We have two networks and I have 4 servers I'm trying to turn into a distributed/replicated Gluster storage cluster. Each of the servers has two addresses, one ethernet, one IB. The externet addresses are and the Infiniband addresses are I login to the first server ("1") which is Let's say the servers are named 1,2,1R and 2R (on the ethernet side), but 1-IB, 2-IB, 1-IB-R and 2-IB-R on he Infiniband side. The Volume is to be mounted by other servers in the IB network by native Gluster clients. so, I login to "1" over the ethernet network and do a peer probe. All looks good from "1" with peer probe and peer status. I probe the peers like this, successfully gluster peer probe 2-ib gluster peer probe 1-ib-r gluster peer prove 2-ib-r Peer status looks right. I issue the following command which fails, of course: gluster volume create gf2 replica 2 transport tcp,rdma \ 1-ib:/mnt/d0-0 1-ib-r:/mnt/d0-0 2-ib:/mnt/d0-0 2-ib-r:/mnt/d0-0