I restarted my LAB from scratch, new Glusterfs VM servers.
This time:
I had the same problem with the locale variables.
The creation of the geo-replication did work and I did add the command="/usr/libexec/glusterfs/gsyncd" to the authorized_keys file of the geoaccount user.
but, the existing dir/files on the master volume were not synced, only new ones.
and no, the slave was empty at the beginning of the test.
Le Lundi 15 décembre 2014 7h10, Aravinda <avishwan@xxxxxxxxxx> a écrit :
On 12/14/2014 02:57 AM, wodel youchi
When you get /nonexistent/gsyncd, that means issue with pem keys setup. For security reason while pushing the pem keys to slave, we add command=<COMMAND TO RUN> before key in /root/.ssh/authorized_keys.Hi again,
I had a hard time to configure geo-replication. After creating the session, the start gave me faulty state and I had to deal with it, it was the /nonexistent/gsyncd in /var/lib/glusterd/geo-replication/data1_node3.example_data2/gsyncd.conf to change to /usr/libexec/gluster/gsyncd
For example,
command="/usr/local/libexec/glusterfs/gsyncd" ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAqxqMiZ8dyXUQq0pLVOYpRSsC+aYFn6pbPQZ3LtRPKGYfA63SNoYni fhnM2UR9fnZz3hisBUxIzcVrVux2y3ojI/vPFFi08tVtK8/r9yoqqh3HqlBnotY50H1/1qeco+71U9hy276fUONP64KoOZtme3MwYuoNz 4z1NvCQFcEbXtPfHO5A9P3C+NuMhgNK8N63RSCzZ6dtO+wZygbVJlbPNQxp8Y5E8rbIuzRy6bD/0nmEKc/nqvEYTYgkck ES0Xy92JVxbcwCOnZFNi4rT6+HarDIuFRB835I5ss+QBrT9SM09qmFuQ== root@fedoravm1 If you have any other entry in /root/.ssh/authorized_keys file of slave machine with same key then you will get /nonexistent/gsyncd error. Advantage of having "command" in authorized key is, if any master node is compromised, then they can login to any slave node. But with this command option, logged in user is only limited to use gsyncd or the command specified in authorized_keys.
Does your slave had data before Geo-replication session is created. From the log what I can see is, geo-rep is failing to create a file in slave(may be same file name exists with different GFID(GFID is GlusterFS unique identifier for file))
after that the geo-started, but nothing happened, no file or directory was synced.
the gluster volume geo-replication data1 geoaccount@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx::data2 status
keeps saying: Changelog Crawl
[2014-12-13 21:57:17.129836] W [master(/mnt/srv1/brick1):1005:process] _GMaster: incomplete sync, retrying changelogs: CHANGELOG.1418504186
[2014-12-13 21:57:22.648163] W [master(/mnt/srv1/brick1):294:regjob] _GMaster: Rsync: .gfid/f066ca4a-2d31-4342-bc7e-a37da25b2253 [errcode: 23]
[2014-12-13 21:57:22.648426] W [master(/mnt/srv1/brick1):986:process] _GMaster: changelogs CHANGELOG.1418504186 could not be processed - moving on...
but new files/directories are synced, so I deleted all data on the master cluster and recreated them, and all was synced
but the status command (above) keeps saying Changelog Crawl
On the slave node I have these logs
[2014-12-13 21:11:12.149041] W [client-rpc-fops.c:1210:client3_3_removexattr_cbk] 0-data2-client-0: remote operation failed: No data available
[2014-12-13 21:11:12.149067] W [fuse-bridge.c:1261:fuse_err_cbk] 0-glusterfs-fuse: 3243: REMOVEXATTR() /.gfid/cd26bcc2-9b9f-455a-a2b2-9b6358f24203 => -1 (No data available)
[2014-12-13 21:11:12.516674] W [client-rpc-fops.c:1210:client3_3_removexattr_cbk] 0-data2-client-0: remote operation failed: No data available
[2014-12-13 21:11:12.516705] W [fuse-bridge.c:1261:fuse_err_cbk] 0-glusterfs-fuse: 3325: REMOVEXATTR() /.gfid/e6142b37-2362-4c95-a291-f396a122b014 => -1 (No data available)
[2014-12-13 21:11:12.517577] W [client-rpc-fops.c:1210:client3_3_removexattr_cbk] 0-data2-client-0: remote operation failed: No data available
[2014-12-13 21:11:12.517600] W [fuse-bridge.c:1261:fuse_err_cbk] 0-glusterfs-fuse: 3331: REMOVEXATTR() /.gfid/e6142b37-2362-4c95-a291-f396a122b014 => -1 (No data available)
[2014-12-13 21:57:16.741321] W [syncdutils(slave):480:errno_wrap] <top>: reached maximum retries (['.gfid/ba9c75ef-d4f7-4a6b-923f-82a8c7be4443', 'glusterfs.gfid.newfile', '\x00\x00\x00\x1b\x00\x00\x00\x1bcab3ae81-7b52-4c55-ac33-37814ff374c4\x00\x00\x00\x81\xb0glustercli1.lower-test\x00\x00\x00\x01\xb0\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'])...
