Hello. I'm totaly new to GNU Classpath. I'm a student currently working on my graduate therefore I hope you can help me with my question. I'm trying to get RMI run on the Google Android platform. Unfortunately the Java implementation of Android doesn't contain the RMI package. Thus I try to help myself by using GNU Classpath's implementation. I wanted to add an RMI package (including all its dependencies) to my Android Java project. But even though I resolved all the dependencies still errors are left in the sources. I downloaded the 0.98 version and it seems there are 2 problems left: 1. There was a dependency to the gnu.java.Configuration class but all I found was a "Configuration.java.in" file. So I renamed it to "Configuration.java" but there are some unresolved expressions like "boolean INIT_LOAD_LIBRARY = @INIT_LOAD_LIBRARY@;" for example. 2. The class gnu.java.lang.InstrumentationImpl seems to be missing some method-implementations of the interface "Instrumentation". Since I don't know how to solve this, I hope for your reply to help me. Any hints for me how to proceed? Thank you in advance. Regards, Patrick Seiffert