I need to use rrdtool on top of a Gluster FUSE mount, rrdtool uses
memory-mapped file IO extensively (I know I can recompile rrdtool with
mmap() disabled, but that is just a workaround). I have three FUSE mount
points on three different servers, on one of them the command "rrdtool
create test.rrd --start 920804400 DS:speed:COUNTER:600:U:U
RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:24" works fine, on the other two servers the command
is killed and Bus error is reported. With every Bus error, following two
lines rise in the mount log:
[2017-07-18 08:30:22.470770] E [MSGID: 108008]
[afr-transaction.c:2629:afr_write_txn_refresh_done] 0-flow-replicate-0:
Failing FALLOCATE on gfid 6a675cdd-2ea1-473f-8765-2a4c935a22ad:
split-brain observed. [Input/output error]
[2017-07-18 08:30:22.470843] W [fuse-bridge.c:1291:fuse_err_cbk]
0-glusterfs-fuse: 56589: FALLOCATE() ERR => -1 (Input/output error)
I'm not sure about current state of mmap() on FUSE and Gluster, but its
strange that it works only on certain mount of the same volume.
version: glusterfs 3.10.3
[root@dc1]# gluster volume info flow
Volume Name: flow
Type: Distributed-Replicate
Volume ID: dc6a9ea0-97ec-471f-b763-1d395ece73e1
Status: Started
Snapshot Count: 0
Number of Bricks: 3 x 2 = 6
Transport-type: tcp
Brick1: dc1.liberouter.org:/data/glusterfs/flow/brick1/safety_dir
Brick2: dc2.liberouter.org:/data/glusterfs/flow/brick2/safety_dir
Brick3: dc2.liberouter.org:/data/glusterfs/flow/brick1/safety_dir
Brick4: dc3.liberouter.org:/data/glusterfs/flow/brick2/safety_dir
Brick5: dc3.liberouter.org:/data/glusterfs/flow/brick1/safety_dir
Brick6: dc1.liberouter.org:/data/glusterfs/flow/brick2/safety_dir
Options Reconfigured:
performance.parallel-readdir: on
performance.client-io-threads: on
cluster.nufa: enable
network.ping-timeout: 10
transport.address-family: inet
nfs.disable: true
[root@dc1]# gluster volume status flow
Status of volume: flow
Gluster process TCP Port RDMA Port Online Pid
Brick dc1.liberouter.org:/data/glusterfs/fl
ow/brick1/safety_dir 49155 0 Y 26441
Brick dc2.liberouter.org:/data/glusterfs/fl
ow/brick2/safety_dir 49155 0 Y 26110
Brick dc2.liberouter.org:/data/glusterfs/fl
ow/brick1/safety_dir 49156 0 Y 26129
Brick dc3.liberouter.org:/data/glusterfs/fl
ow/brick2/safety_dir 49152 0 Y 8703
Brick dc3.liberouter.org:/data/glusterfs/fl
ow/brick1/safety_dir 49153 0 Y 8722
Brick dc1.liberouter.org:/data/glusterfs/fl
ow/brick2/safety_dir 49156 0 Y 26460
Self-heal Daemon on localhost N/A N/A Y 26493
Self-heal Daemon on dc2.liberouter.org N/A N/A Y 26151
Self-heal Daemon on dc3.liberouter.org N/A N/A Y 8744
Task Status of Volume flow
There are no active volume tasks
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