On 05/01/2017 02:13 PM, Gandalf Corvotempesta wrote:
What is brick-splitting ? Any docs about this ?
In some responses that I made today, the idea may be present.
I searched (for about 3 minutes) to find older references to this
thought, but was not successful. So here goes,
Brick splitting (I think was first proposed by Jeff Darcy) is to create
more bricks out of given storage backends. IOW, instead of using a given
brick as is, create sub-dirs and use them as bricks.
Hence, given 2 local FS end points by the user (say), instead of
creating a 1x2 volume, create a nx2 volume, with n sub-dirs within the
given local FS end points as the bricks themselves.
Hence, this gives us n units to work with than just one, helping with
issues like +1 scaling, among others.
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