Can't mount particular brick even though the brick port is reachable, error message "Transport endpoint is not connected"

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Hello everyone,
I'm running an oVirt cluster on top of a distributed-replicate gluster volume and one of the bricks cannot be mounted anymore from my oVirt hosts. This morning I also noticed a stack trace and a spike in TCP connections on one of the three gluster nodes (storage2), which I have attached at the end of this mail. Only this particular brick on storage2 seems to be causing trouble:
Brick storage2:/data/glusterfs/hdd/brick3/brick
Status: Transport endpoint is not connected
I don't know what's causing this or how to resolve this issue. I would appreciate it if someone could take a look at my logs and point me in the right direction. If any additional logs are required, please let me know. Thank you in advance!
Operating system on all hosts: Centos 7.9.2009
oVirt version:
Gluster versions:
- storage1: 6.10-1
- storage2: 6.7-1
- storage3: 6.7-1
# brick is not connected/mounted on the oVirt hosts
fd.0.remote_fd = -1
------ = ------
granted-posix-lock[0] = owner = 9d673ffe323e25cd, cmd = F_SETLK fl_type = F_RDLCK, fl_start = 100, fl_end = 100, user_flock: l_type = F_RDLCK, l_start = 100, l_len = 1
granted-posix-lock[1] = owner = 9d673ffe323e25cd, cmd = F_SETLK fl_type = F_RDLCK, fl_start = 101, fl_end = 101, user_flock: l_type = F_RDLCK, l_start = 101, l_len = 1
------ = ------
connected = 0
total_bytes_read = 11383136800
ping_timeout = 10
total_bytes_written = 16699851552
ping_msgs_sent = 1
msgs_sent = 2
# mount log from one of the oVirt hosts
# the IP corresponds to my gluster node "storage2"
# the port 49154 corresponds to the brick storage2:/data/glusterfs/hdd/brick3/brick      
[2022-03-24 10:59:28.138178] W [rpc-clnt-ping.c:210:rpc_clnt_ping_cbk] 0-hdd-client-7: socket disconnected
[2022-03-24 10:59:38.142698] I [rpc-clnt.c:2028:rpc_clnt_reconfig] 0-hdd-client-7: changing port to 49154 (from 0)
The message "I [MSGID: 114018] [client.c:2331:client_rpc_notify] 0-hdd-client-7: disconnected from hdd-client-7. Client process will keep trying to connect to glusterd until brick's port is available" repeated 4 times between [2022-03-24 10:58:04.114741] and [2022-03-24 10:59:28.137380]
The message "W [MSGID: 114032] [client-handshake.c:1546:client_dump_version_cbk] 0-hdd-client-7: received RPC status error [Transport endpoint is not connected]" repeated 4 times between [2022-03-24 10:58:04.115169] and [2022-03-24 10:59:28.138052]
[2022-03-24 10:59:49.143217] C [rpc-clnt-ping.c:155:rpc_clnt_ping_timer_expired] 0-hdd-client-7: server has not responded in the last 10 seconds, disconnecting.
[2022-03-24 10:59:49.143838] I [MSGID: 114018] [client.c:2331:client_rpc_notify] 0-hdd-client-7: disconnected from hdd-client-7. Client process will keep trying to connect to glusterd until brick's port is available
[2022-03-24 10:59:49.144540] E [rpc-clnt.c:346:saved_frames_unwind] (--> /lib64/[0x7f6724643adb] (--> /lib64/[0x7f67243ea7e4] (--> /lib64/[0x7f67243ea8fe] (--> /lib64/[0x7f67243eb987] (--> /lib64/[0x7f67243ec518] ))))) 0-hdd-client-7: forced unwinding frame type(GF-DUMP) op(DUMP(1)) called at 2022-03-24 10:59:38.145208 (xid=0x861)
[2022-03-24 10:59:49.144557] W [MSGID: 114032] [client-handshake.c:1546:client_dump_version_cbk] 0-hdd-client-7: received RPC status error [Transport endpoint is not connected]
[2022-03-24 10:59:49.144653] E [rpc-clnt.c:346:saved_frames_unwind] (--> /lib64/[0x7f6724643adb] (--> /lib64/[0x7f67243ea7e4] (--> /lib64/[0x7f67243ea8fe] (--> /lib64/[0x7f67243eb987] (--> /lib64/[0x7f67243ec518] ))))) 0-hdd-client-7: forced unwinding frame type(GF-DUMP) op(NULL(2)) called at 2022-03-24 10:59:38.145218 (xid=0x862)
[2022-03-24 10:59:49.144665] W [rpc-clnt-ping.c:210:rpc_clnt_ping_cbk] 0-hdd-client-7: socket disconnected
# netcat/telnet to the brick's port of storage2 are working
[root@storage1 ~]#  netcat -z -v 49154
Connection to 49154 port [tcp/*] succeeded!
