[Openh323gk-users] Calling Party Number Authentication - Walkthru

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Hi List,

Well, I got this working, so I thought I would write a quick "Walkthru" of what
I did to get there.
Others will undoubtly want to do things slightly differently, but I hope this
is useful to other gnugk semi-newbies.
I've masked some of the IPs below, probably unnecessarily, but hey!


Calling Party Number Authentication

1) Setup - This can be done by using RadAliasAuth authentication module in the
gnugk.ini file.
   The setup below not only matches calling party number, but ensures that it
comes from
   a registered Endpoint (in this case a Lucent TNT Gateway). This is
important, as it is very
  easy to fake a Calling-Party-ID if you have full control of an Endpoint
configuration. I have
 gnugk and radius running on the same machine.

2) Edit /etc/gnugk.ini

# For AliasAuth the pattern is defined in [RasSrv::RRQAuth] section.





3) Edit the radius server (in this case cistron) config files. Add an entry for
Calling Party Number that you want to allow from a given gateway.

fnord$ vi users
    testtnt Password = "testtnt", Calling-Station-Id = "99149244"

    testtnt Password = "testtnt", Calling-Station-Id = "99160300"

Note:These entries need a blank line between them. We are not sending back any
each each entry, so the blank line acts as an "end of attibutes" delimiter.

Calling-Station-Id is the original Calling Party Number and is mapped into
from the srcInfo 'token'(?) in the admission request that is sent from the
Endpoint (Gateway)

admissionRequest {
    destinationInfo = 1 entries {
      [0]=dialedDigits "054093681030"
    srcInfo = 1 entries {
      [0]=dialedDigits "99160300"

fnord$ vi clients
# Client Name           Key
#----------------       ----------
#portmaster1.isp.com    testing123
#portmaster2.isp.com    testing123
#proxyradius.isp2.com   TheirKey
localhost               testing123
202.89.x.z            testing123

fnord$ vi naslist
# NAS Name              Short Name      Type
#----------------       ----------      ----
#portmaster1.isp.com    pm1.NY          livingston
#portmaster2.isp.com    pm1.LA          livingston
localhost               local           portslave
202.89.x.z            fnord           portslave

4) To test Authentication, start radius in debug mode.

root@fnord:$ /usr/local/sbin/radiusd -xxxxx
Starting - reading configuration files ...
Ready to process requests.

When 054093681030 is dialled from 99160300, gnugk will pass the following
radius request
to the radius server. The call is authenticated using the Calling-Station-Id in
the users file.
Two records appear, one for the admission, and one for the call setup.

Below is the debug output from the radius server.

radrecv: Packet from host code=1, id=110, length=92
    User-Name = "testtnt"
    Password = "\255\362\340Dt\331\204A\002P\032\364\376p\343I"
    NAS-IP-Address = 202.89.x.z
    NAS-Port-Type = Virtual
    Service-Type = Login-User
    Framed-IP-Address = 202.89.xx.xx
    Calling-Station-Id = "99160300"
    Called-Station-Id = "093681030"
  users: Matched testtnt at line 44
  auth: Local
Sending Ack of id 110 to 202.89.x.z
radrecv: Packet from host 202.89.x.z code=1, id=111, length=92
    User-Name = "testtnt"
    Password = "+\210\271[\244(k\353\033\313\33C\016\312\010"
    NAS-IP-Address = 202.89.x.z
    NAS-Port-Type = Virtual
    Service-Type = Call-Check
    Framed-IP-Address = 202.89.x.z
    Calling-Station-Id = "99160300"
    Called-Station-Id = "093681030"
  users: Matched testtnt at line 44
  auth: Local
Sending Ack of id 111 to 202.89.x.z

5) Authentication successful and call completed! The end.

6) Now all I need is for gnugk.ini to honour "Failed" Radius Authentication
requests such as entries
like this in the 'users' file.

DEFAULT Password = "testtnt"
        Called-Station-Id = 099146000

This 'users' entry has the Calling-Station-Id missing as a required auth field.
099146000 could be our customer services number or an IVR platform.

Hope to see this in 2.0.6 ?!

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