Re: [Cross-posted] Re: Gentle Reminder.. (Was: GlusterFS Documentation Improvements - An Update)

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On 07/08/2015 07:07 PM, Raghavendra Talur wrote:

Top posting with summary of mails above to enable better

Premise of original mail:

  • Gluster related documentation was spread across
    wiki/website-html/gluster-repo and difficult to find.

  • We want a new place for documentation(preferebly one
    single place)

  • The workflow to contribute should be easy for
    non-developers too.(should definitely not involve
    cloning repo from gerrit and sending patch)

Unanswered questions/ Concerns raised

  • Developer documentation like struct members and
    their uses should be in repo so that developers update
    it along with code changes, else there is a good
    chance docs go outdated.

  • What is the reviewing mechanism for patches against

  • What tool/system gives a good inline commenting
    feature and can be used for discussion?

My suggestions:
  • Differentiate between user doc(installation, administration, feature summary, tools, FAQ/troubleshooting etc) and developer doc(Design doc, developer workflow, coding guidelines etc).
  • User documentation goes to glusterdocs repo and developer documentation stays in gluster repo.
  • An user/admin who installed through packages can do a man(and find man pages) or google(and find readthedocs pages) without going through gerrit/wiki etc.
  • A developer who has cloned gluster repo finds all the development related info in the repo itself(git grep etc) and does not need to go out of the code base.
  • A patch which changes a struct member should change the relevant developer documentation in the same patch set.
  • A patch which changes a user facing behavior should be ideally followed by a PR on glusterdocs repo. (patch owner and feature maintainer to ensure that).
  • Use github's PR for glusterfsdocs and hence use the comments system on github for that.
  • A developer doc change or a new feature proposal should be as patch on gluster repo and we can use gerrit's inline comments for discussion on that.

On 06/23/2015 04:36 PM, Sankarshan Mukhopadhyay wrote:

On Mon, Jun 22, 2015 at 5:24 PM, Shravan Chandrashekar
<schandra@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

We would like to finalize on the documentation contribution workflow by 26th June 2015.
As we have not yet received any comments/suggestion, we will confirm the recommend workflow after 26th June.

Kindly provide your suggestion on how we can improve this workflow.

There are a couple of aspects which need to be quickly looked through.

(a) a write-up of somewhat detail providing an overview of the new
workflow; how contributors can participate; reviewing mechanism for
patches against documentation; merge and release paths/cadence

(b) at <> Niels has a comment
about "about design of structures used in the code" and how he thinks
that it is appropriate if "it stays part of the sources and does not
move out."

He also says "For example, I would like to document some of the memory
layout structures and functions, but this documentation will include
source-code comments and a .txt or .md file with additional details.
Spitting that makes it more difficult to keep in sync."

In this particular example, I'd probably say that it would be better
that such documentation is also part of the docs repo. It lends itself
to re-use as and when required (this particular example seems re-use

I'd request that this switch-over to the new workflow and repositories
go ahead with the absolute "documentation" content. Examples/cases
like the above mentioned by Niels can be resolved via discussion and
probably not block the switch.

Currently, mediawiki is read-only. We have ported most of the documents from mediawiki to the new repository [1].
If you find any document which is not ported, feel free to raise this by opening an issue in [2] or if you would
like to port your documents, send a pull request.


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