I have set up a test network ATA186(1) --- gatekeeper --- cisco 3600 IOS 12.2 with H232 Support NAT is enabled | | ATA186(2) Gatekeeper config: GKRouted=1 H245Routed=1 SupportNattedEndpoints=1 If Ata186(2) calls ATA186(1) all is ok If Ata186(1) calls ATA186(2) get Q.931 code2 Any suggestions? Stuart Marsden ------------------------------------------------------- This SF.net email is sponsored by: VM Ware With VMware you can run multiple operating systems on a single machine. WITHOUT REBOOTING! Mix Linux / Windows / Novell virtual machines at the same time. Free trial click here:http://www.vmware.com/wl/offer/358/0 _______________________________________________ List: Openh323gk-users@lists.sourceforge.net Archive: http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?forum_id?49 Homepage: http://www.gnugk.org/