[root@storage3 ~]# netcat -z -v 49154
Connection to 49154 port [tcp/*] succeeded!
[root@ovirthost1 /var/log/glusterfs]#  netcat -z -v 49154
Connection to 49154 port [tcp/*] succeeded!
# gluster peer status - all gluster peers are connected
[root@storage3 ~]#  gluster peer status
Number of Peers: 2
Hostname: storage1
Uuid: 055e79c2-b1ff-4a82-9296-205d6877904e
State: Peer in Cluster (Connected)
Hostname: storage2
Uuid: d7adcb92-2e71-41a9-80d4-13180ee673cf
State: Peer in Cluster (Connected)
# Configuration of the volume
Volume Name: hdd
Type: Distributed-Replicate
Volume ID: 1b47c2f8-5024-4b85-aa7f-a3f767bb076c
Status: Started
Snapshot Count: 0
Number of Bricks: 4 x 3 = 12
Transport-type: tcp
Brick1: storage1:/data/glusterfs/hdd/brick1/brick
Brick2: storage2:/data/glusterfs/hdd/brick1/brick
Brick3: storage3:/data/glusterfs/hdd/brick1/brick
Brick4: storage1:/data/glusterfs/hdd/brick2/brick
Brick5: storage2:/data/glusterfs/hdd/brick2/brick
Brick6: storage3:/data/glusterfs/hdd/brick2/brick
Brick7: storage1:/data/glusterfs/hdd/brick3/brick
Brick8: storage2:/data/glusterfs/hdd/brick3/brick
Brick9: storage3:/data/glusterfs/hdd/brick3/brick
Brick10: storage1:/data/glusterfs/hdd/brick4/brick
Brick11: storage2:/data/glusterfs/hdd/brick4/brick
Brick12: storage3:/data/glusterfs/hdd/brick4/brick
Options Reconfigured:
storage.owner-gid: 36
storage.owner-uid: 36
server.event-threads: 4
client.event-threads: 4
cluster.choose-local: off
user.cifs: off
features.shard: on
cluster.shd-wait-qlength: 10000
cluster.shd-max-threads: 8
cluster.locking-scheme: granular full
cluster.server-quorum-type: server
cluster.eager-lock: enable
network.remote-dio: enable
performance.low-prio-threads: 32 off off
performance.quick-read: off
auth.allow: * 10
cluster.quorum-type: auto
transport.address-family: inet
nfs.disable: on
performance.client-io-threads: on
# gluster volume status. The brick running on port 49154 is supposedly online
Status of volume: hdd
Gluster process                             TCP Port  RDMA Port  Online  Pid
Brick storage1:/data/gluste
rfs/hdd/brick1/brick                        49158     0          Y       9142
Brick storage2:/data/gluste
rfs/hdd/brick1/brick                        49152     0          Y       115896
Brick storage3:/data/gluste
rfs/hdd/brick1/brick                        49158     0          Y       131775
Brick storage1:/data/gluste
rfs/hdd/brick2/brick                        49159     0          Y       9151
Brick storage2:/data/gluste
rfs/hdd/brick2/brick                        49153     0          Y       115904
Brick storage3:/data/gluste
rfs/hdd/brick2/brick                        49159     0          Y       131783
Brick storage1:/data/gluste