[2014-12-13 21:57:22.400269] W [syncdutils(slave):480:errno_wrap] <top>: reached maximum retries (['.gfid/ba9c75ef-d4f7-4a6b-923f-82a8c7be4443', 'glusterfs.gfid.newfile', '\x00\x00\x00\x1b\x00\x00\x00\x1bcab3ae81-7b52-4c55-ac33-37814ff374c4\x00\x00\x00\x81\xb0glustercli1.lower-test\x00\x00\x00\x01\xb0\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'])...
I didn't find what does this mean
Rsync is failing since file is not created in slave, and it is unable to sync.
any idea.
Le Vendredi 12 décembre 2014 19h35, wodel youchi <wodel_doom@xxxxxxxx> a écrit :
Thanks for your reply,
When executing the gverify.sh script I had these errors on slave.log[2014-12-12 18:12:45.423669] I [options.c:1163:xlator_option_init_double] 0-fuse: option attribute-timeout convertion failed value 1.0
[2014-12-12 18:12:45.423689] E [xlator.c:425:xlator_init] 0-fuse: Initialization of volume 'fuse' failed, review your volfile again
I think that the problem is linked to the locale variables, mine were
I changed LC_CTYPE and LC_NUMERIC to C and then executed the gverify.sh script again and it worked, but the gluster vol geo-rep ... failed.
I then changed the /etc/locale.conf file and modified the LANG from fr_FR.UTF-8 to C, rebooted the VM and voila, the geo-replication session was created successfuly.
but I am not sure if my changes won't affect other things.
Le Vendredi 12 décembre 2014 8h30, Kotresh Hiremath Ravishankar <khiremat@xxxxxxxxxx> a écrit :
The setup is failing while doing compatibility test between master and slave cluster.
The gverify.sh script is failing to get master volume details for the same.
Could you run the following and paste the output here?
bash -x /usr/local/libexec/glusterfs/gverify.sh <master-vol-name> root <slave-host-name> <slave-vol-name> <temp-log-file>
If source installed gverify.sh is found in above path where as if rpm install,
it is found in /usr/libexec/glusterfs/gverify.sh
If you are sure the master and slave gluster versions and size is fine, the easy workaround
is to use force.
gluster vol geo-replication <master-vol> <slave-host>::<slave-vol> create push-pem force
Thanks and Regards,
Kotresh H R
----- Original Message -----
From: "wodel youchi" <wodel_doom@xxxxxxxx>
To: gluster-users@xxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Friday, December 12, 2014 3:13:48 AM
Subject: Porblem creating Geo-replication
I am using Centos7x64 updates
GlusterFS 3.6 from http://download.gluster.org/pub/gluster/glusterfs/LATEST/CentOS/epel-7Server/ repository.
No firewall and No Selinux.
I've two nodes with distributed replicated volume: data1
and a third node with a distributed volume: data2
the two volumes have the same size
I've trouble to configure geo-replication to the third node, I've been following the RedHat Storage 3 Admin Guide, but It does not work.
I've created the ssh-passwordless connection between the nodes, and followed these commands
On the master:
# gluster system: : execute gsec_create
Common secret pub file present at /var/lib/glusterd/geo-replication/common_secret.pem.pub
# gluster volume geo-replication data1 node3.example.com::data2 create push-pem
Unable to fetch master volume details. Please check the master cluster and master volume.
geo-replication command failed
from /var/log/glusterfs/etc-glusterfs-glusterd.vol.log I get these error messges
[2014-12-11 21:34:47.152644] E [glusterd-geo-rep.c:2012:glusterd_verify_slave] 0-: Not a valid slave
[2014-12-11 21:34:47.152750] E [glusterd-geo-rep.c:2240:glusterd_op_stage_gsync_create] 0-: node3.example.com::data2 is not a valid slave volume. Error: Unable to fetch master volume details. Please check the master cluster and master volume.
[2014-12-11 21:34:47.152764] E [glusterd-syncop.c:1151:gd_stage_op_phase] 0-management: Staging of operation 'Volume Geo-replication Create' failed on localhost : Unable to fetch master volume details. Please check the master cluster and master volume.
[2014-12-11 21:35:25.559144] E [glusterd-handshake.c:914:gd_validate_mgmt_hndsk_req] 0-management: Rejecting management handshake request from unknown peer
the is the IP address of the 3rd node.
any idea!!.
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