I deleted the content of
/root/.ssh/authorized_keys on the slave (ks4)
Then I configured passwordless
authentication from the host (ks16):
ssh-copy-id root@ks4
Also did from the host:
gluster system:: execute
which created a file
in /var/lib/glusterd/geo-replication/common_secret.pem.pub
Then created the geo-replicated volume
gluster volume
geo-replication backupvol ks4::backupvol create
push-pem force
but still getting the same errors in the
log after starting the volume:
23:52:14.900583] I
[monitor(monitor):266:monitor] Monitor:
23:52:14.900752] I
[monitor(monitor):267:monitor] Monitor: starting
gsyncd worker
23:52:14.958520] I
ChangelogAgent: Agent listining...
23:52:15.81407] E
<top>: connection to peer is broken
23:52:15.81645] E
[resource(/gluster/backupvol):226:errlog] Popen:
command "ssh -oPasswordAuthentication=no
-oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -i /var/lib/glusterd/geo-replication/secret.pem
-p 22 -oControlMaster=auto -S
root@ks4 /nonexistent/gsyncd --session-owner
3281242a-ab45-4a0d-99e5-2965b4ac5840 -N --listen
--timeout 120 gluster://localhost:backupvol"
returned with 255, saying:
23:52:15.81733] E
[resource(/gluster/backupvol):230:logerr] Popen:
ssh> key_load_public: invalid format
23:52:15.81804] E
[resource(/gluster/backupvol):230:logerr] Popen:
ssh> Permission denied (publickey,password).
23:52:15.81947] I
<top>: exiting.
23:52:15.82798] I [repce(agent):92:service_loop]
RepceServer: terminating on reaching EOF.
23:52:15.82946] I
[syncdutils(agent):220:finalize] <top>:
23:52:15.82858] I [monitor(monitor):333:monitor]
Monitor: worker(/gluster/backupvol) died before
establishing connection