Re: Routing question

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> My suggestion:
> make GWRewriteE164
> CheckLRQ
> make RewriteE164
> do other stuff
> In this way, calls (LRQs) coming from neighbor gatekeepers will be 1st
> rewritten by the gk rules and only after that will be checked. Before
> checking routing, we would use also RewriteE164.
> My knowledge is not enought to be able to say, this is the good way or
> it isn't. I'm just curiouse what others think about this...
> Any opinin? A small hack?
> [I don't know where to move Kit->RewriteE164]
> Thanks in advance,
>         Thomas

my view on this is as follows.
i would think that when you define neigobors and you enter the prefixs that 
you want to accept calls from this would be based on a tech prefix for that 
origination customer. so lets say i assign prefix for origination customer of 
222 and another for 333.

termination endpoints will define the tech prefix they want to accept calls 
and this for the most part cant be changed so  i would think.

LRQ comes in,
compare against neighbor prefix, if ok proceed.
apply re-write rules.
select termination GW based on re-written number.
process call.

just my thoughts.

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