I have an idea I'd like to run past everyone. Every gluster peer would have two NICs - one "public" and the other "private" with different IP subnets. The idea that I am proposing would be to have every gluster peer have all private peer addresses in /etc/hosts, but the public addresses would be in DNS. Clients would use DNS. The goal is to have all peer-to-peer communication (self-heal, rebalance, etc) happen on the private network, leaving all the bandwidth on the public network available for client connections. Will this work on 3.3.1 or newer? If the volume information that gluster clients and servers pass to each other only has hostnames, I would expect it to work. Of course I would have the usual scalability problems associated with relying in part on /etc/hosts, but knowing that in advance, we can take the proper precautions. Side note: the public and private NICs would each actually be a bonded pair and plugged into separate switches for network redundancy. Thanks, Shawn