Re: [ovirt-users] Gluster services won't start any more

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Did you upgrade glusterfs on the node?
Looks like there's some problem with your volume file?

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On 03/12/2015 03:57 PM, RASTELLI Alessandro wrote:
tonight - without any apparent reason - the /var/log/gluster directory filled up disk space of one node.
I shut down services, cleaned logs, rebooted but services won't start any more.

glusterd log says:
[2015-03-12 09:08:14.919478] I [MSGID: 100030] [glusterfsd.c:2018:main] 0-/usr/sbin/glusterd: Started running /usr/sbin/glusterd version 3.6.2 (args: /usr/sbin/glusterd --pid-file=/var/run/
[2015-03-12 09:08:14.935111] I [glusterd.c:1214:init] 0-management: Maximum allowed open file descriptors set to 65536
[2015-03-12 09:08:14.935142] I [glusterd.c:1259:init] 0-management: Using /var/lib/glusterd as working directory
[2015-03-12 09:08:14.953202] W [rdma.c:4221:__gf_rdma_ctx_create] 0-rpc-transport/rdma: rdma_cm event channel creation failed (No such device)
[2015-03-12 09:08:14.953221] E [rdma.c:4519:init] Failed to initialize IB Device
[2015-03-12 09:08:14.953229] E [rpc-transport.c:333:rpc_transport_load] 0-rpc-transport: 'rdma' initialization failed
[2015-03-12 09:08:14.953280] W [rpcsvc.c:1524:rpcsvc_transport_create] 0-rpc-service: cannot create listener, initing the transport failed
[2015-03-12 09:08:14.956004] I [glusterd.c:413:glusterd_check_gsync_present] 0-glusterd: geo-replication module not installed in the system
[2015-03-12 09:08:14.958341] I [glusterd-store.c:2063:glusterd_restore_op_version] 0-management: Detected new install. Setting op-version to maximum : 30600
[2015-03-12 09:08:15.166709] E [xlator.c:425:xlator_init] 0-management: Initialization of volume 'management' failed, review your volfile again
[2015-03-12 09:08:15.166729] E [graph.c:322:glusterfs_graph_init] 0-management: initializing translator failed
[2015-03-12 09:08:15.166737] E [graph.c:525:glusterfs_graph_activate] 0-graph: init failed
[2015-03-12 09:08:15.166987] W [glusterfsd.c:1194:cleanup_and_exit] (--> 0-: received signum (0), shutting down

Can you please help?
Thank you

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