I am continuing on a thread from March last year; please see the background in those previous postings. I am having the same problem again, but now I found the cause and the way to fix it. It looks to me like a bug, though I can't be sure. I have a live mail spool on a replica 3 volume. It has a standard IMAP directory structure in the form /volume_mountpoint/username/Maildir/{new,cur,tmp} . It is important to know that the {new,cur,tmp} directories are automatically created by the mail server if they do not already exist. New unseen mail is placed in new and is automatically moved to cur when an IMAP client sees it. I got again some entries that simply won't heal. Same "errno 22" in the logs as last time. All these unhealable entries are directories. I compared the directories and their contents with ls -ld /path/to/dir and ls -l /path/to/dir on the mounts of all three bricks. All the directories and their contents were identical. So I tried moving one of the unhealable directories off the gluster replica, thinking I would then move it back on again. What happened surprised me greatly (shortened output without uid:gid here): # ls -l /mnt/vmail/username/Maildir/new total 274 -rw------- 1 10050 Mar 4 08:45 1646383528.M178705P59709V000000000000002EI82CC032CE98F87ED_1.node03.nettheatre.org,S=10050 -rw------- 1 183700 Mar 4 09:26 1646385969.M991789P60955V000000000000002EI9EB5A06448629596_1.node03.nettheatre.org,S=183700 -rw------- 1 6062 Mar 4 09:52 1646387533.M495363P61757V000000000000002EIB73C97A7F4E5E243_1.node03.nettheatre.org,S=6062 -rw------- 1 15646 Mar 4 10:20 1646389259.M17459P62633V000000000000002EI97FFAE35F02DDCC8_1.node03.nettheatre.org,S=15646 -rw------- 1 9254 Mar 4 10:56 1646391406.M98944P63701V000000000000002EIBE0BA94C5363CF98_1.node03.nettheatre.org,S=9254 -rw------- 1 31719 Mar 4 11:07 1646392073.M104124P64011V000000000000002EI8BEB5A4B698B5F97_1.node03.nettheatre.org,S=31719 -rw------- 1 5782 Mar 4 12:12 1646395962.M316395P65769V000000000000002EIA75B42807A9649D5_1.node03.nettheatre.org,S=5782 -rw------- 1 16061 Mar 4 12:22 1646396577.M41309P66103V000000000000002EIA108E5579AA913E1_1.node03.nettheatre.org,S=16061 # mv /mnt/vmail/username/Maildir/new /root/ # ls -l /mnt/vmail/username/Maildir/new total 72 -rw------- 1 1071 Oct 11 11:23 1633951401.M287288P1545V000000000000FD00I000000000164106D_1.node01.nettheatre.org,S=1071 -rw------- 1 3569 Oct 11 11:24 1633951466.M405994P1571V000000000000FD00I000000000164106E_1.node01.nettheatre.org,S=3569 -rw------- 1 2521 Oct 11 11:51 1633953065.M213650P2762V000000000000FD00I000000000164108A_1.node01.nettheatre.org,S=2521 -rw------- 1 8674 Oct 11 12:16 1633954562.M295498P4083V000000000000FD00I0000000001641099_1.node01.nettheatre.org,S=8674 -rw------- 1 8629 Oct 11 12:16 1633954562.M939396P4087V000000000000FD00I000000000164109C_1.node01.nettheatre.org,S=8629 -rw------- 1 9362 Oct 11 12:39 1633955941.M968102P5102V000000000000FD00I000000000164109D_1.node01.nettheatre.org,S=9362 -rw------- 1 12023 Oct 11 13:41 1633959672.M502160P8408V000000000000FD00I000000000164109E_1.node01.nettheatre.org,S=12023 -rw------- 1 12020 Oct 11 14:06 1633961218.M38654P9430V000000000000FD00I00000000016410A1_1.node01.nettheatre.org,S=12020 The above is the exact sequence of commands, nothing skipped. I moved the "new" directory off the brick and underneath it there was another directory with the exact same name and completely different content. This clearly explains why the directory could not heal. This is the same phenomenon that you get if you mount a partition on a mountpoint that already contains files: the contents of the newly mounted partition mask the physical contents of the mountpoint. How could this happen? I can only guess that the directory "new" at some point became unavailable on the brick that the mail server was working on. A mail arrived for the user, so the mail server created a "new" directory again, to which gluster gave a new gfid. End result: two gfids with the exact same /path/name. Of course it can't heal. And quite right, as soon as I moved Maildir/new off the volume, that entry healed. All I had to do then was # mv /root/new/* /mnt/vmail/username/Maildir/new/ to put the newer mail back where the mailserver will (hopefully) see it. These seem relevant: https://access.redhat.com/errata/RHBA-2021:1462 https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1640148 I have cluster.use-anonymous-inode yes The volume in question here was created and populated on glusterfs-server 9.x; not sure about the minor version back then. From September 2021 until now I've been running 9.3. The double-entry error above occurred on or shortly after October 11, so it's certainly on 9.3. While I suspect that this is a bug, I won't open an issue on github (a) because I'm not completely sure it is a bug and (b) because there's a bot running around there closing confirmed bugs that haven't been worked on for a while. Please ask if there's anything you'd like me to test or report. Z ________ Community Meeting Calendar: Schedule - Every 2nd and 4th Tuesday at 14:30 IST / 09:00 UTC Bridge: https://meet.google.com/cpu-eiue-hvk Gluster-users mailing list Gluster-users@xxxxxxxxxxx https://lists.gluster.org/mailman/listinfo/gluster-users