Hello Mike, Saturday, November 15, 2003, 6:10:35 PM, you wrote: MMT> Hello All, MMT> I'm trying to authentificate CHAP users via radius with external script. MMT> I use FreeRadius 0.9.2, something like this: MMT> DEFAULT Auth-Type := Accept MMT> Exec-Program-Wait = "/usr/local/voip/bin/auth" MMT> And I have a trouble with CHAP. Earlier I've used XTRadius and it's MMT> worked fine. Can anyone give me an example how to calculate MD5 MMT> digest on PERL for FreeRadius? Maybe there is some nuances? MMT> Best regards, MMT> Mike mike@yes.net.ua I found the different, thanks. If anyone need procedure for checking md5 pass for perl it's bottom (or for newbies, like me); I use freeradius 0.9.2. use Digest::MD5; sub chappassok { my ($given_password,$want_password,$given_chap_challenge) = @_; $given_password =~ s/^0x//; $given_chap_challenge =~ s/^0x//; my $chap_password = pack("H*", $given_password); my $chap_challenge = pack("H*", $given_chap_challenge); my $md5 = new Digest::MD5; $md5->reset; $md5->add(substr($chap_password, 0, 1)); $md5->add($want_password); $md5->add($chap_challenge); my $digest = $md5->digest(); if ($digest ne substr($chap_password, 1)) { return 0; #Bad pass returning 0 } else { return 1; # Pass is OK Returning 1 } } -- Best regards, Mike mailto:mike@yes.net.ua ------------------------------------------------------- This SF. Net email is sponsored by: GoToMyPC GoToMyPC is the fast, easy and secure way to access your computer from any Web browser or wireless device. Click here to Try it Free! https://www.gotomypc.com/tr/OSDN/AW/Q4_2003/t/g22lp?Target=mm/g22lp.tmpl _______________________________________________ List: Openh323gk-users@lists.sourceforge.net Archive: http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?forum_id=8549 Homepage: http://www.gnugk.org/