1. Gateway does not respond to RAS
messages..Is there any way that I can know status of gateway that it is working
fine..can route call or not.
2. whether gateway is full or not...
3. IP to IP call is possible in 2.2 beta 4 or
I am using radius authentication,whenever I do pc
to pc call,it rejects.
when I dont use radius..the scenario is
GK on public IP and both ends r behind NAT.....then can they make
pc to pc call.??(proxy is not enabled).GK is in routed
4. If one is behind NAT and other end point is on
public IP,then person on public IP can make call to NAT behind person(same GK is
on public IP with no proxy.)
Thanx in advance for yr replies.I really
appreciate if u reply me.
Engr. Rafat Subhan Software Developer Advanced Communications mail: rafat@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MSN: qudrat2210@xxxxxxxxxxx Cell : +92-300-5195822 http://www.beyondphone.com |