Re: Assertion failure and PermanentEndpoints

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solution to my first problem was simple... I forgot 


Without that my permanent gw01 was rejecting call and without trace I couldn't see this.
But still... why was there assertion? Probably it's only because of debug build - I dunno. But wait... WTF it was no bandwith available - it realy screw all my work - is it openphone fooling or gnugk sending no bandwith available instead security denial..?

> Hello everybody,
> I've been trying to configure two gnugk's, so that one of them behave like a gateway (permanent endpoint of the other gk) and the other be a usual gk. I had no luck...
> Here I put configs for both of them (run on the same machine)
> #gw01 full proxy gk.
> [Gatekeeper::Main]
> Fourtytwo=42
> Name=gw01
> UnicastRasPort=1619
> StatusPort=7005
> UseBroadcastListener=0
> [Endpoint]
> Type=Gateway
> H323ID=gw01
> Prefix=1514
> [RoutedMode]
> GKRouted=1
> H245Routed=1
> CallSignalPort=1720
> [Proxy]
> Enable=1
> ProxyForSameNAT=1
> [GkStatus::Auth]
> rule=allow
> ##
> ##and the other one:
> ##
> #testgk
> [Gatekeeper::Main]
> Fourtytwo=42
> Name=testgk
> #ports are different from previous gw01
> UnicastRasPort=1719
> StatusPort=7000
> UseBroadcastListener=0
> [RoutedMode]
> GKRouted=1
> CallSignalPort=1820
> [GkStatus::Auth]
> rule=allow
> [Gatekeeper::Auth]
> RadAliasAuth=sufficient;RRQ,ARQ
> [RadAliasAuth]
> Servers=
> SharedSecret=sharedsecret
> [RasSrv::PermanentEndpoints]
> #port is the CallSignalPort of the gw01 - is that right here?
> #I also tried to put ras port of the gw01 here and it also dind't work (of course it didn't ;))
> Now my test description...
> I took two openphone clients - one listened to 1920 port and registred to gw01 with alias 1514555, another 1930 port, registered to gatekeeper testgk with pass and id (authorized by radius OK)
> In status I see that my test gatekeeper has two endpoints registred: first is the gw01 with Prefix 1514 and the other is terminal with h323ID id/pass.
> Now in the endpoint that registered with testgk I dial phone number 1514555 (which I want to be routed to the permanent gw01 with prefix 1514) The gw01 has an endpoint registered with the alias 1514555 that I expect to receive the incoming call... But at this point I always get no bandwith available (in no config I set any bandwith settings... I also tried to put huge values, and set minimal bandwith in both openphones - result is still the same) and then I tried to make a call the following way: in the phone that registered with testgk I entered 1514555 and entered gw01 in the gateway field. At this point my testgk had assetrion failure. This is output:
> OpenH323 Gatekeeper - The GNU Gatekeeper with ID 'testgk' started on
> Gatekeeper(GNU) Version(2.0.7) Ext(pthreads=0,acct=1,radius=1,mysql=0,ldap=0) Bu
> ild(Jan 10 2004, 19:16:00) Sys(2000 i586 v5.1.2600)
> Default IP =
> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
> modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
> as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
> of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
> Disable Bandwidth Management
> PTelnetSocket: SendDo SuppressGoAhead initiated.
> PTelnetSocket: SendWill StatusOption initiated.
> PTelnetSocket: OnWill SuppressGoAhead accepted.
> PTelnetSocket: OnDo StatusOption accepted.
> A ssertion failure!
>     Ordinal4144(0x1b8fec8, 0x1b80000, 0x1292998, 0) + 0x3c
>     TCPProxySocket::Connect(0x1b8fec8, 0x4e0000, 0x1292998, 0x1286050) + 0x97
>     CallSignalSocket::Connect(0x1292998, 0x1b8ff18, 0xcccccccc, 0x1292890) + 0x6
> 3
>     CallSignalSocket::InternalConnectTo(0xcccccccc, 0x1292890, 0x1b8ff2c, 0x44e1
> ee) + 0x40
>     CallSignalSocket::ConnectTo(0x1b8ff34, 0xcccccccc, 0x129bbf8, 0xcccccccc) +
> 0x61
>     ProxyConnectThread::Exec(0x1, 0x129bbf8, 0x1b8ff80, 0x10035eec) + 0x5e
>     MyPThread::Main(0x1b8ff58, 0x1b8ff58, 0x129bbf8, 0x10091284) + 0x28
>     Ordinal1914(0x129bbf8, 0, 0x1, 0x1297ab0) + 0x13c
>     beginthreadex(0x1297ab0, 0, 0x1, 0x1297ab0) + 0x133
>     RegisterWaitForInputIdle(0x1020bee0, 0x1297ab0, 0, 0x6d52c2aa) + 0x43
> <A>bort, <B>reak, <I>gnore? i
> Ignored
> As you can see I have the 2.0.7 version on winXP. It was build from source using shiped config for DebugAcct
> I tried to repeat this call after restarting the gnugk and got the same output... The only thing (which is highly doubtfull) I could suspect to be the reason is that all the pwlib and openh323 are modified by me in some places and there is also no trace available in debug version anymore...
> What's wrong with all that - is there something wrong with my permanentendpoint configurations/test??
> Could anybody post some usefull input for configuring a working emulation of a gateway (gnugk in full proxy)
> Thank you.
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