If it's replica 2, you can loose up to 1 replica per distribution group.
For example, if you have a volume TEST with such setup:
You can loose any brick of the replica "/brick1" and any brick in the replica "/brick2". So if you loose server1:/brick1 and server2:/brick2 -> no data loss will be experienced.
As usual, consider if you can add an arbiter for your volumes.
Best Regards,
Strahil Nikolov
You can loose any brick of the replica "/brick1" and any brick in the replica "/brick2". So if you loose server1:/brick1 and server2:/brick2 -> no data loss will be experienced.
As usual, consider if you can add an arbiter for your volumes.
Best Regards,
Strahil Nikolov
В събота, 19 октомври 2024 г. в 18:32:40 ч. Гринуич+3, Gilberto Ferreira <gilberto.nunes32@xxxxxxxxx> написа:
Hi there.
I have 2 servers with this number of disks in each side:
pve01:~# df | grep disco
/dev/sdd 1.0T 9.4G 1015G 1% /disco1TB-0
/dev/sdh 1.0T 9.3G 1015G 1% /disco1TB-3
/dev/sde 1.0T 9.5G 1015G 1% /disco1TB-1
/dev/sdf 1.0T 9.4G 1015G 1% /disco1TB-2
/dev/sdg 2.0T 19G 2.0T 1% /disco2TB-1
/dev/sdc 2.0T 19G 2.0T 1% /disco2TB-0
/dev/sdj 1.0T 9.2G 1015G 1% /disco1TB-4
/dev/sdd 1.0T 9.4G 1015G 1% /disco1TB-0
/dev/sdh 1.0T 9.3G 1015G 1% /disco1TB-3
/dev/sde 1.0T 9.5G 1015G 1% /disco1TB-1
/dev/sdf 1.0T 9.4G 1015G 1% /disco1TB-2
/dev/sdg 2.0T 19G 2.0T 1% /disco2TB-1
/dev/sdc 2.0T 19G 2.0T 1% /disco2TB-0
/dev/sdj 1.0T 9.2G 1015G 1% /disco1TB-4
I have a Type: Distributed-Replicate gluster
So my question is: how much disk can be in fail state after losing data or something?
Thanks in advance
Gilberto Nunes Ferreira
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