Dear all list members, This letter is meant to challenge you all. Don't get offended if you don?t like to read what I have to say. Just throw it in your trash can. I am a proud member of the list since some time now in this forum and enjoyed it very much and I learned a lot from EVERYBODIES comments. I see a slight change in the way questions are being answered. It all comes down to 1 or 2 persons who give excellent support and excellent answers out of a list of more than 600 persons. In my opinion the goal of a forum is bypassed when only a selected amount of people answers questions. Than it is not a forum anymore but a support list. My question is; what are the other 598 list members doing with their experiences? Sharing experience is the main goal of this list and typical questions like "I am behind NAT and I have only 1 way audio" and "How many endpoints can gnugk support" and How is proxying affecting the CPU load on my system and what is max amount of proxied users I can have" and how do I setup a good parent child environment" as also " how do I create a good billing application" and "how do I setup a good radius environment" are only some of the repeating issues that where planned to be picked up by some workgroup to be bundled in a readable FAQ. Nothing happened since ... Than of course the fierce discussions between founders and code writers about standardization and above all the irritation with some of the members of this list that was caused by non standard arrogant answers. This product is "open software" and used in some large organizations that of course like to protect their add-ons and pieces of code they wrote. I wonder if this is the right attitude. GnuGK can be a much bigger evolved product if EVERYBODY should try to put a little more effort in answering questions and sharing experiences, delivering ini file samples and code samples to solve particular situations etc.. Etc.. . There are so many unanswered questions and stupid questions simply do not exist. Maybe my mail is not worth reading but I for sure miss the old enthusiasm that once made me a fanatic GnuGK user. Kind regards, Tjapko. --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system ( Version: 6.0.551 / Virus Database: 343 - Release Date: 11/12/2003 ------------------------------------------------------- This email is sponsored by: IBM Linux Tutorials. Become an expert in LINUX or just sharpen your skills. Sign up for IBM's Free Linux Tutorials. Learn everything from the bash shell to sys admin. Click now!Ìk _______________________________________________ List: Archive: Homepage: