I tend to agree with Teodor.Cisco's VSA's are broken. They make it very very hard to do pre-paid calling. Everyone says they have a solution, but none of them work really well. They are either overcomplicated or only allow a single call per account number.
Even if RADIUS was made to support dial-up and not voice, now all commercial and
even open source packages support it. So, even if VSA's etc are indeed a problem,
the Cisco VSA's at least tend to become a de-facto standard.
Jeremy McNamara
Consider the situation where you already have a billing system in place for some gateways who support RADIUS and you need to have a central billing system to support your the GNUGK as well.
At this moment, I believe there is no alternative other than RADIUS. It is widely used and accepted.
Best regards, Vlasis.
Teodor Georgiev wrote:
IMHO, Radius is really needed for a GK. Some of the users here claim that Radius should be used only in prepaid (+IVR) VoIP applications. But the situation is the same in all the carriers. You have customers and each of them has paid you a deposit (let say, $800). Your gatekeeper must do realtime billing, so once his (customer's) deposit is topped-up, the GK must put his account 'on-hold'. IMHO, Radius is the best solution here as well, though not all of the VoIP equipment vendors support it. Cisco, Quintum, Voicemaster do. IMHO, all the reputable VoIP equipment companies support Radius.
On Friday 06 June 2003 01:23, VOIP Europe wrote:
<html><div style='background-color:'><DIV> <DIV><FONT size=2> <DIV>Dear sir ,</DIV> <DIV>We are a new carrier.At the beginning we just want to use the GNUGK to route the volums between terminations and we want to konw whether we must need a Radius Server or not.If we must do you know where we can download a free Radius for Windows becaus we use GNUGK windows 2.0.4 version.Thanks a lot.</DIV> <DIV>and another point</DIV> <DIV>in [RoutedMode]section <BR>Q931PortRange=30000-39999<BR>H245PortRange=40000-49999<BR>for our Biz is must be used or not?</DIV> <DIV>Best Regards</DIV> <DIV>Jimmy</DIV></FONT></DIV></DIV></div><br clear=all><hr>Γβ·ΡΟΒΤΨ <a href="http://g.msn.com/8HMRCN/2746??PS=">MSN Explorer</a> </html>
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