I'am a french and perhaps I havn't fully understand this topic, but as
non-developer I only can « take my hat down to the ground » for their
work for all free software on GNU/Linux and *BSD.
Along this thread I finaly have impression to hear my young small
grandaughter (5 years old) when she say she « want » to name a cat is a
dog, because "cat" she don't agree.
I am on Debian «wheezy» (testing) and from month at the time some parts
of gnome3 appears. Debian squeeze (satble one) is always on gnome 2.3x.
I know...It's debian,but!...
Developers have in mind to improve this software and have brainstorming
to lauch the work. You don't love their choices?
1) You, you make a fork.
2) You know other ones that unagree? Whole make a fork.
And never forgot we are here to find or give help, then discuss ideas
but not to fire upon (wo)man themselves.
And, yes I am a very basic user, I don't refine my desktop again and
again to have exactly what I want, so with my old computer I can't use
gnome-shell but now I have my prefered applications in the top bar and
the open windows in the bottom one, what I had whith gnome2. It's enough
for me.
kde I don't love; xfce,lxde,e17... I'll never be able to use them so
easily than gnome2 and gnome3 and I know nothing to development.
Yes gnome3 is'nt perfect (Is my «perfect» the same as yours?), but it is
and nobody force nobody to use it. You are free!
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