rfs/hdd/brick3/brick                        49160     0          Y       9163
Brick storage2:/data/gluste
rfs/hdd/brick3/brick                        49154     0          Y       115913
Brick storage3:/data/gluste
rfs/hdd/brick3/brick                        49160     0          Y       131792
Brick storage1:/data/gluste
rfs/hdd/brick4/brick                        49161     0          Y       9170
Brick storage2:/data/gluste
rfs/hdd/brick4/brick                        49155     0          Y       115923
Brick storage3:/data/gluste
rfs/hdd/brick4/brick                        49161     0          Y       131800
Self-heal Daemon on localhost               N/A       N/A        Y       170468
Self-heal Daemon on storage3               N/A       N/A        Y       132263
Self-heal Daemon on storage1               N/A       N/A        Y       9512
Task Status of Volume hdd
There are no active volume tasks
# gluster volume heal hdd info split-brain. All bricks are connected and showing no entries (0), except for brick3 on storage2
Brick storage2:/data/glusterfs/hdd/brick3/brick
Status: Transport endpoint is not connected
Number of entries in split-brain: -
# gluster volume heal hdd info. Only brick3 seems to be affected and it has lots of entries. brick3 on storage2 is not connected
Brick storage1:/data/glusterfs/hdd/brick3/brick
Status: Connected
Number of entries: 664
Brick storage2:/data/glusterfs/hdd/brick3/brick
Status: Transport endpoint is not connected
Number of entries: -
Brick storage3:/data/glusterfs/hdd/brick3/brick
Status: Connected
Number of entries: 664
# /data/glusterfs/hdd/brick3 on storage2 is running inside of a software RAID
md6 : active raid6 sdac1[6] sdz1[3] sdx1[1] sdad1[7] sdaa1[4] sdy1[2] sdw1[0] sdab1[5] sdae1[8]
      68364119040 blocks super 1.2 level 6, 512k chunk, algorithm 2 [9/9] [UUUUUUUUU]
      [============>........]  check = 64.4% (6290736128/9766302720) finish=3220.5min speed=17985K/sec
      bitmap: 10/73 pages [40KB], 65536KB chunk
# glfsheal-hdd.log on storage2
[2022-03-24 10:15:33.238884] I [MSGID: 114046] [client-handshake.c:1106:client_setvolume_cbk] 0-hdd-client-10: Connected to hdd-client-10, attached to remote volume '/data/glusterfs/hdd/brick4/brick'.
[2022-03-24 10:15:33.238931] I [MSGID: 108002] [afr-common.c:5607:afr_notify] 0-hdd-replicate-3: Client-quorum is met
[2022-03-24 10:15:33.241616] I [MSGID: 114046] [client-handshake.c:1106:client_setvolume_cbk] 0-hdd-client-11: Connected to hdd-client-11, attached to remote volume '/data/glusterfs/hdd/brick4/brick'.
[2022-03-24 10:15:44.078651] C [rpc-clnt-ping.c:155:rpc_clnt_ping_timer_expired] 0-hdd-client-7: server has not responded in the last 10 seconds, disconnecting.
