Hi The term for what you want is called “ringback” or call progress tones. The following is an
extract from http://www.cisco.com/en/US/products/hw/gatecont/ps514/prod_release_note09186a00801097fe.html#27276 I hope this helps the thing to look out for
the gateway to the public voice network must support passing the Progress Indicators
back to the ATA the is a lot more information on the Cisco
web site. Regards John IP Ringback
The called Cisco ATA 186 now provides IP ringback across the network so it resembles the traditional
Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN). Previously the
Cisco ATA 186 used only local ringback. If
the IP Ringback feature is enabled, a progress
indicator (PI) with progress descriptor #8 (Inband
information or an appropriate pattern) is sent in the H.225 alert message in
response to an H.225 Setup message. Once media-ready status is determined, ringback is generated from the Cisco ATA 186 to
the caller's side. You can now configure the calling
Cisco ATA 186 to decode RTP packets (for example, tones and
announcements) received prior to connection only when a valid PI is received. Configuration
To enable IP Ringback on the
Cisco ATA 186, set the NetworkRingback bit
(bit 19) in the configuration ConnectMode to 1. (ConnectMode =
0x00080000) To enable the Cisco ATA 186 to require a PI
before decoding RTP packets, set bit 6 in the configuration ConnectMode
to 1. (ConnectMode
= 0x00000040) -----Original
Message----- 1. setup gnugk on NAT computer as proxy 2 ATA186 behind NAT registers to Gnugk 3. make a call to a gateway on public IP, if the
callee answers the phone, get two way voice, but no ring before answer. 4 test by openphone , openphone can get ring.( if put
ata186 on a public IP, it can get ring too) are there any solution for ATA 186 to get ring before
answer? Post your free ad now! Yahoo!
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