Title: Signature electronique
Hi Paul Robert,
you can do that but its probably not the best idea.
you are better off bonding the interfaces and using one
of the load balancing algorithms instead.
in fact since all of these are TCP you could bond them
and put it in RR (round robin) mode if your switches can
support it. them you would effectively have a 20G full
duplex ling on each one.
the one thing to be careful of is not all switches work
well with RR mode bonds so you need to examine your switches
capabilities first.
The idea is good, with he two Ethernet links will be better used if
they are bonded, the external access are minor. Our switchs can do
Ethernet port bounding. I have to stodythe Ethernet bounding on
Centos now. And it will take less IP adresses.
We have already round robin IP access for the samba access, it's
Thank you.
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