[2022-03-24 10:15:44.078891] I [MSGID: 114018] [client.c:2331:client_rpc_notify] 0-hdd-client-7: disconnected from hdd-client-7. Client process will keep trying to connect to glusterd until brick's port is available
[2022-03-24 10:15:44.079954] E [rpc-clnt.c:346:saved_frames_unwind] (--> /lib64/[0x7fc6c0cadadb] (--> /lib64/[0x7fc6c019f7e4] (--> /lib64/[0x7fc6c019f8fe] (--> /lib64/[0x7fc6c01a0987] (--> /lib64/[0x7fc6c01a1518] ))))) 0-hdd-client-7: forced unwinding frame type(GF-DUMP) op(DUMP(1)) called at 2022-03-24 10:15:33.209640 (xid=0x5)
[2022-03-24 10:15:44.080008] W [MSGID: 114032] [client-handshake.c:1547:client_dump_version_cbk] 0-hdd-client-7: received RPC status error [Transport endpoint is not connected]
[2022-03-24 10:15:44.080526] E [rpc-clnt.c:346:saved_frames_unwind] (--> /lib64/[0x7fc6c0cadadb] (--> /lib64/[0x7fc6c019f7e4] (--> /lib64/[0x7fc6c019f8fe] (--> /lib64/[0x7fc6c01a0987] (--> /lib64/[0x7fc6c01a1518] ))))) 0-hdd-client-7: forced unwinding frame type(GF-DUMP) op(NULL(2)) called at 2022-03-24 10:15:33.209655 (xid=0x6)
[2022-03-24 10:15:44.080574] W [rpc-clnt-ping.c:210:rpc_clnt_ping_cbk] 0-hdd-client-7: socket disconnected
# stack trace on storage2 that happened this morning
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: INFO: task glfs_iotwr000:115974 blocked for more than 120 seconds.
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs" disables this message.
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: glfs_iotwr000   D ffff9b91b8951070     0 115974      1 0x00000080
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: Call Trace:
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffa1b80a29>] schedule+0x29/0x70
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffc05056e1>] _xfs_log_force_lsn+0x2d1/0x310 [xfs]
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffa14db4d0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffc04e5a3d>] xfs_file_fsync+0xfd/0x1c0 [xfs]
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffa167fbf7>] do_fsync+0x67/0xb0
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffa167ff03>] SyS_fdatasync+0x13/0x20
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffa1b8dede>] system_call_fastpath+0x25/0x2a
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: INFO: task glfs_iotwr001:121353 blocked for more than 120 seconds.
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs" disables this message.
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: glfs_iotwr001   D ffff9b9b7d4dac80     0 121353      1 0x00000080
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: Call Trace:
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffa1b80a29>] schedule+0x29/0x70
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffc05056e1>] _xfs_log_force_lsn+0x2d1/0x310 [xfs]
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffa14db4d0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffc04e5a3d>] xfs_file_fsync+0xfd/0x1c0 [xfs]
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffa167fbf7>] do_fsync+0x67/0xb0
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffa167ff03>] SyS_fdatasync+0x13/0x20
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffa1b8dede>] system_call_fastpath+0x25/0x2a
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: INFO: task glfs_iotwr002:121354 blocked for more than 120 seconds.
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs" disables this message.
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: glfs_iotwr002   D ffff9b9b7d75ac80     0 121354      1 0x00000080
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: Call Trace:
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffa1b80a29>] schedule+0x29/0x70
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffc05056e1>] _xfs_log_force_lsn+0x2d1/0x310 [xfs]
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffa14db4d0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffc04e5a3d>] xfs_file_fsync+0xfd/0x1c0 [xfs]
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffa167fbf7>] do_fsync+0x67/0xb0
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffa167ff03>] SyS_fdatasync+0x13/0x20
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffa1b8dede>] system_call_fastpath+0x25/0x2a
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: INFO: task glfs_iotwr003:121355 blocked for more than 120 seconds.
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs" disables this message.
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: glfs_iotwr003   D ffff9b9b7d51ac80     0 121355      1 0x00000080
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: Call Trace:
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffa1b80a29>] schedule+0x29/0x70
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffa1b7e531>] schedule_timeout+0x221/0x2d0
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffa14d77a9>] ? ttwu_do_wakeup+0x19/0xe0
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffa14d78df>] ? ttwu_do_activate+0x6f/0x80
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffa14db210>] ? try_to_wake_up+0x190/0x390
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffa1b80ddd>] wait_for_completion+0xfd/0x140
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffa14db4d0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffa14be9aa>] flush_work+0x10a/0x1b0
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffa14bb6c0>] ? move_linked_works+0x90/0x90
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffc05070ba>] xlog_cil_force_lsn+0x8a/0x210 [xfs]
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffc0505484>] _xfs_log_force_lsn+0x74/0x310 [xfs]
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffa15bcb1f>] ? filemap_fdatawait_range+0x1f/0x30
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffa1b7fd22>] ? down_read+0x12/0x40
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffc04e5a3d>] xfs_file_fsync+0xfd/0x1c0 [xfs]
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffa167fbf7>] do_fsync+0x67/0xb0
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffa167ff03>] SyS_fdatasync+0x13/0x20
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffa1b8dede>] system_call_fastpath+0x25/0x2a
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: INFO: task glfs_iotwr004:121356 blocked for more than 120 seconds.
