4 or 2.0.7?
In both.

>I am using radius authentication,whenever I do pc to pc call,it rejects.
You need to modify server you are using to recognize pc to pc calls.

>when I dont use radius..the scenario is GK on public IP  and both ends r behind NAT.....then can they make pc to pc call.??(proxy
is not enabled).GK is in routed mode.
No. Unless NAT is configured to forward approtiate ports and the sofware uses fixed port ranges (or both software endpoints know how
to traverse NAT with GnuGk in proxy mode).

>4. If one is behind NAT and other end point is on public IP,then person on public IP can make call to NAT behind person(same GK is
on public IP with no proxy.)
No. Unless NAT is configured to forward approtiate ports and the sofware uses fixed port ranges (or software endpoint behind NAT
knows how to traverse NAT with GnuGk in proxy mode).

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