Rainer, In the current code AFR over AFR will not work for a couple of reasons. Though these fixes are minor, there are ways you can work around in the configuration to achieve a cascaded AFR configuration. I will send out a template soon which might help you test atleast a proof of concept. avati 2008/12/17 Rainer Schwemmer <rainer.schwemmer at cern.ch>: > Hello Vikas, > > I have installed and tested now my setup with 1.4.0rc3. The good nes is > that gluster does not crash anymore on the intermediate level of the > structure. The bad news is that afr doesn't seem to work at all anymore > for me. Even with a reduced setup using only 2 hosts and 2 sub-volumes > for AFR on a local disk on one of the two i can't write anything onto > the volume. When i try to create a file on the exported volume, it will > hang for a few minutes and then return with a "transport endpoint not > connected". Here are the two config and log files.