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs" disables this message.
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: glfs_iotwr004   D ffff9b9b7d75ac80     0 121356      1 0x00000080
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: Call Trace:
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffa1b80a29>] schedule+0x29/0x70
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffa1b7e531>] schedule_timeout+0x221/0x2d0
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffa14d77a9>] ? ttwu_do_wakeup+0x19/0xe0
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffa14d78df>] ? ttwu_do_activate+0x6f/0x80
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffa14db210>] ? try_to_wake_up+0x190/0x390
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffa1b80ddd>] wait_for_completion+0xfd/0x140
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffa14db4d0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffa14be9aa>] flush_work+0x10a/0x1b0
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffa14bb6c0>] ? move_linked_works+0x90/0x90
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffc05070ba>] xlog_cil_force_lsn+0x8a/0x210 [xfs]
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffc0505484>] _xfs_log_force_lsn+0x74/0x310 [xfs]
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffa15bcb1f>] ? filemap_fdatawait_range+0x1f/0x30
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffa1b7fd22>] ? down_read+0x12/0x40
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffc04e5a3d>] xfs_file_fsync+0xfd/0x1c0 [xfs]
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffa167fbf7>] do_fsync+0x67/0xb0
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffa167ff03>] SyS_fdatasync+0x13/0x20
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffa1b8dede>] system_call_fastpath+0x25/0x2a
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: INFO: task glfs_iotwr005:153774 blocked for more than 120 seconds.
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs" disables this message.
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: glfs_iotwr005   D ffff9b9b7d61ac80     0 153774      1 0x00000080
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: Call Trace:
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffa1b80a29>] schedule+0x29/0x70
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffa1b7e531>] schedule_timeout+0x221/0x2d0
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffa14d77a9>] ? ttwu_do_wakeup+0x19/0xe0
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffa14d78df>] ? ttwu_do_activate+0x6f/0x80
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffa14db210>] ? try_to_wake_up+0x190/0x390
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffa1b80ddd>] wait_for_completion+0xfd/0x140
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffa14db4d0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffa14be9aa>] flush_work+0x10a/0x1b0
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffa14bb6c0>] ? move_linked_works+0x90/0x90
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffc05070ba>] xlog_cil_force_lsn+0x8a/0x210 [xfs]
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffa167335b>] ? getxattr+0x11b/0x180
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffc0505484>] _xfs_log_force_lsn+0x74/0x310 [xfs]
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffa1b7fd22>] ? down_read+0x12/0x40
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffc04e5a3d>] xfs_file_fsync+0xfd/0x1c0 [xfs]
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffa167fbf7>] do_fsync+0x67/0xb0
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffa167ff03>] SyS_fdatasync+0x13/0x20
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffa1b8dede>] system_call_fastpath+0x25/0x2a
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: INFO: task glfs_iotwr006:153775 blocked for more than 120 seconds.
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs" disables this message.
