I'm trying to setup (IMHO) an extremely simple setup and can't get eveything to work just right. I've looked quickly in the archives and was unnable to find the solution to my problems. If I missed it, please don't be afraid to point me towards it.
In a hnutshell, I'm trying to get 2 PC to connect via netmeeting. Theses two PCs are both behind a firewall, thus what I figured is "hey, I'll just install GNUGK on one of them and all should be good", but the setup hasn't been a total success so far. To simplify the setup initially, I have placed one PC behind the firewall (Call it PC A) and the second connected directly to the internet (PC B?).
If I connect from B --> A, it works fine except that I get no video (audio is fine and messaging is too). (Video works fine if I connet PC --> PC on the same LAN)
On the other hand, If I try to connect from A --> B, I receive the call notification, accept it on the other side, and A does not get an acknoledgement back while B simply stands there. Allow me to paste the output from the debug console:
CDR|2|d2 f8 8d 6a 24 2c 82 46 89 aa b6 9a 13 0f 1e e7|6|Sun, 18 Jan 2004 07:24:5
0 -0800|Sun, 18 Jan 2004 07:24:56 -0800||7010_endp|
In this setup, Chris = which is A (the PC behind the firewall), work = (B which is connected directly to the internet)
My setting which is nothing else but a copy/paste of a few configs proposed in the application /etc is a follows:
--- ## ## This example shows how to setup gatekeeper routed mode. ## Modified to add Proxy ##
[Gatekeeper::Main] Fourtytwo=42 TimeToLive=600
[RoutedMode] ; call signalling (Q.931) routed GKRouted=1 ; control channel (H.245) routed H245Routed=1 ; use 1721 as the port of call signalling CallSignalPort=1721 ; for dual CPUs CallSignalHandlerNumber=2 ; accept calls from neighbor gatekeepers AcceptNeighborsCalls=1 ; don't accept calls from unregistered endpoints AcceptUnregisteredCalls=0 ; force to stay in tunneling mode if Tunneling flag is TRUE RemoveH245AddressOnTunneling=1 ; send Release Complete to drop calls DropCallsByReleaseComplete=1 ; send Release Complete on receiving DRQ SendReleaseCompleteOnDRQ=1 ; accept registration of an endpoint behind an NAT box SupportNATedEndpoints=1 ; port range for Q.931 channel Q931PortRange=30000-39999 ; port range for H.245 channel H245PortRange=40000-49999
[Proxy] Enable=1 InternalNetwork= ProxyForNAT=1 ProxyForSameNAT=0
[GkStatus::Auth] rule=allow
# EOF -- by cwhuang ---
Any clue with any of the two problems? The video not displaying one way and the lack of connection the other way?
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