Re: Debian packages for GnuGk 2.0.6

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> Hi, 
> since this is asked so often: 
> Mark Purcell is the Debian maintainer for GnuGk (Thanks!). He is usually very fast to feed 
new versions into the Debian release system. 
> But to ensure interoperability with other Debian packages they must go though a detailed 
testing scenario which usually takes a while before they appear in the various branches. 
> I don't plan to provide other Debian packages. Just wait for the process to work out or use 
the other packages provided. 
i would be interested in maintaining an unofficial debian mirror for gnugk if anyone has the 
interest to create the packages. that way anyone who desired to could add the site to their 
apt.sources list and have package maint. in the current deb backage, 2.0.5, its not clear 
what has been compiled into the binary. i would love a binary that had mysql, and rad auth 
and accountnig. also in the debian unstable archive, it is much quicker to place entries. 
best regards 

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