Hello In this simple scenario we are using a Cisco AS5350 as a pstn gateway registered in the GNUGK and using Radauth and RadAccounting modules, the problem is that when a call originated in some PSTN phone tries to reach another endpoint -6603000- the radacct module shows in the Calling-Station-Id field the value "micpegw01" (the GW Alias) instead of the calling number (199109990), note that the radius "Access-Request" code receives the correct value. It seems to me that the Radacct module is somehow bugged since it's kind of 'concealing' the real Calling-Station-Id replacing it by the GW Alias, how is this normal or what? if the problem lies elsewhere please let me know, I send below my .ini file and cisco config: thanks Rafael Risco Millicom Peru --- (199109990)PSTN-----|AS5350|--->|GNUGK|------>|H323Endpoint|(6603000) | | | |Radiator| | AAA | | mysql | AS53350: GNUGK: H323 EndPoint: Thu Oct 30 12:30:53 2003: DEBUG: Packet dump: *** Received from port 10453 .... Code: Access-Request Identifier: 165 Authentic: ~}<12><10><189><29><241><142>(<149>69<160><179><172><26> Attributes: User-Name = "micpegw01" CHAP-Password = <234><221>sW CHAP-Challenge = 8o<182><221> NAS-IP-Address = NAS-Identifier = "MICPEGK02" NAS-Port-Type = Virtual Service-Type = Login-User Framed-IP-Address = Calling-Station-Id = "199109990" Called-Station-Id = "6603000" cisco-h323-conf-id = "h323-conf-id=2991DE7F C08B11D3 8568DCA1 FE7CCFC4" cisco-h323-call-origin = "h323-call-origin=originate" cisco-h323-call-type = "h323-call-type=VoIP" cisco-h323-gw-id = "h323-gw-id=MICPEGK02" Code: Access-Accept Identifier: 165 Authentic:(<149>69<160><179><172><26> Attributes: Session-Timeout = 9999596 Thu Oct 30 12:30:53 2003: DEBUG: Packet dump: *** Received from port 10221 .... Code: Accounting-Request Identifier: 78 Authentic: G<198><210><15><2><131><213><202><2><169><148><137><247>f<210>Z Attributes: Acct-Status-Type = Start NAS-IP-Address = NAS-Identifier = "MICPEGK02" NAS-Port-Type = Virtual Service-Type = Login-User Acct-Session-Id = "4811002f" User-Name = "micpegw01" Framed-IP-Address = Calling-Station-Id = "micpegw01" Called-Station-Id = "6603000" cisco-h323-gw-id = "h323-gw-id=MICPEGK02" cisco-h323-conf-id = "h323-conf-id=2991DE7F C08B11D3 8568DCA1 FE7CCFC4" cisco-h323-call-origin = "h323-call-origin=proxy" cisco-h323-call-type = "h323-call-type=VoIP" cisco-h323-setup-time = "h323-setup-time=12:30:53.000 PET Thu Oct 30 2003" cisco-h323-remote-address = "h323-remote-address=" Acct-Delay-Time = 0 *** Received from port 10453 .... Code: Access-Request Identifier: 166 Authentic: <31><150><166>^<216><30> Attributes: User-Name = "micpegw01" CHAP-Password = 203><188>-<200>~G<140> CHAP-Challenge = 8o<182><221> NAS-IP-Address = NAS-Identifier = "MICPEGK02" NAS-Port-Type = Virtual Service-Type = Call-Check Framed-IP-Address = Calling-Station-Id = "199109990" Called-Station-Id = "6603000" cisco-h323-conf-id = "h323-conf-id=2991DE7F C08B11D3 8568DCA1 FE7CCFC4" cisco-h323-call-origin = "h323-call-origin=answer" cisco-h323-call-type = "h323-call-type=VoIP" cisco-h323-gw-id = "h323-gw-id=MICPEGK02" Thu Oct 30 12:31:06 2003: DEBUG: Packet dump: *** Received from port 10221 .... Code: Accounting-Request Identifier: 79 Authentic: <10><245>><217><26><218><17> Attributes: Acct-Status-Type = Stop NAS-IP-Address = NAS-Identifier = "MICPEGK02" NAS-Port-Type = Virtual Service-Type = Login-User Acct-Session-Id = "4811002f" User-Name = "micpegw01" Framed-IP-Address = Acct-Session-Time = 4 Calling-Station-Id = "micpegw01" <------ this is the GW H323 Alias Called-Station-Id = "6603000" cisco-h323-gw-id = "h323-gw-id=MICPEGK02" cisco-h323-conf-id = "h323-conf-id=2991DE7F C08B11D3 8568DCA1FE7CCFC4" cisco-h323-call-origin = "h323-call-origin=proxy" cisco-h323-call-type = "h323-call-type=VoIP" cisco-h323-setup-time = "h323-setup-time=12:30:53.000 PET Thu Oct30 2003" cisco-h323-connect-time = "h323-connect-time=12:31:02.000 PET ThuOct 30 2003" cisco-h323-disconnect-time = "h323-disconnect-time=12:31:06.000 PETThu Oct 30 2003" cisco-h323-disconnect-cause = "h323-disconnect-cause=10" cisco-h323-remote-address ="h323-remote-address=" Acct-Delay-Time = 0 --------------------------------------- GNUGK ini File: aaa_micpegk02.ini --------------------------------------------- [Gatekeeper::Main] Fourtytwo=42 Home= TimeToLive=600 TotalBandwidth=10000 Name=MICPEGK02 [RoutedMode] GKRouted=1 H245Routed=0 CallSignalPort=1721 AcceptUnregisteredCalls=1 [GkStatus::Auth] rule=allow #### Auth with H235 Passwd [Gatekeeper::Auth] RadAuth=required;RRQ,ARQ #RadAuth=sufficient;RRQ #RadAuth=optional;ARQ default=allow # Configuration section for RadAuth authenticator module [RadAuth] Servers= LocalInterface= RadiusPortRange=10000-11000 DefaultAuthPort=1645 SharedSecret=****** RequestTimeout=2000 IdCacheTimeout=9000 SocketDeleteTimeout=60000 RequestRetransmissions=2 RoundRobinServers=1 AppendCiscoAttributes=1 IncludeTerminalAliases=1 IncludeEndpointIP=1 ##### Accounting mechanism [Gatekeeper::Acct] RadAcct=required # Configuration section for RadAcct accounting module [RadAcct] Servers= LocalInterface= RadiusPortRange=10000-11000 DefaultAcctPort=1646 SharedSecret=****** RequestTimeout=3500 IdCacheTimeout=9000 SocketDeleteTimeout=60000 RequestRetransmissions=4 RoundRobinServers=1 AppendCiscoAttributes=1 IncludeEndpointIP=1 #FixedUsername= ------------------------------------- Cisco AS5350 Configuration: ------------------------------------- ! controller E1 3/0 framing NO-CRC4 ds0-group 0 timeslots 1-15,17-31 type r2-digital r2-semi-compelled ani cas-custom 0 country venezuela use-defaults description E1-R2_BellSouth ! ! interface FastEthernet0/0 ip address duplex auto speed auto h323-gateway voip interface h323-gateway voip id MICPEGK02 ipaddr 1719 h323-gateway voip h323-id micpegw01 h323-gateway voip tech-prefix 9 h323-gateway voip tech-prefix 1 ! . . . ! voice-port 3/0:0 compand-type a-law ! ! dial-peer cor custom ! ! dial-peer voice 2 pots destination-pattern .T direct-inward-dial port 3/0:0 ! dial-peer voice 3 voip destination-pattern .T session target ras codec g723r63 ! gateway security password 000942654654115F70 level endpoint ! . micpegw01# ----------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- This SF.net email is sponsored by: SF.net Giveback Program. 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