Hey all, As some of you know I donated a version of JCVM to the Apache Harmony project under the Apache license called "JC Harmony Edition". BTW, SableVM has been donated too. However, Harmony has its own class library called "classlib" (why so is a different discussion for another thread). So my advice for "JCHEVM" was to start integration by creating a "Classpath adapter", which is a small "shim" layer of Java code that sits between "classlib" (above) and the JVM (below), roughly at the VMFoo layer. It takes any Classpath-compatible JVM and makes it work with "classlib". The goal is that any Classpath-compatible JVM can run with "classlib" instead of Classpath simply by putting the Classpath adapter on the bootclasspath and the classlib libraries on the library path. So why am I bringing this up here? Because although I don't like the fact that there are two whole class libraries out there that people are working on, there is one advantage in terms of testing and debugging: by being able to mix and match JVMs and class libraries, we can get a lot of testing leverage for detecting bugs and incompatibilities. I think this could be an interesting opportunity. So if any Classpath/JVM developers are interested in getting involved, you can SVN check out the evolving "Classpath adapter" via this URL: http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/harmony/enhanced/classlibadapter Of course on the Harmony mailing list is lots more info, etc. Cheers, -Archie P.S. This email is purely informational (i.e., don't blame me if you think Harmony is stupid in the first place). __________________________________________________________________________ Archie Cobbs * CTO, Awarix * http://www.awarix.com