[Openh323gk-users] Help with GNUGK Dying

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> Is any one having problems with GNUGK dying? This only happens if I have 3
> or more T's running or if there are a lot of errors like "No Route To
* Destination" I'm running 2.03 with Red hat 7.3 any help out there?

## 'config is present' indicator. Has to be 42.
# Includes in some RAS-Msgs
# overwritten from command line parameter
## Failover support
#RedirectGK=Calls > 50
## You should never need to change any of the following values.
## They are mainly used for testing or very sophisticated applications.
# [ms], default 1000
# [ms], default 3000





## Prefixes of e164 numbers for gateways.
## Separate list elements by one of " .,\t".
## @see RasTbl::addPrefixes
## This parameters should consider a HUP signal.
# NEC=53
## VOIPCOM waiting for dialing peer
# lon04vcl001.unl=xxxxxx


## On a RRQ the h323-alias is queried from this section.
## If there is an entry the endpint is authenticated against the given

## If there is no entry the default action is performed. The default action
## is to confirm the RRQ, unless the parameter "default=reject" is given.
## Notation:
##   <authrules> :=  empty  |  <authrule> "&" <authrules>
##   <authrule>  := <authtype> ":" <authparams>
##   <authtype>  := "sigaddr" | "sigip"
##   <autparams> := [!&]*
## The notation and meaning of <authparams> depends on <authtype>:
## - sigaddr: extended regular expression that has to match agains the
##     "PrintOn(ostream)" representation of the signal address of the
##     Example: "sigaddr:.*ipAddress .* ip = .* c3 47 e2 a5 .*port = 1720.*"
## - sigip: specialized form of "sigaddr". Write the signalling ip adresse
##     using (commonly used) decimal notation:
##     Example of the above sigaddr: "sigip:"
## This parameters should consider a HUP signal.

#rossi-gt1=sigaddr:.*ipAddress .* ip = .* c3 47 e2 a2 .*port = 1720.*
#rossi-gt2=sigaddr:.*ipAddress .* ip = .* c3 47 e2 a5 .*port = 1720.*

#Cisco 1750 and Snom100 VoIP Phones
## The parameter "rule" may be one of the following:
## - "forbid" disallow any connection (default when no rule us given)
## - "allow" allow any connection
## - "explicit" reads the parameter #"<ip>=<value>"# with ip is the
##   if the peering client. #<value># is resolved with #Toolkit::AsBool#. If
the ip
##   is not listed the param "default" is used.
## - "regex" the #<ip># of the client is matched against the given regular
##   First the ip-rules (like "explicit") are tested. Olny of no such param
##   the regex is tried.
##   Example: "regex=^195\.71\.(129|131)\.[0-9]+$"
rule=explicit | regex
# - 195.71.129.*
# - 195.71.100.*
# - 62.52.26.[1-2][0-9][0-9]
# only used when "rule=explicit"

## Beside other things every number to rewrite has its
## own key/value-line. The implemententation is such that
## all numbers that shell be rewritten have to begin
## with a common prefix given by 'Fastmatch'.
## Doc From the code:
## // Do rewrite to #newE164#. Append the suffix too.
## // old:  01901234999
## //               999 Suffix
## //       0190        Fastmatch
## //       01901234    prefix, Config-Rule: 01901234=0521321
## // new:  0521321999
## The rewrite-numbers function take care of reloads/a HUP signal.

## Only if an e164 number begins with #Fastmatch# the
## the further rewriting is done. Only one #Fastmatch# can be given.
## The GK would send LRQ to its neighbors if the destination of ARQ is
## A neighbor is selected if its prefix match the destination or
## it has prefix '*'.
## Currently only one prefix is supported.
# GKID=ip[:port;prefix;password;dynamic]

#IncludeDestinationInfoInLCF=1 # Uncommented & changed 1 to 0 to pass #
correctly Convergia 03/10/2003 dwf

## In this section you can put endpoints that don't have RAS support
## or that you don't want to be expired. The records will always
## in GK's registration table.
## However, You can still unregister it via status thread.
# ip[:port]=alias,alias,...[;prefix,prefix,...]
# For gateway
# For terminal
#Base Telecom
## Authentication mechanism
## Syntax:
##   authrule=actions
##   <authrule> := SimplePasswordAuth | LDAPPasswordAuth
##                 | AliasAuth | LDAPAliasAuth | ...
##   <actions>  := <control>[;<ras>,<ras>,...]
##   <control>  := optional | required | sufficient
##   <ras>      := GRQ | RRQ | URQ | ARQ | BRQ | DRQ | LRQ | IRQ
## Currently supported modules:
##   SimplePasswordAuth/MySQLAuth/LDAPPasswordAuth
##                       The module checks the tokens or cryptoTokens
##                       fields of RAS message. The tokens should contain
##                       at least generalID and password. For cryptoTokens,
##                       cryptoEPPwdHash tokens hashed by simple MD5 and
##                       nestedcryptoToken tokens hashed by HMAC-SHA1-96
##                       (libssl must be installed!) are supported now.
##                       The ID and password are read from [Password]
##                       / MySQL / LDAP. Support for other backend databases
##                       is easily to add.
##   NeighborPasswordAuth
##                       The module only check LRQs from neighbors. The ID
##                       password are defined in [RasSrv::Neighbors]
##   AliasAuth/
##   LDAPAliasAuth       The IP of an endpoint with given alias should
##                       match a specified pattern. For AliasAuth the
##                       is defined in [RasSrv::RRQAuth] section.
##                       For LDAPAliasAuth the alias (default: mail
##                       and IP (default: voIPIpAddress attribute) must be
##                       in one LDAP entry.
## A rule may results in one of the three codes: ok, fail, pass.
##   ok         The request is authenticated by this module
##   fail       The authentication fails and should be rejected
##   next       The rule cannot determine the request
## There are also three ways to control a rule:
##   optional      If the rule cannot determine the request, it is passed
##                 to next rule.
##   required      The requests should be authenticated by this module,
##                 or it would be rejected. The authenticated request would
##                 then be passwd to next rule.
##   sufficient    If the request is authenticated, it is accepted,
##                 or it would be rejected. That is, the rule determines
##                 the fate of the request. No rule should be put after
##                 a sufficient rule, since it won't take effect.
## You can also configure a rule to check only for some particular RAS
## messages. For example, to configure SimplePasswordAuth as a required
## rule to check RRQ, ARQ and LRQ:
## SimplePasswordAuth=required;RRQ,ARQ,LRQ
> Thanks
> Mike


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