Hi guys
A client node who got shot in the head left some files which
glusterFS does not seem to be able to heal.
Client had vol mounted off ganesha NFS.
Bits from 'glustershd.log' :
[2022-07-16 12:04:47.013045 +0000] E [MSGID: 114031]
3-USER-HOME-client-1: remote operation failed.
[{path=(null)}, {errno=22}, {error=Invalid argument}]
Starting time of crawl: Sat Jul 16 12:41:47 2022
Crawl is in progress
Type of crawl: FULL
No. of entries healed: 0
No. of entries in split-brain: 0
No. of heal failed entries: 21
It's only these specific files. Since then if any healing on
other files is required then that seems to heal ok.
This is 3-node cluster and all nodes were rebooted just for
the sake of argument.
And from FS point of view:
-> $ rm -fr /home.ccnr/be1/.local/share/rstudio/pcs
rm: cannot remove '/home.ccnr/be1/.local/share/rstudio/pcs':
Transport endpoint is not connected
any & all suggestions on how to troubles & fix it are much
many thanks, L.
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