Hi, I am writing to ask for 186 configuration to connect to gnugk. If any parameter special need pay more attention. I run gnugk in my LAN and some endpoint:ATA 182 or netmeeting can successfully work fine with it. But ATA 186 couldn't communicate with gnugk(no any message:GCF/ACF/GRQ...). Even I add ATA 186 as PermanentEndpoints: Though I could see RCF and still couldn't call in and out. Please note:I add gnugk name as ATA 186 GKID, but no use. Does ATA 186 can register into gnugk dynamically??? Please kindly provide me the related ini file. Thanks in advance. ---------------------------------------------- 拥抱浪漫,尝试激情,加入俊男美女的激情交友乐园 http://y.21cn.com 全球华语铃声流行榜 http://sms.21cn.com/ring 购买邮箱,短信、游戏、宽带电影免费享 http://mail.21cn.com/huodong/0304/wlxs 密码保护器,令邮箱更安全 http://mail.21cn.com/bijiao/15.html ???????????????????????甸?X?????兕躇?觎◆璧????????????jw?7? ???y?y???姝悍??介藿贻????????щy姝??兕橱(????????????????????螬zxw?$?????.??????????膦贶y???哝j)Z?b斤撷沪?i?+?忏谚?Z?岫??0螟'???