Hello everyone,
first time on the ML so excuse me if I'm not following well
the rules, I'll improve if I get comments.
We got one volume "applicatif" on three nodes (2 and 1
arbiter), each following command was made on node ipvr8.xxx:
# gluster volume info applicatif
Volume Name: applicatif
Type: Replicate
Volume ID: ac222863-9210-4354-9636-2c822b332504
Status: Started
Snapshot Count: 0
Number of Bricks: 1 x (2 + 1) = 3
Transport-type: tcp
Brick1: ipvr7.xxx:/mnt/gluster-applicatif/brick
Brick2: ipvr8.xxx:/mnt/gluster-applicatif/brick
Brick3: ipvr9.xxx:/mnt/gluster-applicatif/brick (arbiter)
Options Reconfigured:
performance.read-ahead: on
performance.cache-size: 1024MB
performance.quick-read: off
performance.stat-prefetch: on
performance.io-cache: off
transport.address-family: inet
performance.readdir-ahead: on
nfs.disable: off
# gluster volume status applicatif
Status of volume: applicatif
Gluster process TCP Port RDMA
Port Online Pid
Brick ipvr7.xxx:/mnt/gluster-applicatif/
brick 49154
0 Y 2814
Brick ipvr8.xxx:/mnt/gluster-applicatif/
brick 49154
0 Y 2672
Brick ipvr9.xxx:/mnt/gluster-applicatif/
brick 49154
0 Y 3424
NFS Server on localhost 2049
0 Y 26530
Self-heal Daemon on localhost N/A
N/A Y 26538
NFS Server on ipvr9.xxx 2049
0 Y 12238
Self-heal Daemon on ipvr9.xxx N/A
N/A Y 12246
NFS Server on ipvr7.xxx 2049
0 Y 2234
Self-heal Daemon on ipvr7.xxx N/A
N/A Y 2243
Task Status of Volume applicatif
There are no active volume tasks
The volume is mounted with autofs (nfs) in /home/applicatif
and one folder is "broken":
l /home/applicatif/services/
ls: cannot access /home/applicatif/services/snooper:
Input/output error
total 16
lrwxrwxrwx 1 applicatif applicatif 9 Apr 6 15:53 config
-> ../config
lrwxrwxrwx 1 applicatif applicatif 7 Apr 6 15:54 .pwd
-> ../.pwd
drwxr-xr-x 3 applicatif applicatif 4096 Apr 12 10:24
d????????? ? ? ? ? ?
drwxr-xr-x 3 applicatif applicatif 4096 Jul 6 02:57
drwxr-xr-x 16 applicatif applicatif 4096 Jul 6 02:58
drwxr-xr-x 4 applicatif applicatif 4096 Jul 4 23:45
I checked wether there was a heal, and it seems so:
# gluster volume heal applicatif statistics heal-count
Gathering count of entries to be healed on volume applicatif
has been successful
Brick ipvr7.xxx:/mnt/gluster-applicatif/brick
Number of entries: 8
Brick ipvr8.xxx:/mnt/gluster-applicatif/brick
Number of entries: 29
Brick ipvr9.xxx:/mnt/gluster-applicatif/brick
Number of entries: 8
But actually in the brick on each server the folder
"snooper" is fine.
I tried rebooting the servers, restarting gluster after
killing every process using it but it's not working.
Has anyone already experienced that ? Any help would be