yacy and classpath, an experiment

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I gave http://www.yacy.net/yacy (Peer-to-Peer search engine)
and jamvm + classpath (Free Software java stack)
a spin together.

The good news: I got it to start and at least display one search result
from other peers.

It looks like I have identified three potential problems,
but I cannot say for sure where the defects are:

-> Memory handling does not seem to work similiar, potentially
   jamvm or classpath not restricting memory usage like they should.
-> Provoking an out-of-memory situation to test for available memory
   seems to be a yacy bug to me, triggered by a workaround for
   a Sun jre bug.
-> Multiple handlers in the log configuration

I hope the report, as sparse as it is, is useful.

Please copy me on relevant replies as I am not subscribed to the lists
and please note that I do not know when I can followup up on requests,
as I usually focus on other things.


Managing Director - Owner, www.intevation.net       (Free Software Company)
Germany Coordinator, fsfeurope.org       (Non-Profit Org for Free Software)
www.kolab-konsortium.com   (Email/Groupware Solution, Professional Service)
20060907 bernhard@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Trying yacy_v0.46_20060823_2442.tar.gz
	Package: jamvm
	Architecture: powerpc
	Version: 1.4.3-1

	classpath      0.92-0ber1 (self build from classpath 0.92 release).
	On Debian sid.

unpacked it. Tying to ./startYaCY.sh

	There seems to be a problem with memory conditions, it boggs
	down my machine, eating all virtual memory.

	Trying to inquire:
	./startYACY.sh -p
	gives of the command.

	Running this directly and adding "--verbose:class":
	java --verbose:class -Djava.awt.headless=true -classpath classes:.:lib/commons-collections.jar:lib/commons-pool-1.2.jar:libx/*.jar: yacy

	This shows the problem appears after serverMemory has been loaded.

	Looking into source/de/anomic/server/serverMemory.java
	reveals that there is a hack trying to provoke an outofmemory
	exception. That file has a stand-a-lone test version.

	Building my own variant:
~/hacking/yacy/yacy/source/de/anomic/server$ jikes-classpath serverMemory.java
	~/hacking/yacy/yacy/source$ java de.anomic.server.serverMemory

	Disabling the test, fixing max to 128Mebibyte.
	Now running the standard tests gives strange results.
	I guess there is a bug in the jamvm+classpath version to not
	stop memory usage. 

	Using my new class.
	~/hacking/yacy/yacy/source$ cp de/anomic/server/serverMemory.class  ../classes/de/anomic/server/serverMemory.class

	Now I am stuck with 

	[Loaded (bytecode) de.anomic.server.logging.serverLog from (file:/mobilehome/bernhard/hacking/yacy/yacy/classes/ <no certificates>)]
	STARTUP: Trying to load logging configuration from file /mobilehome/bernhard/hacking/yacy/yacy/DATA/LOG/yacy.logging
	[Loaded (pre-compiled) java.lang.StringBuilder from <no code source>]
	WARNING: error instantiating 'java.util.logging.FileHandler,de.anomic.server.logging.GuiHandler,de.anomic.server.logging.ConsoleOutErrHandler' referenced by handlers, class not found
	[Loaded (pre-compiled) java.lang.StackTraceElement from <no code source>]
	[Loaded (pre-compiled) java.util.logging.LogRecord from <no code source>]

	Trying to add debugging to serverLog.
	It never comes back from 

	Hmmm, shoot in the dark: changed the configuration file
	yacy.logging to have the value
		handlers = java.util.logging.FileHandler

	This probably is a bug in classpath that multiple values do not work.

	Now it starts!!!
	I can set a password and click around. 
	There are things in the log showing that stuff 
	is working to some extend.

	Draws as much cpu time as it can get.
	Got two hangs, where I had to kill the process because no
	response, but this might just be load.

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