Tom, If you have a prefix defined for a gateway you don't need aliases. If you look at recommendation H.225.0 (RAS protocol) you will see that there are seperate concepts for "prefixes" and "aliases". In GnuGK though these digit strings are put in a common table. When a gateway registers (with RRQ) it should specify the prefix(es) it provides coverage for. Some gateways (or some configurations) may send terminal aliases in the RRQ instead or in addition to prefixes. In any event whether a gateway registered with a "prefix" or a terminal "alias" it is treated equally in GnuGK. If you want all calls to area code 212 to be sent to the gateway H1_GW then you define it as: [RasSrv::GWPrefixes] H1_GW=212 Alternatively you could configure the gateway with this prefix and allow gateways to register with a prefix: [RasSrv::RRQFeatures] AcceptGatewayPrefixes=1 There is no need for a terminal alias in this configuration. The purpose of a terminal alias is to define the end destination. If you had an IP telephone and it had two directory numbers assigned to it it would register with two terminal aliases. These would be the entire directory number (i.e. 2125551234) and would end up in GnuGK's "prefix" table. They aren't really prefixes however they match using the same rules. If you also had a gateway defined as above that gateway would be chosen for all other calls to area code 212. The longer "prefix" (2125551234) would match calls to the IP telephone and that destination would be chosen. -Vance On Mon, Jun 30, 2003 at 01:59:00PM -0400, Tom wrote: } } I've been looking at the manual regarding the [RasSrv::RewriteE164] } section of the configuration file, and after experimenting with it a } bit, I have a question: why does the rewrite take place before the } number is registered with the gatekeeper? Consider the following example: } } I have a gateway, and I define: } [RasSrv::GWPrefixes] } H1_GW=212 } } [RasSrv::RewriteE164] } 212=555212 } } If I define an alias on H1_GW as 2124123232, the gatekeeper registers } the alias as 5552124123232, so as an end user, it would either seem that } I'd have to know about this rewrite rule, or have any calls to } 2124123232 fail. What would make more sense is to rewrite the number } after it's submitted from the endpoint during the call intitiation. Am I } missing something here? } } Another question...and I've hinted at hinted at this before, but still } don't have an answer. I'd like to forward all calls with a given prefix } to a given gateway: } } [RasSrv::GWPrefixes] } H1_GW=222 } } If I configure [RasSrv::ARQFeatures] so that CallRegisteredEndPoints=1, } will this allow me to pass any number starting with 222 to H1_GW without } getting a "user not found" error? } } } Thanks. } } Tom ------------------------------------------------------- This SF.Net email sponsored by: Free pre-built ASP.NET sites including Data Reports, E-commerce, Portals, and Forums are available now. Download today and enter to win an XBOX or Visual Studio .NET.;at.asp_061203_01/01 _______________________________________________ List: Archive: Homepage: