>>> I think three different OpenSource implementations would be the >>> worst case scenario, if Sun makes its Java OpenSource. FWIW, I tend to agree overall. Our experience merging libgcj with classpath was that the merge improved both -- sometimes the libgcj code was better, sometimes the classpath code was better. Parts of the class libraries are platform dependent or worth replacing depending on the VM or can have different implementations with different properties. But, most of the libraries are not like this. In these cases I think the most desirable result is a single implementation. And, there's nothing forcing an all-or-nothing approach; we can do as much or as little makes sense. That said, the details matter; cf the harmony situation. If Sun's terms are acceptable I would consider petitioning the FSF to let us freely merge code back and forth. Whether this will be the case, and whether Sun would be interested in the kind of disruption that this might entail, remains to be seen. Tom