On Wed, Sep 05, 2012 at 08:53:27PM -0700, Eric wrote: > I compiled Gluster by following the very simple directions that were > provided in ./INSTALL: > 1. ./configure > 2. make > 3. make install > FWIW: There doesn't appear to be anything in the Makefile about > readline. $ grep readline configure.ac AC_CHECK_LIB([readline -lcurses],[readline],[RLLIBS="-lreadline -lcurses"]) AC_CHECK_LIB([readline -ltermcap],[readline],[RLLIBS="-lreadline -ltermcap"]) AC_CHECK_LIB([readline -lncurses],[readline],[RLLIBS="-lreadline -lncurses"]) AC_DEFINE(HAVE_READLINE, 1, [readline enabled CLI]) echo "readline : $BUILD_READLINE" That is: the readline library is detected, and the output of ./configure should have reported whether readline was found or not. $ grep readline glusterfs.spec.in BuildRequires: ncurses-devel readline-devel openssl-devel - Add readline and libtermcap dependencies - Update to support readline That is: when you build an RPM package, readline-devel is automatically required as a build-time dependency (was added Tue Jul 19 2011)