This has been really bothering me a bit as our queues are getting bigger and bigger upstream to even get smallest of the patches to get fixed quickly. In these scenarios a decentralized regression testing could be made mandatory? stage-1 tests - runs on the Author's laptop (i.e Linux) - git hook perhaps which runs for each ./ (reports build issues, other apparent compilation problems, segfaults on init etc.) This could comprise of - - 'make -j16, make -j32' for parallel build test - Unittests stage-2 tests - run on the initial review post. - build rpms EL5, EL6, FC20, future - mockbuild - ./tests/basic/* - any others? stage-3 tests - run on the final Verification process. - full blown ./tests/bugs/* Currently if you look at the regression test suite it getting bigger and bigger (our overall time of regression test) completion. Just a though since simple build failures, compilation failure and other really simple bugs - upstream servers shouldn't be used. One can leverage Author's laptop :-) Don't know what you guys think? On Wed, May 7, 2014 at 12:00 PM, Luis Pabon (Code Review) <review@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > Luis Pabon has posted comments on this change. > > Change subject: build: Support for unit tests using Cmockery2 > ...................................................................... > > > Patch Set 6: > > Good point, but unit tests take no more time to compile, and only take 0.55 secs to run all of them (at the moment). Is this really an issue? > > -- > To view, visit > To unsubscribe, visit > > Gerrit-MessageType: comment > Gerrit-Change-Id: I1b36cb1f56fd10916f9bf535e8ad080a3358289f > Gerrit-PatchSet: 6 > Gerrit-Project: glusterfs > Gerrit-Branch: master > Gerrit-Owner: Luis Pabon <lpabon@xxxxxxxxxx> > Gerrit-Reviewer: Gluster Build System <jenkins@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> > Gerrit-Reviewer: Harshavardhana <harsha@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> > Gerrit-Reviewer: Jeff Darcy <jdarcy@xxxxxxxxxx> > Gerrit-Reviewer: Justin Clift <justin@xxxxxxxxxxx> > Gerrit-Reviewer: Kaleb KEITHLEY <kkeithle@xxxxxxxxxx> > Gerrit-Reviewer: Luis Pabon <lpabon@xxxxxxxxxx> > Gerrit-Reviewer: Rajesh Joseph <rjoseph@xxxxxxxxxx> > Gerrit-Reviewer: Ravishankar N <ravishankar@xxxxxxxxxx> > Gerrit-Reviewer: Vijay Bellur <vbellur@xxxxxxxxxx> > Gerrit-HasComments: No -- Religious confuse piety with mere ritual, the virtuous confuse regulation with outcomes _______________________________________________ Gluster-devel mailing list Gluster-devel@xxxxxxxxxxx