On 3/1/06, theUser BL <theuserbl@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > At > http://builder.classpath.org/dist/ > are two versions: > - GNU Classpath with generics > and > - GNU Classpath without generics First of all, that url isn't the place for getting a supported version of Classpath ;) That just produces nightly builds for testing purposes. Released versions are linked from the project homepage, or you can check out of CVS. > At first I thoughted, that the generics-branch have more files and would be > bigger then the normal version. > > But thats not true. classpath-latest.tar.gz is bigger then > classpath-generics-latest.tar.gz and glibj-latest.zip is bigger then > glibj-generics-latest.zip Basically it works like this: Most work is done on the trunk (the non-generics branch). Work that requires the new compiler features in 1.5 is done directly on the generics branch. Every so often (usually right before a release is to be made) Andrew takes the work done on the trunk and merges it over over to the generics branch. Since a LOT of work has been done since the last release and the merge for the next release hasn't happened yet, the trunk is quite a bit bigger. Once the merge happens, the generics branch will shoot up in size and become slightly bigger than trunk for a little while. > And looking inside the current Changelog of the both *.tar.gz files shows, > that there existing some changes, which are in classpath-latest.tar.gz, but > not in classpath-generics-latest.tar.gz and the other way around. > > So, it shows me, that classpath-latest.tar.gz is NOT a subset of > classpath-generics-latest.tar.gz When a release is made, the trunk tarball is pretty much a strict subset of the generics tarball. That's not the case for the nightly snapshots. > What me more wonder is, that in the cvs at > http://cvs.savannah.gnu.org/viewcvs/?cvsroot=classpath there is no clue > about the two branches. It seems, that there existing only the one there. http://cvs.savannah.gnu.org/viewcvs/classpath/?root=classpath shows the generics branch in the "Select Branch" dropdown at the bottom. > And I don't know, why classpath-latest.tar.gz AND > classpath-generics-latest.tar.gz exists. > Why isn't it possible to have only one package. And that there existing > configure options like > ./configure --with-generics > and > ./configure --without-generis Others have already answered this question but I'd also point out that the snapshots on builder have *already* been built, so even if this were possible, the snapshots on builder would have to have been built with one option or the other, so you'd still need separate tarballs. Stuart. -- http://sab39.dev.netreach.com/