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: glfs_iotwr006   D ffff9b9b7d49ac80     0 153775      1 0x00000080
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: Call Trace:
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffa1b80a29>] schedule+0x29/0x70
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffa1b7e531>] schedule_timeout+0x221/0x2d0
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffa14d77a9>] ? ttwu_do_wakeup+0x19/0xe0
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffa14d78df>] ? ttwu_do_activate+0x6f/0x80
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffa14db210>] ? try_to_wake_up+0x190/0x390
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffa1b80ddd>] wait_for_completion+0xfd/0x140
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffa14db4d0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffa14be9aa>] flush_work+0x10a/0x1b0
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffa14bb6c0>] ? move_linked_works+0x90/0x90
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffc05070ba>] xlog_cil_force_lsn+0x8a/0x210 [xfs]
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffa167335b>] ? getxattr+0x11b/0x180
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffc0505484>] _xfs_log_force_lsn+0x74/0x310 [xfs]
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffa1b7fd22>] ? down_read+0x12/0x40
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffc04e5a3d>] xfs_file_fsync+0xfd/0x1c0 [xfs]
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffa167fbf7>] do_fsync+0x67/0xb0
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffa167ff03>] SyS_fdatasync+0x13/0x20
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffa1b8dede>] system_call_fastpath+0x25/0x2a
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: INFO: task glfs_iotwr007:153776 blocked for more than 120 seconds.
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs" disables this message.
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: glfs_iotwr007   D ffff9b9958c962a0     0 153776      1 0x00000080
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: Call Trace:
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffa1b80a29>] schedule+0x29/0x70
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffa1b7e531>] schedule_timeout+0x221/0x2d0
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffa14d7782>] ? check_preempt_curr+0x92/0xa0
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffa14d77a9>] ? ttwu_do_wakeup+0x19/0xe0
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffa14db210>] ? try_to_wake_up+0x190/0x390
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffa1b80ddd>] wait_for_completion+0xfd/0x140
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffa14db4d0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffa14be9aa>] flush_work+0x10a/0x1b0
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffa14bb6c0>] ? move_linked_works+0x90/0x90
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffc05070ba>] xlog_cil_force_lsn+0x8a/0x210 [xfs]
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffa167335b>] ? getxattr+0x11b/0x180
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffc0505484>] _xfs_log_force_lsn+0x74/0x310 [xfs]
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffa1b7fd22>] ? down_read+0x12/0x40
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffc04e5a3d>] xfs_file_fsync+0xfd/0x1c0 [xfs]
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffa167fbf7>] do_fsync+0x67/0xb0
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffa167ff03>] SyS_fdatasync+0x13/0x20
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffa1b8dede>] system_call_fastpath+0x25/0x2a
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: INFO: task glfs_iotwr008:153777 blocked for more than 120 seconds.
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs" disables this message.
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: glfs_iotwr008   D ffff9b9b7d61ac80     0 153777      1 0x00000080
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: Call Trace:
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffa1b80a29>] schedule+0x29/0x70
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffc05056e1>] _xfs_log_force_lsn+0x2d1/0x310 [xfs]
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffa14db4d0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffc04e5a3d>] xfs_file_fsync+0xfd/0x1c0 [xfs]
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffa167fbf7>] do_fsync+0x67/0xb0
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffa167ff03>] SyS_fdatasync+0x13/0x20
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffa1b8dede>] system_call_fastpath+0x25/0x2a
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: INFO: task glfs_iotwr009:153778 blocked for more than 120 seconds.
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs" disables this message.
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: glfs_iotwr009   D ffff9b9958c920e0     0 153778      1 0x00000080
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: Call Trace:
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffa1b80a29>] schedule+0x29/0x70
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffc05056e1>] _xfs_log_force_lsn+0x2d1/0x310 [xfs]
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffa14db4d0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffc04e5a3d>] xfs_file_fsync+0xfd/0x1c0 [xfs]
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffa167fbf7>] do_fsync+0x67/0xb0
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffa167ff03>] SyS_fdatasync+0x13/0x20
Mar 24 06:24:06 storage2 kernel: [<ffffffffa1b8dede>] system_call_fastpath+0x25/0x2a

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