At are two versions: - GNU Classpath with generics and - GNU Classpath without generics At first I thoughted, that the generics-branch have more files and would be bigger then the normal version. But thats not true. classpath-latest.tar.gz is bigger then classpath-generics-latest.tar.gz and is bigger then And looking inside the current Changelog of the both *.tar.gz files shows, that there existing some changes, which are in classpath-latest.tar.gz, but not in classpath-generics-latest.tar.gz and the other way around. So, it shows me, that classpath-latest.tar.gz is NOT a subset of classpath-generics-latest.tar.gz What me more wonder is, that in the cvs at there is no clue about the two branches. It seems, that there existing only the one there. And I don't know, why classpath-latest.tar.gz AND classpath-generics-latest.tar.gz exists. Why isn't it possible to have only one package. And that there existing configure options like ./configure --with-generics and ./configure --without-generis For all other things (which compiler is used, if gjdoc is installed, etc) are also configure-options. Why isn't it possible for generics. Btw: Which JVM can run the generics-branch? JamVM can only run with the, but not with the I was first exposed, that Generics needs only a special compiler (gcjx, ecj). But it seems, that it needs also a special JVM. Which JVM can run the GNU Classpath generics-brach? Greatings theuserbl