Re: One very unhappy Linux user

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Yes, yes, I know that. But I have tried LXDE, XFCE and KDE and why? Because Gnome stops being Gnome.
Let's face it, Gnome was on 75% of all Linux computers and now the developers just force us to choose something else or accept what they have invented.

I just had major neck surgery but I don't like to have  knife on my throat.

When you say: "Linux has always been about finding the right package for you" I can only reply: I had the right package but somebody decided that it had to be stopped. Why kill the goose with the golden eggs? Why destroy what you have build up for so many years? What is the idea behind it? It looks to me they wanted to invent something new just because they wanted to invent something.

No, I say it again: Gnome is going downhill so fast, it is as if they are trying to set a new world record. Well, soon they will make their product for a handful of people who just stick to Gnome whatever it looks like. Can they make a living from those few people? Have they ever thought about that?

On Fri, 2011-11-11 at 18:51 +1030, Daniel Moore wrote:
Please, Gnome != Linux

Gnome is just one option for Linux out of many. Have a look at the alternatives... try some. Linux has always been about finding the right package for you, not about ensuring that the general direction or distribution conforms to your desires.

On 11/11/2011, at 6:46 PM, Jan Mussche wrote:

> I'm happy I am not the only one here complaining about the new Gnome.
> Now it will depend on the developers there what will happen with the future of Gnome and maybe even Linux in general.
> When even the Man himself, Mr. Linux said that Gnome 3 is an unholy mess and developers have their heads in their asses. Doesn't that mean anything?
> If Gnome will not change back to the way it was, at least concerning the interface then it is unusable and we all have to find something else, something that does meet our needs and wishes.
> On Fri, 2011-11-11 at 05:57 -0200, Sergio de Almeida Lenzi wrote:
>> Em Sex, 2011-11-11 às 06:15 +0100, Jan Mussche escreveu:
>>> Hello,
>>> I have joined this mailing list since I feel I have to get in close contact to the people who have taken away all the fun in computing.
>>> After having used Linux with great joy for several years, I am now very disappointed. The new Gnome 3, sorry for my language, stinks.
>>> How can somebody come up with the idea to turn a computer into a smartphone or tablet? What were you thinking?
>>> Gnome 2.32 was flexible, 3.x is not flexible at all. Are you sponsored by Microsoft because it sure looks like it, since Microsoft also tells us how to use a computer.
>> WOW!   another "happy" user that have experienced the "new techology" ?????
>> Man you said it all ...
>>> We are stuck with a top panel nobody wants, because it is useless.
>> Ditto!!!
>>> We are stuck with a way of using the computer nobody wants since it is simply madness.
>> That is why I move all my 120 users to XFCE or LXDE... 
>>> Also you must have seen the many comments of different forums where people complain about the new Gnome and who are starting to use KDE, LXDE and/or XFCE. Is that what you want? Was that the plan, scaring away people? If so then why bother making a new Gnome, you could have better just stopped completely.
>> When ubuntu forced the users to move to unity, they lost users, now linux mint (with the  "old interface") is in the top.
>>> Now Linux distributions are trying their best to make the interface look as much as possible to what it used to be but they are hindered by your way of presenting things, without any flexibility at all.
>> That is why I never leaved FreeBSD... There things changed sloooow, users have time to think about... 
>> Well. any way, gnome team is right,  we are not forced to use gnome3.. 
>> According to Darwin's law the best fit will survive.  Microsoft learn the lesson: droped vista.   Apple also learn:keep the interface of OSX.  build a new interface for a new product (tablet, iphone)... Gnome and Kde will learn. 
>> If I want to use an interface like a tablet, I would use a tablet.. 
>>> If you want people to keep using Gnome you simply have to change back to what Gnome was. 
>> OR provide the gnome shell as an option, keeping the "old"  interface the way it was... 
>> "compatible"  mode is missing a lot of features. at least give us the "old panel" 
>>> If not you will see a large decrease of people hanging on to it and I can not say it in a different way: this is what you deserve.
>>> One very unhappy Linux user.
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