On Mon, May 9, 2011 at 10:59 AM, Anand Babu Periasamy <ab at gluster.com> wrote: > RAID10 like is simply distributed volume with replica count = 2. I think he's referring to mixing stripe+replicate, which was possible on earlier versions of Gluster (I had rolled this out into production on Gluster 2.X). The current Gluster wiki only demonstrates stripe+distribute and replicate+distribute. My workflow is typically on a low volume of large files (VFX industry), which works very well with gluster's striping. But the downside is that with Gluster 3.2 and the CLI method, there's no obvious way to do a "RAID10" style stripe+replicate. Distribution doesn't help me at all when I've got a single 10TB file that needs to be shared across a cluster of 30+ nodes at once. Due to the large size of the single file, the distribution option is useless. In Gluster 2.X, I would configure this "RAID10" like behaviour statically via config files. With the new "elastic" approach, it seems to have been left out. http://gluster.com/community/documentation/index.php/Gluster_3.2:_Configuring_GlusterFS_Volumes The links from that page offer distributed, stiped, replicated, distributed+striped, distributed+replicated configs. It's clear you're missing the replicated+striped option that was available in Gluster 2.X. Is there any chance we could see it return? -Dan