sorry operating-version is a variable like others, just need to find the good name: op-version:
gluster volume get all cluster.op-version
then to set version (global to all volumes):
gluster volume set all cluster.op-version 30702
2015-07-28 8:03 GMT+02:00 Mathieu Chateau <mathieu.chateau@xxxxxxx>:
Hello,thanks for this guidance, I wasn't aware of!Any doc that describe all settings values ?For example, I can't find documentation for cluster.lookup-optimize2015-07-27 14:58 GMT+02:00 André Bauer <abauer@xxxxxxxxx>:Some more infos:
Am 24.07.2015 um 20:15 schrieb Mathieu Chateau:
> Hello,
> gluster performance are not good with large number of small files.
> Recent version do a better job with them, but not yet what I would enjoy.
> As you are starting at gluster having an existing architecture, you
> should first setup a lab to learn about it Else you will learn the hard way.
> Don't play with turning off nodes, as you may create more issues than solve.
> just my 2cents
> Cordialement,
> Mathieu CHATEAU
> http://www.lotp.fr
> 2015-07-24 19:34 GMT+02:00 John Kennedy <skebi69@xxxxxxxxx
> <mailto:skebi69@xxxxxxxxx>>:
> I am new to Gluster and have not found anything useful from my
> friend Google. I have not dealt with physical hardware in a few
> years (my last few jobs have been VM's and AWS based)
> I inherited a 4 node gluster configuration. There are 2 bricks, one
> is 9TB the other 11TB.
> The 11TB brick has a HUGE number of small files taking up only 1.3TB
> of the brick. For some reason, even a simple ls command can take
> hours to even start listing files. I removed a node by shutting down
> gluster on that node. The change in performance is dramatic. If I
> try and do ls on the 11TB brick on the downed node, I am still
> getting the slow response. I have narrowed the issue down to this
> one node as a result.
> When I start gluster on the bad node, glusterfsd hits over 1000%CPU
> use (The server has dual 8 core CPU's) and the load will jump to
> 25-30 within 5 minutes. As such, I think this is a gluster issue and
> not a hardware issue. I am trying to not reinstall gluster yet.
> Is there something I am missing in my checks or will I need to
> reinstall gluster on that node?
> Thanks,
> John
> John Kennedy (_8(|)
> Sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn't - Pedro Catacora
> Just because nobody disagrees with you doesn't mean you are correct.
> Anatidaephobia is the fear that somehow, somewhere a duck is
> watching you - urbandictionary.com <http://urbandictionary.com>
> The Dunning-Kruger effect occurs when incompetent people not only
> fail to realize their incompetence, but consider themselves much
> more competent than everyone else. Basically - they're too stupid to
> know that they're stupid.
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André Bauer
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