Hello, I think my problem is related with this issue: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1568521 After remove files from client (rm -rf /mountpoint/*), I get many error in gluster mnt log (client side): E [MSGID: 133021] [shard.c:3761:shard_delete_shards] 0-<volume name>-shard: Failed to clean up shards of gfid 4b5afa49-5446-49e2-a7ba-1b4f2ffadb12 [Stale file handle] Files in mountpoint was deleted, but there are no available space after this operation. I did check - there are no files in directory .glusterfs/unlink, but many files are in .shard/.remove_me/ As far as I understand glusterd server process have to check files in .shard/.remove_me/ and if no mapping in .glusterfs/unlink, shards must be removed.. But seems it not working. # glusterd --version glusterfs 8.2 # cat /etc/redhat-release Red Hat Enterprise Linux release 8.3 (Ootpa) gluster volume type: dispersed-distribute (sharding is enabled)
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